Abbas Rana

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Abbas Rana.

Pro-Palestinian student protests on university campuses further complicate electoral calculus for left-of-centre parties, say Liberal MPs

Pro-Palestinian student protests on university campuses further complicate electoral calculus for…

The ongo­ing pro-Pales­tin­ian protests at uni­ver­si­ty cam­pus­es across the coun­try…

If Trudeau stays, he needs one ‘last reboot’ this summer, say Liberal MPs, pollsters, and political insiders

If Trudeau stays, he needs one ‘last reboot’ this summer, say Liberal MPs, pollsters, and political…

With the Lib­er­als 21 points behind in the polls, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will…

Liberal MP Chagger steps down as chair of powerful Procedure and House Affairs Committee

Liberal MP Chagger steps down as chair of powerful Procedure and House Affairs Committee

After head­ing the House of Com­mons’ influ­en­tial Pro­ce­dure and House Affairs…

Ontario Liberal MP Drouin may not run in the next election

Ontario Liberal MP Drouin may not run in the next election

So far, 21 MPs from all par­ties have announced they won’t seek re-elec­tion in the next…

Trudeau tells Grit MPs not to expect any dramatic boost in public support until next year

Trudeau tells Grit MPs not to expect any dramatic boost in public support until next year

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau told Lib­er­al MPs at their most recent nation­al cau­cus…

Freeland’s budget seen as last hope to turn Trudeau’s electoral fortunes around, say politicos

Freeland’s budget seen as last hope to turn Trudeau’s electoral fortunes around, say politicos

The April 16 fed­er­al bud­get appears to be the last hope for turn­ing Prime Min­is­ter…

Liberal MP Hepfner may have to duke it out with NDP MPP Monique Taylor in ‘progressive bellwether’ riding of Hamilton Mountain in 2025, say Liberal and NDP insiders

Liberal MP Hepfner may have to duke it out with NDP MPP Monique Taylor in ‘progressive bellwether’…

Rook­ie Lib­er­al MP Lisa Hep­fn­er, who won her rid­ing by one of the clos­est mar­gins…

Poor polling numbers, NDP MPP’s rumoured candidacy, and Mideast conflict turns Toronto-St. Paul’s, Ont., byelection into tight three-way race, say Liberal MPs

Poor polling numbers, NDP MPP’s rumoured candidacy, and Mideast conflict turns Toronto-St. Paul’s,…

With afford­abil­i­ty issues top of mind for Cana­di­ans, poor nation­al polling…

Liberals lose, Conservatives gain in new riding boundary breakdown of 2021 electoral results

Liberals lose, Conservatives gain in new riding boundary breakdown of 2021 electoral results

If the new rid­ing bound­aries had been in effect in 2021, the Lib­er­als would have won…

Liberal ridings raised more cash in 2022, but Conservatives had $12-million more in the bank

Liberal ridings raised more cash in 2022, but Conservatives had $12-million more in the bank

Lib­er­al rid­ing asso­ci­a­tions across the coun­try raised more mon­ey in 2022 than…

B.C. Liberal MP Dhaliwal’s House motion could set a ‘dangerous precedent’ and cause ‘irreparable damage to Canada-India relations,’ says fellow Liberal Arya

B.C. Liberal MP Dhaliwal’s House motion could set a ‘dangerous precedent’ and cause ‘irreparable…

If the House of Com­mons pass­es Lib­er­al MP Sukh Dhaliwal’s motion enti­tled…

After salary raise, Trudeau will earn $406,200, Poilievre $299,900, and Singh, Blanchet $271,700 each year

After salary raise, Trudeau will earn $406,200, Poilievre $299,900, and Singh, Blanchet $271,700…

With new annu­al salary rais­es com­ing into effect April 1, Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Bucking the national trend, Liberals’ riding associations out-fundraised Conservatives by $2-million in 2022

Bucking the national trend, Liberals’ riding associations out-fundraised Conservatives by…

While Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­als cur­rent­ly trail the…

Only 89 of 156 Liberal MPs have so far been nominated for next election, a year after deadline

Only 89 of 156 Liberal MPs have so far been nominated for next election, a year after deadline

A year after the nom­i­na­tion dead­line has passed for incum­bent Lib­er­al MPs, only 89…

Some Liberal MPs say Durham byelection result a ‘canary in the coal mine’ and ‘high time to re-examine some of our most basic assumptions’

Some Liberal MPs say Durham byelection result a ‘canary in the coal mine’ and ‘high time to…

Fac­ing dis­mal nation­al pub­lic opin­ion num­bers for months, the deci­sive Lib­er­al…

If Conservatives follow their own rules, 32 incumbent MPs including Poilievre, Uppal, and Hallan may have to go through nomination contests: riding redistribution analysis

If Conservatives follow their own rules, 32 incumbent MPs including Poilievre, Uppal, and Hallan…

If the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty fol­lowed its own nom­i­na­tion rules in held rid­ings, 32…

Oliphant’s leaked private conversation could have a ‘chilling effect’ on MP-constituent relations, say some Liberal MPs

Oliphant’s leaked private conversation could have a ‘chilling effect’ on MP-constituent relations,…

The leaked audio record­ing of Lib­er­al MP Rob Oliphant’s pri­vate con­ver­sa­tion with…

Like ‘Tragically Hip song Boots or Hearts,’ Trudeau government getting ‘whipsawed’ every day, leadership change seems to be only option left, say political players

Like ‘Tragically Hip song Boots or Hearts,’ Trudeau government getting ‘whipsawed’ every day,…

With the Lib­er­als get­ting ​“whip­sawed” almost every day with one con­tro­ver­sy after…

In the ‘game of margins,’ gender identity issue could become Trudeau’s ‘Achilles heel’ in next election, say political players

In the ‘game of margins,’ gender identity issue could become Trudeau’s ‘Achilles heel’ in next…

When the move­ment of a few thou­sand votes nation­al­ly could decide the elec­tion…

Former Ontario cabinet minister Parm Gill’s appointment as federal candidate ‘unfair and undemocratic’: grassroots Conservatives

Former Ontario cabinet minister Parm Gill’s appointment as federal candidate ‘unfair and…

In a let­ter sent to the Con­ser­v­a­tive Party’s nation­al coun­cil, some…

B.C. Liberal MP Aldag in talks with B.C. NDP to run provincially in the fall election

B.C. Liberal MP Aldag in talks with B.C. NDP to run provincially in the fall election

Two-term British Colum­bia Lib­er­al MP John Aldag, who rep­re­sents…

New rule: incumbent Tory MPs whose ridings changed 25 per cent or more will have to go through nomination contests

New rule: incumbent Tory MPs whose ridings changed 25 per cent or more will have to go through…

Incum­bent Con­ser­v­a­tive MPs whose rid­ings have changed in pop­u­la­tion by 25 per…

‘Trump takes personal things personally:’ Liberal strategy to compare Poilievre with Trump ‘desperate,’ and a ‘delicate dance’ that could backfire, say political players

‘Trump takes personal things personally:’ Liberal strategy to compare Poilievre with Trump…

Slump­ing in pub­lic sup­port and deal­ing with sec­ond guess­ing from the back­bench in…

Quebec Liberals want Champagne for the provincial leadership—and he’s not ruling it out

Quebec Liberals want Champagne for the provincial leadership—and he’s not ruling it out

François-Philippe Cham­pagne is one of a few Lib­er­al min­is­ters seen as…

‘Bring it on’: Liberal MP Powlowski challenges Poilievre as Conservatives eye Lib, NDP Northern Ontario ridings

‘Bring it on’: Liberal MP Powlowski challenges Poilievre as Conservatives eye Lib, NDP Northern…

Despite his party’s polling fig­ures, two-term North­ern Ontario Lib­er­al MP Mar­cus…

Trudeau cabinet to hear from experts on middle class, Canada-U.S., and housing during pre-Parliament retreat in Montreal

Trudeau cabinet to hear from experts on middle class, Canada-U.S., and housing during…

Against a back­drop of a dou­ble-dig­it deficit in the nation­al pub­lic polls,…

Trudeau’s Jamaica trip ‘tone deaf at multiple levels’ and ‘greatest Christmas gift going’ for Conservatives

Trudeau’s Jamaica trip ‘tone deaf at multiple levels’ and ‘greatest Christmas gift going’ for…

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s lux­u­ry vaca­tion to Jamaica over the win­ter…

As 10 Grit MPs decide not to run again, more expected to bow out ahead of likely ‘most difficult election for Liberals since 2015’

As 10 Grit MPs decide not to run again, more expected to bow out ahead of likely ‘most difficult…

The next elec­tion is not sched­uled until 2025, but so far 14 MPs have decid­ed not to…

‘Liberal MPs are going to do everything they can to win’: Grits trying to get a head start in long-shot Durham, Ont., byelection

‘Liberal MPs are going to do everything they can to win’: Grits trying to get a head start in…

Embold­ened by the sur­prise bet­ter-than-expect­ed Lib­er­al per­for­mance in last…

‘Bad news across the board for Trudeau’: Conservatives would win 217 seats if an election held today, according to new Innovative Research poll

‘Bad news across the board for Trudeau’: Conservatives would win 217 seats if an election held…

If an elec­tion were to hap­pen now, the Con­ser­v­a­tives would win as many as 217…

Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection could be ‘first test’ of Jewish voters’ reaction to Canada’s UN vote on Israel-Hamas war, say political insiders

Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection could be ‘first test’ of Jewish voters’ reaction to Canada’s UN vote…

The yet-to-be-called byelec­tion in Toron­to-St. Paul’s, Ont., could be the ​“first test”…

It could be a ‘bloodbath for the Liberals’ if polls hold up until next election, say political strategists and insiders

It could be a ‘bloodbath for the Liberals’ if polls hold up until next election, say political…

If the Con­ser­v­a­tives main­tain a dou­ble-dig­it mar­gin lead until the next…

Liberals look like a ‘party on autopilot’ headed for ‘a car crash,’ say political players

Liberals look like a ‘party on autopilot’ headed for ‘a car crash,’ say political players

With the Lib­er­al Party’s pub­lic sup­port drop­ping like a stone, polit­i­cal…

Liberal MP McDonald says he’s rebuffed Conservatives’ overtures three times, but won’t rule out crossing the floor or sitting as an Independent

Liberal MP McDonald says he’s rebuffed Conservatives’ overtures three times, but won’t rule out…

The three-term New­found­land and Labrador MP did not meet the March dead­line of…

Liberals 10 points behind in the 34 ridings that helped bring them to power in 2015

Liberals 10 points behind in the 34 ridings that helped bring them to power in 2015

If the next elec­tion were to hap­pen now, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau would lose…

Liberals 10 points behind in the 34 ridings that helped bring them to power in 2015 and have kept Conservatives out ever since, according to a new poll

Liberals 10 points behind in the 34 ridings that helped bring them to power in 2015 and have kept…

If the next elec­tion were to hap­pen now, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau would lose…

Updated: Lagging in the polls, PM Trudeau brings on marketing and branding specialist Valiquette as new executive director of PMO communications

Updated: Lagging in the polls, PM Trudeau brings on marketing and branding specialist Valiquette as…

At a time when the gov­ern­ing Lib­er­als are trail­ing the Con­ser­v­a­tives by…

If polling trends don’t change for Liberals, expect more and louder voices for change in leadership, say political players

If polling trends don’t change for Liberals, expect more and louder voices for change in…

After Prince Edward Island Lib­er­al stal­wart and Sen­a­tor Per­cy Downe start­ed…

With plunging polls and ongoing chatter, Trudeau could finalize future plans by February, says Liberal stalwart and Senator Percy Downe

With plunging polls and ongoing chatter, Trudeau could finalize future plans by February, says…

A sea­soned Lib­er­al who has served in some of the most senior posi­tions in the…

Facing sharp caucus divisions on Hamas-Israel war, Trudeau deals with yet another challenge and a ‘disproportionate effect’ on Liberals, say political insiders

Facing sharp caucus divisions on Hamas-Israel war, Trudeau deals with yet another challenge and a…

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is fac­ing a more vis­i­ble inter­nal par­ty divide…

With plunging polling numbers, chatter of potential Liberal leadership election to succeed Trudeau starts again

With plunging polling numbers, chatter of potential Liberal leadership election to succeed Trudeau…

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been insist­ing for months that he will lead the…

For first time since 2015, next election expected to be a referendum on Trudeau’s leadership, say political players

For first time since 2015, next election expected to be a referendum on Trudeau’s leadership, say…

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau came to pow­er eight years ago and has won three…