Bank of Canada cuts interest rate, signals more to come if inflation keeps dropping

Bank of Canada cuts interest rate, signals more to come if inflation keeps dropping

The Bank of Cana­da has decreased its pol­i­cy inter­est rate for the sec­ond con­sec­u­tive time and sig­nalled more cuts are com­ing if infla­tion con­tin­ues to ease. The 25 basis points reduc­tion brings the overnight rate to 4.5 per cent,…

Consumer confidence steadily in positive territory

Consumer confidence steadily in positive territory

ana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to track in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive…

Trudeau's Tax Hikes Risk Worsening Canada's Struggle for Capital

Trudeau's Tax Hikes Risk Worsening Canada's Struggle for Capital

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment has turned to rais­ing tax­es on…

I launched the Loblaw boycott. Here’s why the new Grocery Code of Conduct gives me hope

I launched the Loblaw boycott. Here’s why the new Grocery Code of Conduct gives me hope

For Cana­di­ans strug­gling with the cost of liv­ing cri­sis, some hope came this week:…

CIBC says Bank of Canada must end or fix quantitative tightening

CIBC says Bank of Canada must end or fix quantitative tightening

The Bank of Cana­da needs to wrap up its quan­ti­ta­tive tight­en­ing pro­gram or fix…

Inflation cools to 2.7% in June, but grocery prices heating up again

Inflation cools to 2.7% in June, but grocery prices heating up again

Sta­tis­tics Cana­da says the annu­al rate of infla­tion slowed in June, but renewed…

People are three times more likely to say their personal finances are worse rather than better compared to a year ago

People are three times more likely to say their personal finances are worse rather than better compared to a year ago

Cana­di­ans are three time more like­ly to have a neg­a­tive rather than…

The results are in: June’s rate cut didn’t revive Canada’s housing market

The results are in: June’s rate cut didn’t revive Canada’s housing market

Fresh home sales data has final­ly answered the ques­tion for real estate watch­ers: The…

Higher interest rates negatively impact spending for majority of Canadians; Poilievre most trusted to support economic growth

Higher interest rates negatively impact spending for majority of Canadians; Poilievre most trusted to support economic growth

More than two in three respon­dents say that high­er inter­est rates have impact­ed their…

Charting a New Course for Canadian Prosperity
Consumer confidence lower than four weeks ago and remains in marginally positive territory

Consumer confidence lower than four weeks ago and remains in marginally positive territory

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to trend in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive…

GBI: an evolution of our social support system, not a revolution.
Canada’s unemployment rate rose to 6.4 per cent in June as jobs market stalls

Canada’s unemployment rate rose to 6.4 per cent in June as jobs market stalls

The Cana­di­an econ­o­my lost 1,400 jobs in June as the unem­ploy­ment rate climbed to…

Canadian Dream? High housing costs has two-in-five recent immigrants saying they may leave their province (or Canada)

Canadian Dream? High housing costs has two-in-five recent immigrants saying they may leave their province (or Canada)

Canada’s immi­gra­tion lev­els have reached record highs in recent years, but as more…

Consumer confidence tracking in positive territory

Consumer confidence tracking in positive territory

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Inflation ticks up to 2.9% in May as Canadians paid more for services

Inflation ticks up to 2.9% in May as Canadians paid more for services

Infla­tion accel­er­at­ed in May as the costs of ser­vices ticked up, Sta­tis­tics…

Bank of Canada to Explain Its Pandemic Actions as Political Tides Shift

Bank of Canada to Explain Its Pandemic Actions as Political Tides Shift

The Bank of Cana­da is doing a for­mal review of its pan­dem­ic-era poli­cies, when…

Confidence remains positive – Views on real estate show softening over the past four weeks

Confidence remains positive – Views on real estate show softening over the past four weeks

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Belief in a lower standard of living for the future generation reaches an all time high among Canadians

Belief in a lower standard of living for the future generation reaches an all time high among Canadians

Sev­en in ten Cana­di­ans say they believe the next gen­er­a­tion will have a low­er…

Positive consumer confidence over the past four weeks buoyed up by views on the future strength of the economy, job security and personal finances

Positive consumer confidence over the past four weeks buoyed up by views on the future strength of the economy, job security and personal finances

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

The Geopolitical Economy: Nationalism, Populism and a New ‘Yes, We Can’

The Geopolitical Economy: Nationalism, Populism and a New ‘Yes, We Can’

The real­i­ty today is an uncom­fort­able mix of geopo­lit­i­cal tur­moil, ris­ing…

New research shows engaged women know that embracing Canadian energy can tackle affordability and make life easier. Will our government follow suit?

New research shows engaged women know that embracing Canadian energy can tackle affordability and make life easier. Will our government follow suit?

Whether it’s turn­ing on the lights, fill­ing up your tank, or adjust­ing the…

Bank of Canada Defends Bond Buying, Guidance During Pandemic

Bank of Canada Defends Bond Buying, Guidance During Pandemic

A Bank of Cana­da offi­cial defend­ed the use of quan­ti­ta­tive eas­ing and…

Capitalgains tax changes will influence the vote of four in ten Canadians in the next federal election

Capitalgains tax changes will influence the vote of four in ten Canadians in the next federal election

The research gauged the opin­ions among Cana­di­ans on the impor­tance of changes to the…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Inflation and jobs/the economy top concerns

Conservatives lead Liberals by 12 points – Inflation and jobs/the economy top concerns

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Consumer confidence hits a two year high

Consumer confidence hits a two year high

The increase in con­sumer con­fi­dence, which has now hit a two year high, has been…

Is BC the place to be? Amid affordability woes, one-in-three residents “seriously” consider leaving the province

Is BC the place to be? Amid affordability woes, one-in-three residents “seriously” consider leaving the province

British Colum­bia is a famous­ly beau­ti­ful place to live, but a ris­ing cost…

Majority of Canadians say there isn’t enough support for those unable to access or afford enough food; one in five say either they or someone they know has used a food bank in the last year.
Canada’s unemployment rate rises to 6.2% in May, economy adds 27,000 jobs

Canada’s unemployment rate rises to 6.2% in May, economy adds 27,000 jobs

OTTAWA — Canada’s unem­ploy­ment rate ticked up to 6.2 per cent in May as the job mar­ket…

Bank of Canada cuts key rate for first time in more than 4 years

Bank of Canada cuts key rate for first time in more than 4 years

The Bank of Cana­da has cut its overnight rate by 25 basis points, a move not seen…

Freeland claimed deficits were under control. We're now discovering the truth

Freeland claimed deficits were under control. We're now discovering the truth

It turns out the deficit was actu­al­ly $50.9 bil­lion, mak­ing it much hard­er to reduce…

Era of sky-high interest rates coming to a close

Era of sky-high interest rates coming to a close

The long-await­ed shift toward low­er inter­est rates as set by Canada’s cen­tral bank…

Consumer confidence remains positive – Fundamentals driving sentiment improving over the past four weeks

Consumer confidence remains positive – Fundamentals driving sentiment improving over the past four weeks

Over the past four weeks sen­ti­ment on a num­ber of indi­ca­tors that make up the…

More spending sees Canada’s economy grow 1.7% in 1st quarter of 2024

More spending sees Canada’s economy grow 1.7% in 1st quarter of 2024

The Cana­di­an econ­o­my man­aged to keep grow­ing in the first quar­ter, but at…

Former BoC governor Stephen Poloz warns on low business investment, lost productivity

Former BoC governor Stephen Poloz warns on low business investment, lost productivity

Stephen Poloz is con­cerned about invest­ment lev­els in Canada’s pri­vate sec­tor and…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 15 points As Inflation top national issue of concern

Conservatives lead Liberals by 15 points As Inflation top national issue of concern

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Consumer confidence continue to track in marginally positive territory

Consumer confidence continue to track in marginally positive territory

Con­sumer con­fi­dence remains in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive ter­ri­to­ry with views on the…

Eighteen years and $46-billion later, the CPP admits it could have earned more just by buying index funds

Eighteen years and $46-billion later, the CPP admits it could have earned more just by buying index funds

The Cana­da Pen­sion Plan Fund had a bad year last year. You’d nev­er know it to…

Canada’s inflation rate cools to 2.7% as grocery prices ease further

Canada’s inflation rate cools to 2.7% as grocery prices ease further

The annu­al infla­tion rate slowed to 2.7 per cent in April, Sta­tis­tics Cana­da said…

Consumer confidence remains marginally positive

Consumer confidence remains marginally positive

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Views on personal finances and future strength of the economy continue to decline

Views on personal finances and future strength of the economy continue to decline

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to decline shift­ing from being pos­i­tive…

Canada added 90,000 jobs in April, as unemployment stayed flat at 6.1%

Canada added 90,000 jobs in April, as unemployment stayed flat at 6.1%

The Cana­di­an econ­o­my gained 90,000 jobs in April, much high­er than many econ­o­mists…