Canada downplays cost of meeting NATO spending mark as $60-billion projection will need to rise

Canada downplays cost of meeting NATO spending mark as $60-billion projection will need to rise

Although the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment has placed an annu­al price tag of $60-bil­lion on its com­mit­ment to spend two per cent of Canada’s GDP on defence by 2032, unless a boost is on the way, it will still like­ly fall short when the goal­posts…

Norad says it has intercepted Chinese, Russian aircraft near Alaskan airspace

Norad says it has intercepted Chinese, Russian aircraft near Alaskan airspace

Norad says Cana­di­an and Amer­i­can fight­er jets have inter­cept­ed a group of…

Pentagon warns of potential Russian action in the Arctic — including jamming GPS satellites

Pentagon warns of potential Russian action in the Arctic — including jamming GPS satellites

The Pen­ta­gon has released an updat­ed Arc­tic strat­e­gy that warns of low-lev­el…

One of Canada's new navy ships stopped in Hawaii after taking on water

One of Canada's new navy ships stopped in Hawaii after taking on water

One of the coun­try’s newest navy ships is tied up in a U.S. port after it sprung…

There's a price to pay for being unready for war. Will Canada have to pay it again?

There's a price to pay for being unready for war. Will Canada have to pay it again?

A lit­tle more than 18 years ago, amid the dust and hard heat of Kan­da­har…

Neo-idealism: Grand strategy for the future of the transatlantic community

Neo-idealism: Grand strategy for the future of the transatlantic community

It is time for a new strate­gic approach to defend and renew our soci­eties and the…

Gen. Jennie Carignan officially takes over command of Armed Forces in Ottawa ceremony

Gen. Jennie Carignan officially takes over command of Armed Forces in Ottawa ceremony

Gen. Jen­nie Carig­nan has offi­cial­ly tak­en over com­mand of the Armed Forces in…

Premiers push federal government to accelerate NATO defence spending

Premiers push federal government to accelerate NATO defence spending

Pre­miers are urg­ing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to move up its NATO com­mit­ment to…

Ottawa looking at retiring some older military equipment — including the Snowbird jets

Ottawa looking at retiring some older military equipment — including the Snowbird jets

The Depart­ment of Nation­al Defence is active­ly con­sid­er­ing whether to retire some…

What's ahead for Canada's first female defence chief? Observers warn of 'glass cliff'

What's ahead for Canada's first female defence chief? Observers warn of 'glass cliff'

OTTAWA — Cana­da will make his­to­ry Thurs­day when Lt.-Gen. Jen­nie Carig­nan takes over…

Manitoba premier urges Trudeau to move up NATO spending timeline to save Canada-U.S. relationship

Manitoba premier urges Trudeau to move up NATO spending timeline to save Canada-U.S. relationship

Man­i­to­ba Pre­mier Wab Kinew is urg­ing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to speed up its plan…

Canada’s plan to meet its NATO targets is better late than never. Or is it?

Canada’s plan to meet its NATO targets is better late than never. Or is it?

Cana­da at NATO: A farce in three acts. Act One: As NATO lead­ers con­vened at last…

Why Americans say we spend too much on health care and not enough on warfare

Why Americans say we spend too much on health care and not enough on warfare

While Cana­di­an media out­lets joined with U.S. law­mak­ers in harangu­ing Prime…

Blair defends the slow pace of Canada's defence spending, says some allies have it easier

Blair defends the slow pace of Canada's defence spending, says some allies have it easier

Reach­ing NATO’s defence spend­ing bench­mark isn’t about show­ing up at your local…

Canada's weak defence spending is losing us friends globally

Canada's weak defence spending is losing us friends globally

We all have a friend like Cana­da. You know, the friend who insists on going out to…

Canada's NATO defence spending pledge amounts to $60 billion a year by 2032: minister

Canada's NATO defence spending pledge amounts to $60 billion a year by 2032: minister

Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair is defend­ing Canada’s spend­ing promise at the NATO…

Poilievre says Trudeau a 'human pinata' at NATO, still won't commit to spending goal

Poilievre says Trudeau a 'human pinata' at NATO, still won't commit to spending goal

Pierre Poilievre says NATO allies treat­ed Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau like…

Canadians must face a difficult truth: Our military needs to prepare for war

Canadians must face a difficult truth: Our military needs to prepare for war

Canada’s plan to buy 12 new sub­marines, announced dur­ing the recent North Atlantic…

Canada commits an extra $500M in military assistance as NATO rallies around Ukraine

Canada commits an extra $500M in military assistance as NATO rallies around Ukraine

Cana­da plans to com­mit an addi­tion­al $500 mil­lion in mil­i­tary assis­tance to…

Canada says it expects to spend 2% of GDP on defence by 2032, but no specific details provided

Canada says it expects to spend 2% of GDP on defence by 2032, but no specific details provided

Cana­da says it expects to reach its NATO com­mit­ment to spend two per cent of its GDP…

Canada, U.S. and Finland form pact to build icebreakers for Arctic

Canada, U.S. and Finland form pact to build icebreakers for Arctic

The Unit­ed States, Cana­da and Fin­land have entered into a tri­lat­er­al pact to…

Canadians are divided on how to fund NATO defense spending target

Canadians are divided on how to fund NATO defense spending target

Cana­di­ans are divid­ed on how to fund NATO defense spend­ing tar­get with 26% who think…

Canada confirms plan to replace submarine fleet at NATO summit

Canada confirms plan to replace submarine fleet at NATO summit

Cana­da def­i­nite­ly plans to move for­ward with the pur­chase of new sub­marines, the…

Canada to announce plan to reach NATO target, spend 2% of GDP on defence: sources

Canada to announce plan to reach NATO target, spend 2% of GDP on defence: sources

After fac­ing months of pres­sure, senior gov­ern­ment sources tell CTV News that Cana­da…

Canada's defence spending is 'shameful,' says U.S. speaker, falling at bottom of the pack at NATO

Canada's defence spending is 'shameful,' says U.S. speaker, falling at bottom of the pack at NATO

Since arriv­ing in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. ear­li­er this week, Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Israeli arms firm taking Canada to court after military contract disqualification

Israeli arms firm taking Canada to court after military contract disqualification

An Israeli defence con­trac­tor is tak­ing the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment to court after the…

Apprehensive allies gather in Washington to mark NATO's 75 years of mutual defence

Apprehensive allies gather in Washington to mark NATO's 75 years of mutual defence

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of NATO nations gath­ered in Wash­ing­ton Tues­day for…

Elephant in the room at NATO summit: The return of Trump

Elephant in the room at NATO summit: The return of Trump

Think Cana­da faces pres­sure now to spend more on mil­i­tary? Wait ​’til next year,…

Poilievre says he wants to restore the military while cutting spending — how would that work?

Poilievre says he wants to restore the military while cutting spending — how would that work?

Con­ser­v­a­tive leader says he would work toward NATO spend­ing tar­gets but offers no…

‘Shameful’: Justin Trudeau called out by Americans over failure to hit NATO spending target

‘Shameful’: Justin Trudeau called out by Americans over failure to hit NATO spending target

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s gov­ern­ment was still try­ing to fig­ure out how to…

Trudeau holds high-level talks in Washington as he faces pressure to boost defence spending

Trudeau holds high-level talks in Washington as he faces pressure to boost defence spending

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been tak­ing the tem­per­a­ture of Canada‑U.S.…

Ottawa buys Arctic hangar next to NORAD base after Chinese, Russian interest

Ottawa buys Arctic hangar next to NORAD base after Chinese, Russian interest

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has paid $8.6‑million to acquire a pri­vate­ly owned…

The philosophy — and politics — behind Canada's reluctance to meet NATO's spending target

The philosophy — and politics — behind Canada's reluctance to meet NATO's spending target

There was an unscript­ed moment dur­ing a pan­el debate in Toron­to last month that…

Trudeau taking the heat from NATO allies for cheaping out on defence spending

Trudeau taking the heat from NATO allies for cheaping out on defence spending

Cana­da is a cheap­skate. We’re that friend who always ​“for­gets” their wal­let…

As NATO celebrates 75 years, the alliance is needed now more than ever

As NATO celebrates 75 years, the alliance is needed now more than ever

This week, heads of gov­ern­ment gath­er to mark the 75th anniver­sary of the…

Trudeau heads for the hotseat at NATO summit as allies question Canada's defence commitments

Trudeau heads for the hotseat at NATO summit as allies question Canada's defence commitments

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau heads to Wash­ing­ton today for a meet­ing of NATO…

‘Historic,’ first female chief of defence staff Carignan has steep road ahead in recruiting and procurement, say military experts

‘Historic,’ first female chief of defence staff Carignan has steep road ahead in recruiting and procurement, say military experts

Defence pro­cure­ment and per­son­nel chal­lenges will be high on Canada’s new chief of…

Trudeau to tell allies to stay resolute as Ukraine is at the centre of NATO summit

Trudeau to tell allies to stay resolute as Ukraine is at the centre of NATO summit

Cana­da will be reas­sur­ing allies of its com­mit­ment to the west­ern alliance as Prime…

Trudeau to tell allies to stay resolute as Ukraine is at the centre of NATO summit

Trudeau to tell allies to stay resolute as Ukraine is at the centre of NATO summit

Wash­ing­ton, D. C. — Cana­da will be reas­sur­ing allies of its com­mit­ment to the…

Trudeau should expect criticism at NATO summit over defence spending

Trudeau should expect criticism at NATO summit over defence spending

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau heads to Wash­ing­ton for the NATO sum­mit ear­ly next…

Harjit Sajjan had the wrong priorities in Afghanistan

Harjit Sajjan had the wrong priorities in Afghanistan

The Sikhs in Afghanistan were proud of their resilience. Adher­ing to a strict code…

NATO, Canada, and the Demands of the New Battlefield

NATO, Canada, and the Demands of the New Battlefield

As we approach the July 9 – 11 NATO 75th anniver­sary sum­mit in Wash­ing­ton, it is…

Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan named Canada's newest chief of the defence staff

Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan named Canada's newest chief of the defence staff

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment says it is nam­ing Lt.-Gen. Jen­nie Carig­nan as defence…