New Norad commander calls Canada's defence policy update 'very encouraging'

New Norad commander calls Canada's defence policy update 'very encouraging'

Amer­i­can troops will be spend­ing more time train­ing in the Far North, the new com­man­der of Norad says, a strat­e­gy that fits ​“hand−in−glove” with Canada’s renewed focus on Arc­tic defence. U.S. Gen. Gre­go­ry Guil­lot took over com­mand…

Majority of Canadians still prefer increasing our defence spending to reach the 2% NATO ally target

Majority of Canadians still prefer increasing our defence spending to reach the 2% NATO ally target

Sim­i­lar to pre­vi­ous waves, near­ly two in three Cana­di­ans pre­fer increas­ing…

‘Secret’ drone installation to be built at Uplands, federal records reveal

‘Secret’ drone installation to be built at Uplands, federal records reveal

Uplands will be the site for a new $65-mil­lion mil­i­tary facil­i­ty to con­trol…

As Russia presses forward, Ukraine pleads with Canada for armour, air defence

As Russia presses forward, Ukraine pleads with Canada for armour, air defence

A lead­ing mem­ber of the Ukrain­ian par­lia­ment deliv­ered stark warn­ings to…

Demands of defence policy almost double military's recruitment gap, top soldier warns

Demands of defence policy almost double military's recruitment gap, top soldier warns

The recruit­ing hole in which the Cana­di­an mil­i­tary finds itself is deep­er and…

Critics attack long timelines in defence plan as military awaits a budget boost

Critics attack long timelines in defence plan as military awaits a budget boost

There will be mon­ey set aside in today’s fed­er­al bud­get for the Depart­ment of…

Canada’s Arctic defence policy update: All flash, no bang

Canada’s Arctic defence policy update: All flash, no bang

The Cana­di­an government’s recent defence pol­i­cy update, Our North: Strong and Free,…

Canada’s top soldier touts renewed Arctic strategy amid China and Russia’s push to deepen ties

Canada’s top soldier touts renewed Arctic strategy amid China and Russia’s push to deepen ties

A sharp­er focus on the Arc­tic in Ottawa’s defence pol­i­cy is a strate­gic move…

Justin Trudeau’s big defence policy update took two years to create. But it still leaves major questions unanswered

Justin Trudeau’s big defence policy update took two years to create. But it still leaves major…

The Lib­er­als’ lat­est nation­al defence plan was a full two years in the works,…

Shooting blanks: Why so many Canadian defence policies fail to launch

Shooting blanks: Why so many Canadian defence policies fail to launch

With absolute­ly no excep­tions, every defence pol­i­cy pre­sent­ed by the Cana­di­an…

Dire Straits: Houthi aggression in the Bab al-Mandab Strait

Dire Straits: Houthi aggression in the Bab al-Mandab Strait

Since Novem­ber 2023, Yemen’s Ansar Allah mili­tia – known as the Houthis, after its…

Canada’s new defence policy commits to exploring, instead of committing

Canada’s new defence policy commits to exploring, instead of committing

Cana­da is promis­ing to pump bil­lions into the mil­i­tary. The Lib­er­al government’s…

Trudeau government announces billions more for the military — but still won’t meet NATO’s spending target

Trudeau government announces billions more for the military — but still won’t meet NATO’s spending…

Cana­da will raise mil­i­tary spend­ing by more than $8 bil­lion over the next five years…

Canadian soldier missing, presumed dead in Swiss avalanche: Armed Forces

Canadian soldier missing, presumed dead in Swiss avalanche: Armed Forces

The Cana­di­an mil­i­tary says a sol­dier is pre­sumed dead after being caught in an…

What Spending Two Per Cent of GDP on National Defence Means for Canada

    What Spending Two Per Cent of GDP on National Defence Means for Canada

    The authors are grate­ful to numer­ous defence and secu­ri­ty strate­gists includ­ing…

    Former Afghan interpreter suing Global Affairs employee, Canadian government for alleged sexual assaults

    Former Afghan interpreter suing Global Affairs employee, Canadian government for alleged sexual…

    A female for­mer Afghan inter­preter who worked for the Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment in…

    NATO at 75: Is Canada losing its grip on the world's greatest military alliance?

    NATO at 75: Is Canada losing its grip on the world's greatest military alliance?

    Inar­guably big­ger and more sea­soned than it was when it was born from the ash­es of…

    As NATO turns 75, should Canada push for its original vision of the alliance?

    As NATO turns 75, should Canada push for its original vision of the alliance?

    On Thurs­day, NATO turned 75 and maybe we should pause to con­sid­er the nature of an…

    NATO at 75 and Canada’s New Defence Reality

    NATO at 75 and Canada’s New Defence Reality

    NATO, the longest-endur­ing alliance of democ­ra­cies, turns 75 on April 4. The for­mal…

    Success assured? Appraising the Canadian-led Enhanced Forward Presence battlegroup in Latvia

    Success assured? Appraising the Canadian-led Enhanced Forward Presence battlegroup in Latvia

    At the 2016 NATO War­saw Sum­mit, mem­bers announced the for­ma­tion of the enhanced…

    Canadian Armed Forces deployed to Jamaica to help train CARICOM troops

    Canadian Armed Forces deployed to Jamaica to help train CARICOM troops

    A few dozen Cana­di­an Armed Forces mem­bers have been deployed to Jamaica to train…

    Probe clears military police in case of pilot charged with sexual assault who took his own life

    Probe clears military police in case of pilot charged with sexual assault who took his own life

    An almost two-year-long inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into how mil­i­tary police han­dled…

    The China Factor in the Evolution of Cross-Strait Relations, 2024 and Onward

      The China Factor in the Evolution of Cross-Strait Relations, 2024 and Onward

      In the com­ing decade, main­land Chi­na can be expect­ed to con­tin­ue affirm­ing,…

      Military ditching aptitude test for some applicants, will start accepting recruits with medical conditions

      Military ditching aptitude test for some applicants, will start accepting recruits with medical…

      The mil­i­tary has dropped its apti­tude test from the appli­ca­tion process for dozens…

      Civilian advisers who served in Afghanistan deserve compensation now, ombudsman says

      Civilian advisers who served in Afghanistan deserve compensation now, ombudsman says

      Canada’s mil­i­tary ombuds­man is call­ing on the Depart­ment of Nation­al Defence (DND)…

      Trudeau’s denials are “patently false” on weapons exports to Israel: Ploughshares

      Trudeau’s denials are “patently false” on weapons exports to Israel: Ploughshares

      Cana­di­an peace research group Project Ploughshares says state­ments by For­eign…

      Email reveals that Ottawa told Canada's top soldier not to call budget changes 'cuts'

      Email reveals that Ottawa told Canada's top soldier not to call budget changes 'cuts'

      Canada’s top sol­dier was told he could­n’t use the word ​“cut” in a memo to…

      As Bill Blair ramps up his warnings about the state of the military, Trudeau sticks to his script

      As Bill Blair ramps up his warnings about the state of the military, Trudeau sticks to his script

      There’s a school of thought that sug­gests it’s nev­er a good idea to dis­agree…

      Canada’s military facing ‘death spiral’ on recruitment, minister says

      Canada’s military facing ‘death spiral’ on recruitment, minister says

      The Cana­di­an Forces is fac­ing ​“a death spi­ral” when it comes to recruit­ment, even…

      State of Canadian Armed Forces' combat readiness growing worse, government report warns

      State of Canadian Armed Forces' combat readiness growing worse, government report warns

      Only 58 per cent of the Cana­di­an Armed Forces (CAF) would be able to respond if called…

      As NATO calls on allies to increase defence spending, Canadians prioritise importance of military readiness

      As NATO calls on allies to increase defence spending, Canadians prioritise importance of military…

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been on the defen­sive over Canada’s defence…

      Three new polls suggest a growing number of Canadians want more money spent on defence

      Three new polls suggest a growing number of Canadians want more money spent on defence

      Three new pub­lic opin­ion sur­veys sug­gest Cana­di­ans are grow­ing more con­cerned…

      Are Canada’s young people rejecting war and the military?

      Some com­men­ta­tors are rais­ing the alarm that Canada’s mil­i­tary can’t seem to hire…

      Making the Political Case for Increased Defence Spending in an Uncertain World

      Making the Political Case for Increased Defence Spending in an Uncertain World

      It’s 2025, three years into the Ukraine con­flict. and Rus­sia, embold­ened by its…

      Canada willing to send troops to Ukraine in noncombat role, Defence Minister Bill Blair says

      Canada willing to send troops to Ukraine in noncombat role, Defence Minister Bill Blair says

      Cana­da is open to send­ing a lim­it­ed num­ber of mil­i­tary per­son­nel to train…

      Defence insiders sound alarms on state of Canadian military

      Defence insiders sound alarms on state of Canadian military

      Cit­ing every­thing from troop short­ages to dwin­dling ammu­ni­tion stocks to aging…

      While Canada Sleeps

      While Canada Sleeps

      Cost of Liberal government's defence plan has jumped by $50B, PBO says

      Cost of Liberal government's defence plan has jumped by $50B, PBO says

      The cost of the Lib­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s near­ly sev­en-year-old mar­quee defence plan…

      Macron's musings about ground troops send Ukraine's allies running for cover

      Macron's musings about ground troops send Ukraine's allies running for cover

      If it were any oth­er time — and if the stakes weren’t so high — the swift…

      Don't send dud rockets to Ukraine

      Don't send dud rockets to Ukraine

      Cana­di­an par­lia­men­tary com­mit­tees — and even the leader of the offi­cial…

      More to do on defence, Trudeau says after meetings with Polish leaders in Warsaw

      More to do on defence, Trudeau says after meetings with Polish leaders in Warsaw

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is defend­ing Canada’s defence spend­ing lev­els as he…

      U.S. ambassador says 'world is watching' Canada's military spending

      U.S. ambassador says 'world is watching' Canada's military spending

      The U.S. ambas­sador to Cana­da says the world is close­ly watch­ing Canada’s defence…

      Canada has asked Ukraine how it can help amid delay in air-defence system, Blair says

      Canada has asked Ukraine how it can help amid delay in air-defence system, Blair says

      Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair says Cana­da has asked the Ukrain­ian gov­ern­ment how it…