Furey says changes to cod catch are an 'affront' to N.L. in letter to federal fisheries minister

Furey says changes to cod catch are an 'affront' to N.L. in letter to federal fisheries minister

New­found­land and Labrador Pre­mier Andrew Furey, call­ing last week’s changes to cod allo­ca­tions an ​“affront,” has told the fed­er­al fish­eries min­is­ter that the province needs to have direct say over its own resources. In a let­ter to…

Leaked TC Energy recording prompts B.C. to probe claims of outsized lobbying influence on government

Leaked TC Energy recording prompts B.C. to probe claims of outsized lobbying influence on government

B.C. Attor­ney Gen­er­al Niki Shar­ma has asked a provin­cial watch­dog to look into…

Federal government ends cod moratorium in Newfoundland after more than 30 years

Federal government ends cod moratorium in Newfoundland after more than 30 years

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has end­ed the New­found­land and Labrador cod mora­to­ri­um,…

William Shatner dives into salmon farm debate with profanity-laden campaign

William Shatner dives into salmon farm debate with profanity-laden campaign

Cana­di­an actor William Shat­ner is wad­ing into the debate over open-pen salmon…

Feds delay B.C.'s open-net salmon farms closure until 2029, offer five-year renewals

Feds delay B.C.'s open-net salmon farms closure until 2029, offer five-year renewals

With entrenched views on all sides of the salmon-farm­ing debate in British Colum­bia,…

Federal government decision expected on controversial B.C. fish farms

Federal government decision expected on controversial B.C. fish farms

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is expect­ed to announce the way for­ward for fish farms along…

Shift to land-based salmon farming in B.C. could be expensive and logistically challenging, critics say

Shift to land-based salmon farming in B.C. could be expensive and logistically challenging, critics say

The fed­er­al government’s report­ed plan to tran­si­tion B.C. salmon pro­duc­tion to…

Ottawa set to stop open-net salmon farms in B.C., giving the industry 5 years to transition

Ottawa set to stop open-net salmon farms in B.C., giving the industry 5 years to transition

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment intends to move ahead with its 2019 cam­paign com­mit­ment to…

N.L. 'all in on oil and gas' for decades to come, premier tells energy conference in St. John's

N.L. 'all in on oil and gas' for decades to come, premier tells energy conference in St. John's

Pre­mier Andrew Furey sent a strong sig­nal on Tues­day morn­ing that the province’s…

How Much Should Canada Worry About Declining Crude Oil Demand?

How Much Should Canada Worry About Declining Crude Oil Demand?

As the world looks to lim­it fos­sil fuel con­sump­tion, there is ris­ing con­cern that…

Storm brewing in Canada over French halibut fishery in Atlantic

Storm brewing in Canada over French halibut fishery in Atlantic

The Cana­di­an hal­ibut indus­try is accus­ing France of seek­ing an exor­bi­tant share…

If you work in the N.L. energy industry, here’s what’s in store for you

If you work in the N.L. energy industry, here’s what’s in store for you

‘I will do every­thing I can to fight this leg­is­la­tion being advanced by Sea­mus…

Uranium is booming, and Canada must seize the bull by the horns

Uranium is booming, and Canada must seize the bull by the horns

Ear­li­er this month, the U.S. Sen­ate passed leg­is­la­tion to ban Russ­ian ura­ni­um…

Canada’s two nuclear powers battle to build nuclear power

Canada’s two nuclear powers battle to build nuclear power

OTTAWA — With Canada’s biggest-ever nuclear con­struc­tion pro­gram in the works, the…

Inside the Canadian oilsands lobby’s request to fast-track a major project

Inside the Canadian oilsands lobby’s request to fast-track a major project

A lob­by group rep­re­sent­ing Canada’s biggest oil and gas pro­duc­ers has asked the…

What's behind a historic, unusual U.S. military cash transfer to Canadian mines

What's behind a historic, unusual U.S. military cash transfer to Canadian mines

The Unit­ed States was grow­ing des­per­ate, months before its entry into the Sec­ond…