At China’s Third Plenum Xi Jinping Stays the Course

At China’s Third Plenum Xi Jinping Stays the Course

Chi­na’s third plenum, a once-every-five-years meet­ing of Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Par­ty lead­ers, is often an oppor­tu­ni­ty to sig­nal major eco­nom­ic reforms. How­ev­er, the plenum that con­clud­ed on July 18 left domes­tic and…

Canadians should resist the temptation of idealizing Kamala Harris. She’s just as protectionist as Biden

Canadians should resist the temptation of idealizing Kamala Harris. She’s just as protectionist as Biden

Don­ald Trump is right about one thing: ​“Kamala Har­ris is Joe Biden 2.0.″ Don’t wor­ry:…

Kamala Harris has entered the chat

Kamala Harris has entered the chat

Any­one else exhaust­ed from liv­ing in unprece­dent­ed times? On July 21, Unit­ed States…

Why is this Woman Laughing? Kamala Harris, Seriously Happy Warrior

Why is this Woman Laughing? Kamala Harris, Seriously Happy Warrior

As a noto­ri­ous fan of Venn dia­grams, Kamala Har­ris has sure­ly con­tem­plat­ed…

Whether it’s President Harris or President Trump, Canada will have an uphill battle after the U.S. election

Whether it’s President Harris or President Trump, Canada will have an uphill battle after the U.S. election

Let’s rec­og­nize that U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden per­formed the rarest of polit­i­cal…

Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

Pol­i­tics has always had its share of self-inter­est­ed fak­ers mas­querad­ing as…

Kamala Harris is better for Canada – and the world – than another Trump White House

Kamala Harris is better for Canada – and the world – than another Trump White House

There are good rea­sons to believe that a Kamala Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion would be…

Nothing reflects better on Joe Biden’s long career than his decision to leave the presidential race. But it was still a political execution

Nothing reflects better on Joe Biden’s long career than his decision to leave the presidential race. But it was still a political execution

“Noth­ing in his life,” Shake­speare wrote in ​“Mac­beth” of a noble­man who faced…

Biden’s Parting Gift to Democrats: The Chance to Prove They’re the Sane Alternative

Biden’s Parting Gift to Democrats: The Chance to Prove They’re the Sane Alternative

The momen­tous­ness of Joe Biden’s deci­sion Sun­day to with­draw from the 2024…

Race Next Door #3 - Democrats and The Wall of Worry

Race Next Door #3 - Democrats and The Wall of Worry

There’s been a debate that has attract­ed non-stop com­men­tary for weeks and…

Netanyahu adds to the anguish of October 7 by refusing a state inquiry

Netanyahu adds to the anguish of October 7 by refusing a state inquiry

Daniel­la Gilboa is a beau­ti­ful 20-year-old Israeli woman and the spit­ting image…

Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

No, it is not going to be okay. With a sec­ond Don­ald Trump pres­i­den­cy seem­ing…

Donald Trump’s rambling disaster of a speech did something no one could have predicted: Give Democrats hope

Donald Trump’s rambling disaster of a speech did something no one could have predicted: Give Democrats hope

There was only one thing Don­ald Trump could do Thurs­day night to tru­ly shock the…

The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator

The Gunman and the Would-Be Dictator

When a mad­man ham­mered near­ly to death the hus­band of then – House Speak­er…

Praying for Donald Trump, for peace and for vengeance in Milwaukee

Praying for Donald Trump, for peace and for vengeance in Milwaukee

Less than 24 hours ear­li­er, their man on the pres­i­den­tial tick­et had clutched…

Trump survived a bullet. American democracy will survive this, too

Trump survived a bullet. American democracy will survive this, too

Anoth­er like­ly Trump pres­i­den­cy will test the guardrails imposed by the Found­ing…

The best replacement for Joe Biden is the most obvious

The best replacement for Joe Biden is the most obvious

Just pri­or to the implo­sion that rocked glob­al finan­cial mar­kets, Lehman Broth­ers…

Why Trump’s victory over death could land him in the Oval Office for a second time

Why Trump’s victory over death could land him in the Oval Office for a second time

A head­line from the Cana­di­an satir­i­cal pub­li­ca­tion The Beaver­ton cap­tured the…

Trump Shooting Must Unite America

Trump Shooting Must Unite America

Saturday’s assas­si­na­tion attempt on Don­ald Trump has pro­voked a gamut of…

Trump rally shooting flings U.S. to perilous juncture: What path will it take?

Trump rally shooting flings U.S. to perilous juncture: What path will it take?

Amer­i­can his­to­ry is repeat­ing itself in a most macabre way. If every­thing…

The attempt on Trump's life has made his re-election all but inevitable

The attempt on Trump's life has made his re-election all but inevitable

Pre­sump­tive Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Don­ald Trump looks to be OK after…

Donald Trump leaves the stage bleeding as a violent nation looks set to explode

Donald Trump leaves the stage bleeding as a violent nation looks set to explode

They shoot pres­i­dents in Amer­i­ca, don’t they? And for­mer pres­i­dents. And…

Modi's Moscow Mission Contrasts with West’s Condemnation of Putin

Modi's Moscow Mission Contrasts with West’s Condemnation of Putin

Indi­an Prime Min­is­ter Naren­dra Mod­i’s vis­it to Rus­sia from July 8 – 9 cre­at­ed…

Former U.S. ambassador to Canada says Americans aren't 'convinced' Biden can beat Trump

Former U.S. ambassador to Canada says Americans aren't 'convinced' Biden can beat Trump

A for­mer U.S. ambas­sador to Cana­da says Amer­i­cans are ​“not con­vinced” that…

Joe Biden won’t concede, but neither will his critics. Something has to give

Joe Biden won’t concede, but neither will his critics. Something has to give

“But those behind cried ​‘For­ward!’ And those before cried ​‘Back!’ ” — Macaulay Joe…

The shameful disinformation campaign behind the Biden debacle

The shameful disinformation campaign behind the Biden debacle

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s debate deba­cle laid bare a dis­grace­ful will­ing­ness to…

Conservative supporters show higher susceptibility to Russian disinformation: survey

Conservative supporters show higher susceptibility to Russian disinformation: survey

Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty sup­port­ers in Cana­da are more exposed to Russ­ian…

Call it the revenge of Tricky Dick

Call it the revenge of Tricky Dick

For­mer U.S. pres­i­dent Richard Nixon once said, ​‘Well, if the pres­i­dent does it,…

As Israel and Hezbollah inch toward war, Canada braces for a repeat of the 2006 evacuation

As Israel and Hezbollah inch toward war, Canada braces for a repeat of the 2006 evacuation

For­eign Min­is­ter Mélanie Joly had a stark warn­ing Tues­day for Cana­di­an…

Who will arrest Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu?

Who will arrest Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu?

Are inter­na­tion­al arrest war­rants for Israel’s Netanyahu and Hamas’ Sin­war and…

Presidential election a prime target for foreign disinformation, intelligence officials say

Presidential election a prime target for foreign disinformation, intelligence officials say

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. offi­cials who track dis­in­for­ma­tion cam­paigns say they have…

AP-NORC poll: About half of US adults approve of Trump's conviction, but views of him remain stable

AP-NORC poll: About half of US adults approve of Trump's conviction, but views of him remain stable

NEW YORK (AP) — About half of U.S. adults approve of Don­ald Trump’s recent felony…

President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, is convicted of all 3 felonies in federal gun trial

    President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, is convicted of all 3 felonies in federal gun trial

    Hunter Biden was con­vict­ed Tues­day of all three felony charges relat­ed to the…

    A group of House Democrats steps up to try to stop Project 2025 and a Trump White House

    A group of House Democrats steps up to try to stop Project 2025 and a Trump White House

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Warn­ing about the far-right Project 2025 agen­da for a Don­ald…

    Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Trump to Jesus, provoking backlash

    Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Trump to Jesus, provoking backlash

    Repub­li­can con­gress­woman Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene com­pared for­mer pres­i­dent…

    Trump will speak to a Christian group that calls for abortion to be 'eradicated entirely'

    Trump will speak to a Christian group that calls for abortion to be 'eradicated entirely'

    INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Don­ald Trump on Mon­day will address a Chris­t­ian group that…

    Republican contenders for Mitt Romney's open US Senate seat face off in Utah debate

    Republican contenders for Mitt Romney's open US Senate seat face off in Utah debate

    SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Four Utah Repub­li­cans bat­tling to win the seat of retir­ing U.S.…

    Trump will hold outdoor Las Vegas rally in scorching heat. His campaign has extra medics and water

    Trump will hold outdoor Las Vegas rally in scorching heat. His campaign has extra medics and water

    LAS VEGAS (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump ​‘s cam­paign is hir­ing extra medics,…

    Why Robert F. Kennedy's Jr.'s current presidential polling numbers might not hold up into November

    Why Robert F. Kennedy's Jr.'s current presidential polling numbers might not hold up into November

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has…

    Disputes among G7 nations may prevent consensus on a path to peace in Gaza: experts

    Disputes among G7 nations may prevent consensus on a path to peace in Gaza: experts

    When U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden announced a new pro­pos­al for a cease­fire in…

    Like Reagan before him, Biden looks to capture magic of Pointe du Hoc story

    Like Reagan before him, Biden looks to capture magic of Pointe du Hoc story

    PARIS (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden will return to Nor­mandy for a sec­ond day…

    Israel-Gaza Ceasefire: In both Canada and US, majority say hostilities should end immediately

    Israel-Gaza Ceasefire: In both Canada and US, majority say hostilities should end immediately

    U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden made his strongest state­ment against the Israeli mil­i­tary…

    Amid election-year push on reproductive rights, Senate to hold test vote on access to contraception

    Amid election-year push on reproductive rights, Senate to hold test vote on access to contraception

    WASHINGTON (AP) — In an elec­tion-year effort to put Repub­li­cans on record on…