The Youth Shift: Understanding the Drift Away from the Liberals

The Youth Shift: Understanding the Drift Away from the Liberals

From June 20 to 25, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,926 Cana­di­an adults (18+) to exam­ine the effects of the cur­rent cost of liv­ing and hous­ing cri­sis on young Cana­di­ans. Addi­tion­al­ly, we present data from our…

Conservatives lead by 19 over the Liberals as party leader and government approval ratings hold steady.

Conservatives lead by 19 over the Liberals as party leader and government approval ratings hold steady.

From July 16 to 22, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 2,000…

A quarter of Canadians say none of the potential Liberal leader candidates appeal to them – Chrystia Freeland’s appeal score drops

A quarter of Canadians say none of the potential Liberal leader candidates appeal to them – Chrystia Freeland’s appeal score drops

Nanos research was retained by CTV News to con­duct research among Cana­di­ans to gauge…

Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

    Harris leads Trump 44% to 42% in US presidential race, Reuters/Ipsos poll finds

    Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris opened up a mar­gin­al two-per­cent­age-point lead…

    Conservatives lead by 15

    Conservatives lead by 15

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    Trumped Again?: 66% of Canadians say a second GOP presidential term would be ‘bad’ or ‘terrible’ for Canada

    Trumped Again?: 66% of Canadians say a second GOP presidential term would be ‘bad’ or ‘terrible’ for Canada

    The U.S. pres­i­den­tial race was turned on its head by the Sun­day news that cur­rent…

    Consumer confidence steadily in positive territory

    Consumer confidence steadily in positive territory

    ana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to track in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive…

    Play nice or talk tough? Canadians prefer provinces stand up for themselves over avoiding conflict with Ottawa

    Play nice or talk tough? Canadians prefer provinces stand up for themselves over avoiding conflict with Ottawa

    From slam­ming the Trudeau gov­ern­ment for alleged­ly encroach­ing too far into mat­ters…

    Majority of Canadians angry towards federal and provincial governments

    Majority of Canadians angry towards federal and provincial governments

    Pollara’s Rage Index shows the lev­el of anger in Cana­da is down from this spring, but…

    Feelings of pessimism towards the federal government hit new high –Satisfaction reaches new all-time low

    Feelings of pessimism towards the federal government hit new high –Satisfaction reaches new all-time low

    Nanos con­duct­ed a sur­vey on Cana­di­ans views of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment.…

    Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points

    Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    Federal vs Provincial Governments: Which is doing a better job?

    Federal vs Provincial Governments: Which is doing a better job?

    Yes­ter­day, Canada’s pre­miers gath­ered in Nova Sco­tia for Coun­cil of the…

    Do you know who this is? The Implications of Recognizability in Canadian Politics

    Do you know who this is? The Implications of Recognizability in Canadian Politics

    Yes­ter­day, we released our lat­est track­ing poll on Cana­di­an pol­i­tics that found…

    People are three times more likely to say their personal finances are worse rather than better compared to a year ago

    People are three times more likely to say their personal finances are worse rather than better compared to a year ago

    Cana­di­ans are three time more like­ly to have a neg­a­tive rather than…

    Liberals trail Conservatives by 20 as Public Mood Sours

    Liberals trail Conservatives by 20 as Public Mood Sours

    From July 4 to 9, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,989…

    Canadians are divided on how to fund NATO defense spending target

    Canadians are divided on how to fund NATO defense spending target

    Cana­di­ans are divid­ed on how to fund NATO defense spend­ing tar­get with 26% who think…

    Fuel tax ‘holiday’ a hit with more than half of Canadians, opposed by those least financial stressed

    Fuel tax ‘holiday’ a hit with more than half of Canadians, opposed by those least financial stressed

    When sum­mer comes in Cana­da, two things are guar­an­teed to rise – the tem­per­a­ture…

    Canadians give top scores to the UK and Germany as positive partners

    Canadians give top scores to the UK and Germany as positive partners

    In col­lab­o­ra­tion with Atlantik Brücke, Nanos con­duct­ed a sur­vey on the views…

    Conservatives lead by 15 points – Concern about housing on the upswing

    Conservatives lead by 15 points – Concern about housing on the upswing

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    Higher interest rates negatively impact spending for majority of Canadians; Poilievre most trusted to support economic growth

    Higher interest rates negatively impact spending for majority of Canadians; Poilievre most trusted to support economic growth

    More than two in three respon­dents say that high­er inter­est rates have impact­ed their…

    As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

    As access to health care has become more difficult, Canadians want government to encourage use of virtual care

    spark*insights com­plet­ed nation­al sur­vey research with a large sam­ple of 2,694…

    Consumer confidence lower than four weeks ago and remains in marginally positive territory

    Consumer confidence lower than four weeks ago and remains in marginally positive territory

    Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to trend in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive…

    Nearly seven in ten Canadians want the public release of names of MPs accused of foreign interference and for them to publicly explain their actions – Majority want MPs found guilty of foreign interference criminally charged and jailed
    What is Motivating Voting Preferences in Canada?

    What is Motivating Voting Preferences in Canada?

    From June 20 to 25, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,900…

    People in Ontario and Quebec more sensitive to potential theft when purchasing a vehicle compared to people from other regions

    People in Ontario and Quebec more sensitive to potential theft when purchasing a vehicle compared to people from other regions

    Nanos research was retained by CTV News to con­duct research among Cana­di­ans to gauge…

    World Cup red card? By a three-to-one ratio, B.C. residents say cost for games in Vancouver ‘not worth it’

    World Cup red card? By a three-to-one ratio, B.C. residents say cost for games in Vancouver ‘not worth it’

    Cana­di­an soc­cer fans are in heav­en this week, as Cana­da pre­pares to take on…

    Alberta Politics: UCP ahead of NDP by 14-points post-Nenshi leadership victory.

    Alberta Politics: UCP ahead of NDP by 14-points post-Nenshi leadership victory.

    From June 25 and 28, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,000 Alber­tans…

    Justin Trudeau’s Political Future

    Justin Trudeau’s Political Future

    Three out of five Cana­di­ans (63%) dis­ap­prove of Justin Trudeau’s per­for­mance as…

    Capital Gains: "Gated communities" argument is a loser

    Capital Gains: "Gated communities" argument is a loser

    In our sur­vey of 2,688 Cana­di­ans (June 14th to 21st) we played a video clip from…

    Canadian Dream? High housing costs has two-in-five recent immigrants saying they may leave their province (or Canada)

    Canadian Dream? High housing costs has two-in-five recent immigrants saying they may leave their province (or Canada)

    Canada’s immi­gra­tion lev­els have reached record highs in recent years, but as more…

    Conservatives continue with double digit lead over Liberals

    Conservatives continue with double digit lead over Liberals

    The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

    Federal Voting Intentions: June 2024

    Federal Voting Intentions: June 2024

    Every month, we con­duct a sur­vey of Cana­di­ans to explore their views on the…

    Consumer confidence tracking in positive territory

    Consumer confidence tracking in positive territory

    Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

    Ford PCs lead by 16 despite increase in disapproval of the provincial government’s performance

    Ford PCs lead by 16 despite increase in disapproval of the provincial government’s performance

    From June 20 to June 25, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a sur­vey of 1,000…

    Abacus Data Poll: Pre-Toronto-St. Paul’s Byelection, Conservatives lead by 19

    Abacus Data Poll: Pre-Toronto-St. Paul’s Byelection, Conservatives lead by 19

    From June 20 to 25, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,900…

    Happy Canada Day? 7 in 10 Canadians (70%) Think Canada is “Broken” as Canadian Pride Takes a Tumble

      Happy Canada Day? 7 in 10 Canadians (70%) Think Canada is “Broken” as Canadian Pride Takes a Tumble

      Com­par­ing to five years ago, just over one-third (35%) of Cana­di­ans say they are less…

      Conservatives lead by 19

      Conservatives lead by 19

      Lib­er­als los­ing the left, right, cen­tre right, and have only a nar­row…

      Oh Canada Day, eh? Embracing Generational Love for the Maple Leaf

      Oh Canada Day, eh? Embracing Generational Love for the Maple Leaf

      From June 20 and 25, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­wide sur­vey of 1,926…

      State of the Region – Towns of Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills, and the City of Burlington

      State of the Region – Towns of Oakville, Milton and Halton Hills, and the City of Burlington

      Res­i­dents of the regions gave the top rat­ing to their com­mu­ni­ty as a place to…

      Premiers’ Performance: Kinew on top as honeymoon continues; Eby slides as B.C. election approaches

      Premiers’ Performance: Kinew on top as honeymoon continues; Eby slides as B.C. election approaches

      As the country’s provin­cial leg­is­la­tures break for sum­mer, there appears to be an…

      Conservatives steady with ballot support at 41 per cent

      Conservatives steady with ballot support at 41 per cent

      The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

      Must Trudeau go? Amid chatter of his ouster, potential Liberal replacements offer little room for party to recover

      Must Trudeau go? Amid chatter of his ouster, potential Liberal replacements offer little room for party to recover

      As the bal­lots are count­ed from the byelec­tion in Toron­to-St. Paul’s –…

      Confidence remains positive – Views on real estate show softening over the past four weeks

      Confidence remains positive – Views on real estate show softening over the past four weeks

      Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…