AI + Tech
What do you get when Big Tech mixes things up with populism? Let's keep an eye on JD Vance

What do you get when Big Tech mixes things up with populism? Let's keep an eye on JD Vance

Has Sil­i­con Val­ley found a new cham­pi­on in JD Vance, Don­ald Trump’s run­ning mate? Indus­try heavy­weights like Elon Musk and David Sacks think so. They see Vance as a poten­tial bridge between the tech world and pop­ulism. But will…

What do you get when Big Tech mixes things up with populism? Let's keep an eye on JD Vance
Airlines, banks, health care have operations disrupted in global IT outage

Airlines, banks, health care have operations disrupted in global IT outage

A glob­al tech out­age hit ser­vices and com­pa­nies in mul­ti­ple indus­tries around the…

Weapons of mass distraction – Curbing social media addiction and reclaiming the smartphone generation

Weapons of mass distraction – Curbing social media addiction and reclaiming the smartphone generation

Social psy­chol­o­gist Jonathan Haidt’s inter­na­tion­al best­seller, The Anx­ious…

Choosing the Next President: How AI Could Tip the Balance in Battleground States

Choosing the Next President: How AI Could Tip the Balance in Battleground States

Two hun­dred and forty mil­lion vot­ers are eli­gi­ble to cast bal­lots in the 2024 US…

Choosing the Next President: How AI Could Tip the Balance in Battleground States
How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

A friend recent­ly tried Chat­G­PT for the first time. She asked it a cou­ple of…

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

A friend recent­ly tried Chat­G­PT for the first time. She asked it a cou­ple of…

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Is an AI Cold War immi­nent? Tik­Tok could be an ear­ly warn­ing sig­nal. Crit­ics say it…

Canada is a force in AI research. So why can't we commercialize it?

Canada is a force in AI research. So why can't we commercialize it?

It has impres­sive research bench strength. It has bil­lions of fed­er­al dol­lars for…

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Publisher’s Note: This col­umn is the lat­est in a series by Don Leni­han explor­ing…

Pulling the plug on federal AI Laws: The problem with the proposed amendments to AIDA

Pulling the plug on federal AI Laws: The problem with the proposed amendments to AIDA

In 2022, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment led by Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau intro­duced…

80% of Canadians concerned about potential misuse of AI during an election

80% of Canadians concerned about potential misuse of AI during an election

More than half of Cana­di­ans have either not heard of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence or…

Critical resilience – Russia, hybrid threats, and subsea fibre-optic cables in Canada’s Arctic

Critical resilience – Russia, hybrid threats, and subsea fibre-optic cables in Canada’s Arctic

Nei­ther gov­ern­ments nor the media have had very much to say to date about hybrid…

Conquering the Next Frontier in Bridging the Digital Divide

Conquering the Next Frontier in Bridging the Digital Divide

Hav­ing reli­able access to the inter­net is a fun­da­men­tal part of every­day…

Taiwan at the Centre of the Coming Age of AI: An Opportunity for Canada