'Unacceptable': Trudeau reacts after AFN chief says headdress taken from plane cabin

'Unacceptable': Trudeau reacts after AFN chief says headdress taken from plane cabin

After the Assem­bly of First Nations’ nation­al chief said her head­dress was tak­en from an air­plane cab­in this week, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau called the inci­dent ​“unac­cept­able” and a ​“mis­take” on the part of Air Cana­da. Cindy…

Air Canada says it is reviewing policies after ‘regrettable incident’ that saw removal of national chief’s headdress from airline cabin

Air Canada says it is reviewing policies after ‘regrettable incident’ that saw removal of national…

Air Cana­da says it is review­ing its poli­cies as a result of a ​“regret­table…

Former B.C. minister Mike de Jong seeks federal Tory nomination

Former B.C. minister Mike de Jong seeks federal Tory nomination

One of British Columbi­a’s longest-serv­ing MLAs has launched a cam­paign to run for…

NDP, Green Party call for new law to fix problems with Indigenous class action lawsuit settlements

NDP, Green Party call for new law to fix problems with Indigenous class action lawsuit settlements

The fed­er­al NDP and Green Par­ty are call­ing on the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to…

Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians?

Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians?

“Every­one has the fol­low­ing fun­da­men­tal free­doms,” the Cana­di­an Char­ter of…

Winnipeg MP pushes 'Red Dress' alert system for missing, murdered Indigenous women

Winnipeg MP pushes 'Red Dress' alert system for missing, murdered Indigenous women

A Man­i­to­ba MP is try­ing to cre­ate an alert sys­tem to noti­fy the pub­lic when…

National Indigenous women's organization accused of union-busting as it lays off dozens of staff

National Indigenous women's organization accused of union-busting as it lays off dozens of staff

The most promi­nent Indige­nous wom­en’s orga­ni­za­tion in Cana­da is under­go­ing…

Native Women's Association forced to lay off half its staff amid funding shortfall

Native Women's Association forced to lay off half its staff amid funding shortfall

The Native Women’s Asso­ci­a­tion of Cana­da says it was forced to lay off rough­ly half…

Now there are three court challenges against Ontario nuclear waste disposal facility

Now there are three court challenges against Ontario nuclear waste disposal facility

Legal chal­lenges against a nuclear waste facil­i­ty slat­ed for con­struc­tion near…

Opposition parties call for the day school settlement agreement to be reopened

Opposition parties call for the day school settlement agreement to be reopened

The fed­er­al NDP and the Green Par­ty are urg­ing Ottawa to reopen the…

About those land acknowledgments

About those land acknowledgments

Land acknowl­edg­ments are an expect­ed pro­to­col to start meet­ings and even in email…

Liberal MP maintains Indigenous identity, despite removal from Algonquin group

Liberal MP maintains Indigenous identity, despite removal from Algonquin group

A Lib­er­al mem­ber of Par­lia­ment says he’ll con­tin­ue iden­ti­fy­ing as Indige­nous,…

This is what reconciliation looks like and it’s the Churchill Health Centre

This is what reconciliation looks like and it’s the Churchill Health Centre

On the north end of the province of Man­i­to­ba on the mighty Churchill Riv­er sits…

Tory MP says he'll apologize to First Nation for 'grossly disrespectful' comments

Tory MP says he'll apologize to First Nation for 'grossly disrespectful' comments

A Con­ser­v­a­tive MP says he’ll apol­o­gize after fac­ing demands that he retract…

Tory MP in hot water as First Nation demands apology for comments he made in House

Tory MP in hot water as First Nation demands apology for comments he made in House

Piapot First Nation is demand­ing an apol­o­gy from a Con­ser­v­a­tive MP after he…

Pierre Poilievre is looking to remake his relationship with Indigenous groups. Here's one way he's trying to do that

Pierre Poilievre is looking to remake his relationship with Indigenous groups. Here's one way he's…

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre took anoth­er step to build­ing…