Crown made a 'mockery' of treaty with 2 First Nations for 150 years, Supreme Court rules

Crown made a 'mockery' of treaty with 2 First Nations for 150 years, Supreme Court rules

For the past 150 years, the gov­ern­ments of Ontario and Cana­da have made a ​“mock­ery” of their treaty oblig­a­tions to the Anishi­naabe of the upper Great Lakes, the Supreme Court of Cana­da ruled Fri­day. In a unan­i­mous deci­sion,…

DNA testing shows Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond ‘most likely’ has Indigenous ancestry she claimed: report

DNA testing shows Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond ‘most likely’ has Indigenous ancestry she claimed: report

The Law Soci­ety of British Colum­bia says DNA results from a test pro­vid­ed by…

National Indigenous leaders to meet premiers amid deteriorating relationship

National Indigenous leaders to meet premiers amid deteriorating relationship

Indige­nous lead­ers will attend a meet­ing with Canada’s pre­miers on Mon­day, with…

Pierre Poilievre sharply criticized after speech to First Nations: ‘You have a lot of education to do’

Pierre Poilievre sharply criticized after speech to First Nations: ‘You have a lot of education to do’

Some First Nations lead­ers sharply chas­tised Pierre Poilievre on Thurs­day after they…

Poilievre promises less interference, more economic control in speech to Assembly of First Nations

Poilievre promises less interference, more economic control in speech to Assembly of First Nations

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre made his first in-per­son speech to the…

Pierre Poilievre to focus on economic reconciliation in speech at AFN meeting

Pierre Poilievre to focus on economic reconciliation in speech at AFN meeting

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre will under­score the impor­tance of eco­nom­ic…

Toronto-St. Paul's Byelection: A Swing Big Enough to Wipe Out 55 Liberal Seats in Ontario

Toronto-St. Paul's Byelection: A Swing Big Enough to Wipe Out 55 Liberal Seats in Ontario

This was not any ordi­nary byelec­tion. The stakes were high. I went to bed…

Justin Trudeau’s government is losing its momentum on Indigenous reconciliation, leaders say — and they’re worried a Conservative government could be worse

Justin Trudeau’s government is losing its momentum on Indigenous reconciliation, leaders say — and they’re worried a Conservative government could be worse

Nine years after Justin Trudeau came to pow­er cam­paign­ing on a new rela­tion­ship…

Can Canada fulfil the promises imbedded in the UN’s declaration on Indigenous rights?

Can Canada fulfil the promises imbedded in the UN’s declaration on Indigenous rights?

Three years ago on June 21, Cana­da took a bold step for­ward when the…

What could have been for reconciliation

What could have been for reconciliation

What could have been for rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, British Colum­bia, North­west…

Tory MP says he misspoke after NDP MP accuses him of making anti-Indigenous comment

Tory MP says he misspoke after NDP MP accuses him of making anti-Indigenous comment

A Con­ser­v­a­tive MP apol­o­gized in the House of Com­mons today after an Indige­nous…

5 years after MMIWG inquiry's final report, former commissioners still waiting for progress

5 years after MMIWG inquiry's final report, former commissioners still waiting for progress

Five years after a nation­al inquiry deliv­ered more than 200 rec­om­men­da­tions…

Dawson Creek gets on the map for all the wrong reasons

Dawson Creek gets on the map for all the wrong reasons

Daw­son Creek is 700 kilo­me­tres north of Van­cou­ver on the bor­der of Alber­ta. It’s…

Eco-activist Liberal ministers could ruin a $300M lifeline for a struggling First Nation

Eco-activist Liberal ministers could ruin a $300M lifeline for a struggling First Nation

The Ehat­te­saht First Nation’s chief makes clear that his peo­ple know bet­ter than…

The day Indigenous Peoples took a major step forward in healing

The day Indigenous Peoples took a major step forward in healing

It’s been a long time since First Nations, Inu­it, and Métis came togeth­er. Before…