Top News
Some Liberal MPs issue an ultimatum to Trudeau: make up your mind to stay or go by Oct. 28

Some Liberal MPs issue an ultimatum to Trudeau: make up your mind to stay or go by Oct. 28

Some Lib­er­al MPs issued an ulti­ma­tum to Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau Wednes­day: decide in the next few days if you want to stay on as leader or face some unspec­i­fied con­se­quences. For weeks, anti-Trudeau MPs have been meet­ing in secret…

Trudeau says Liberal party is 'strong and united' after caucus meeting

Trudeau says Liberal party is 'strong and united' after caucus meeting

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau was smil­ing this after­noon as he walked out of…

Liberals set to announce immigration system changes, sources say

Liberals set to announce immigration system changes, sources say

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is set to announce major changes to Canada’s immi­gra­tion…

Poll suggests more than half of Canadians unaware of gridlock in House of Commons

Poll suggests more than half of Canadians unaware of gridlock in House of Commons

A debate has ground work in the House of Com­mons to a halt for weeks, but…

Liberal MPs say ‘anything is possible’ at caucus meeting ahead of expected leadership challenge

Liberal MPs say ‘anything is possible’ at caucus meeting ahead of expected leadership challenge

Some Lib­er­al MPs say they are expect­ing a bois­ter­ous nation­al cau­cus meet­ing…


Supported by

This section is sponsored by Canada's mining companies.
National Survey: How Do Canadians Really Feel About the CBC?

    National Survey: How Do Canadians Really Feel About the CBC?

    The future of CBC/​Radio Cana­da has become a fix­ture of polit­i­cal debate, but to…

    Who wants a federal election? Nearly all CPC supporters want to see the writs; everyone else, not so much

      Who wants a federal election? Nearly all CPC supporters want to see the writs; everyone else, not so much

      With Ottawa’s par­lia­men­tary precinct plunged into the lat­est round of minor­i­ty…


      Informed choice key in breast cancer screening
      Big Oil pays big bucks for private meeting with Poilievre

      Big Oil pays big bucks for private meeting with Poilievre

      Pierre Poilievre told cor­po­rate Cana­da last May to fire their lob­by­ists because he…


      ‘Code Red’ petition from Liberals urges secret ballot on Justin Trudeau’s leadership

      ‘Code Red’ petition from Liberals urges secret ballot on Justin Trudeau’s leadership

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau was all smiles as he walked into a Lib­er­al cau­cus…

      Bank of Canada cuts key rate by 50 basis points in oversized step

      Bank of Canada cuts key rate by 50 basis points in oversized step

      The Bank of Cana­da deliv­ered an over­sized inter­est rate cut of half…

      Politician's Pen

      Why we should pull together to tackle Foreign Interference
      Unlocking the North: A Critical Moment for Canada’s Future

      Unlocking the North: A Critical Moment for Canada’s Future

      The North is Canada’s next hori­zon. Through strate­gic invest­ments in the NWT — in…

      Opinion (Continued)

      Now it’s Poilievre facing the fire on foreign interference
      Canada’s immigration crisis has only just begun

      Canada’s immigration crisis has only just begun

      Cana­da offi­cial­ly has an immi­gra­tion prob­lem. No, it’s not the one we’ve been…

      India interference allegations exposing who’s not ride-or-die for Canada

      India interference allegations exposing who’s not ride-or-die for Canada

      On Oct.14, while peo­ple were eat­ing their Thanks­giv­ing meal, Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

      Someone will be shown the door when Justin Trudeau meets his caucus

      Someone will be shown the door when Justin Trudeau meets his caucus

      Ten years ago this week, Justin Trudeau was assem­bling all the pieces that would make…

      Trudeau—Not Trump—Is the Greatest Threat to NATO

      Trudeau—Not Trump—Is the Greatest Threat to NATO

      Accord­ing to media reports, lead­ers in the cap­i­tals of some mem­bers of the North…

      Nova Scotia needs to take the fight to Ottawa

      Nova Scotia needs to take the fight to Ottawa

      Nova Sco­tia has a proud tra­di­tion of resilience, forged through cen­turies of…

      The sharks are circling Trudeau. There's blood in the water

      The sharks are circling Trudeau. There's blood in the water

      The sharks are cir­cling the tank. Yes­ter­day, for­mer BC Pre­mier Christy Clark made…

      John Rustad just taught progressives an important lesson

      John Rustad just taught progressives an important lesson

      Brent Chap­man, the BC Con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­date for the rid­ing of Sur­rey South,…

      One outcome is clear in the B.C. election — Justin Trudeau lost

      One outcome is clear in the B.C. election — Justin Trudeau lost

      They’re still try­ing to fig­ure out exact­ly what hap­pened in the British Colum­bia…

      Danielle Smith’s party is flirting with a blatantly anti-science policy

      Danielle Smith’s party is flirting with a blatantly anti-science policy

      In less than two weeks Danielle Smith will sub­ject her­self to a lead­er­ship…

      Spilled milk that’s worth a political outcry
      The Unprecedented Vulnerability of Justin Trudeau

      The Unprecedented Vulnerability of Justin Trudeau

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is in an abysmal polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion, and the hits…

      Canada can save our friendship with India, but probably not while Trudeau's around

      Canada can save our friendship with India, but probably not while Trudeau's around

      Cana­da must con­vince India that it is pre­pared to counter Khal­is­tani extrem­ism on…

      Why Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau have taken the same tepid approach to global affairs

      Why Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau have taken the same tepid approach to global affairs

      Nine years ago, not long before Stephen Harper’s Con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment was…

      Solving the Family Doctor Shortage: How AI Could Make Quebec’s Radical Rethink Work
      When it comes to liberalizing trade between the provinces, it’s best to think small

      When it comes to liberalizing trade between the provinces, it’s best to think small

      Inter­provin­cial bat­tles over booze have been a long-stand­ing fea­ture of the…

      What a museum on residential schools could do for us

      What a museum on residential schools could do for us

      The Nation­al Muse­um of African Amer­i­can His­to­ry and Cul­ture in Wash­ing­ton, D.C.,…

      Justin Trudeau has no shortage of headaches. What’s his biggest one?

      Justin Trudeau has no shortage of headaches. What’s his biggest one?

      Susan Dela­court: Ear­li­er this week, for non-col­umn pur­pos­es, you and I were…

      Canadians’ Demand for Change Could Work to Israel’s Benefit.

      Canadians’ Demand for Change Could Work to Israel’s Benefit.

      Since the out­break of Octo­ber 7th, Israelis have relied heav­i­ly on the Unit­ed States…

      Trudeau the Magnificent offers foreign-interference inquiry a master class in redirecting attention

      Trudeau the Magnificent offers foreign-interference inquiry a master class in redirecting attention

      The big mes­sage of Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s tes­ti­mo­ny this week before the…

      The desperation of Justin Trudeau is dangerous for everyone. Especially Liberals

      The desperation of Justin Trudeau is dangerous for everyone. Especially Liberals

      It’s dis­turbing­ly plau­si­ble, as Tasha Kheirid­din argued here on Thurs­day, that…

      After a week of jaw-dropping accusations, the quaint world of 2015 seems far away

      After a week of jaw-dropping accusations, the quaint world of 2015 seems far away

      Nine years ago this fall, the lead­ers of the three major fed­er­al par­ties at the time…

      Justin Trudeau’s Obligation to Canada
      Pierre Poilievre wants to lead the country. So where are the signs of maturity?

      Pierre Poilievre wants to lead the country. So where are the signs of maturity?

      You could call it Pierre Poilievre’s blind spot. Because the Con­ser­v­a­tive leader sees…

      Without a workforce, child care policy isn’t going anywhere
      Our democracy is under attack. Do our leaders know it?

      Our democracy is under attack. Do our leaders know it?

      What’s it going to take? Just how bad­ly must our nation­al secu­ri­ty be com­pro­mised…

      Poilievre's 'conspicuous' silence on the B.C. election is getting louder as the vote nears

      Poilievre's 'conspicuous' silence on the B.C. election is getting louder as the vote nears

      British Colum­bia NDP Leader David Eby’s per­son­al cru­sade to force the province’s…

      Pierre Poilievre has taken politics to a new low. Justin Trudeau is willing to join him there

      Pierre Poilievre has taken politics to a new low. Justin Trudeau is willing to join him there

      New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty Leader Jag­meet Singh is not wrong when he says that…

      Pierre Poilievre has a problem: He can’t pass the beer test in Quebec

      Pierre Poilievre has a problem: He can’t pass the beer test in Quebec

      In pol­i­tics, where the line between the per­son­al and polit­i­cal is often blurred,…

      The clock is ticking on Trudeau

      The clock is ticking on Trudeau

      When Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s plane touched down in Hon­olu­lu on his way back…

      Trudeau's interference allegations a dramatic act of self-preservation

      Trudeau's interference allegations a dramatic act of self-preservation

      Love him or hate him, you’ve got to give Justin Trudeau cred­it. He is the polit­i­cal…

      Foreign crises are getting in the way of the inevitable: Trudeau’s departure

      Foreign crises are getting in the way of the inevitable: Trudeau’s departure

      The Justin Trudeau loy­al­ists are dig­ging in. There’s a ​“con­sid­er­able cadre who…

      Alberta's emissions cap math doesn't add up

      Alberta's emissions cap math doesn't add up

      Who are you going to trust: the Gov­ern­ment of Alber­ta or your lying eyes? That was…

      News (Continued)

      Justin Trudeau says his leadership is not in danger as Liberals brace for revolt

      Justin Trudeau says his leadership is not in danger as Liberals brace for revolt

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says his lead­er­ship of the Lib­er­al par­ty is not in…

      Presidents and prime ministers: How cross-border personality clashes could play out

      Presidents and prime ministers: How cross-border personality clashes could play out

      Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy stood before Cana­di­an law­mak­ers elu­ci­dat­ing the…

      What you need to know as Trudeau fights to retain leadership of the Liberal party

      What you need to know as Trudeau fights to retain leadership of the Liberal party

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has resist­ed calls for his res­ig­na­tion for more than…

      Furstenau to speak as prospects loom for minority government in B.C.

      Furstenau to speak as prospects loom for minority government in B.C.

      Green Leader Sonia Furste­nau is set to meet the media for the first time since British…

      ‘Extremely strained’ Canada-India diplomatic ties unlikely to improve under Trudeau government, says analyst

      ‘Extremely strained’ Canada-India diplomatic ties unlikely to improve under Trudeau government, says analyst

      After anoth­er round of tit-for-tat diplo­mat­ic expul­sions, the Cana­da-India…

      Immigration minister calls efforts to oust Trudeau 'garbage'

      Immigration minister calls efforts to oust Trudeau 'garbage'

      Immi­gra­tion Min­is­ter Marc Miller today called efforts by dis­af­fect­ed Lib­er­al MPs…

      Weekly Writ 10/23: Turning points everywhere

      Weekly Writ 10/23: Turning points everywhere

      Cana­di­an pol­i­tics might be hit­ting a turn­ing point this week. Today is…

      Bloc Québécois says it will end House of Commons stalemate if Liberals meet demands

      Bloc Québécois says it will end House of Commons stalemate if Liberals meet demands

      Bloc Québé­cois Leader Yves-François Blanchet says he’s will­ing to end the stale­mate in…

      Former Conservative leader says Trudeau 'should move on' amid efforts to oust him

      Former Conservative leader says Trudeau 'should move on' amid efforts to oust him

      For­mer Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Erin O’Toole says Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau…

      What do Canadian voters want most? A tilt towards centre right, a lower cost of living and better health care.

      What do Canadian voters want most? A tilt towards centre right, a lower cost of living and better health care.

      In our most recent sur­vey, con­duct­ed between Octo­ber 8 – 12th, among 2000 adult…

      Liberal caucus should have adopted Reform Act for process to oust Trudeau, says MP Casey

      Liberal caucus should have adopted Reform Act for process to oust Trudeau, says MP Casey

      Hav­ing the mech­a­nism would pro­vide ​‘more struc­ture’ and make any deci­sion ​‘a bit…

      NS Liberal MLA Fred Tilley crosses floor to Tories

      NS Liberal MLA Fred Tilley crosses floor to Tories

      Lib­er­al MLA Fred Tilley will cross the floor to join the gov­ern­ing Pro­gres­sive…

      Kevin Vickers says 'not a day that goes by' he doesn't think about Parliament Hill shooting

      Kevin Vickers says 'not a day that goes by' he doesn't think about Parliament Hill shooting

      On the 10-year anniver­sary of the dead­ly Par­lia­ment Hill shoot­ing, for­mer…

      Man charged after attempting to force his way into the House of Commons: police

      Man charged after attempting to force his way into the House of Commons: police

      On the tenth anniver­sary of the shoot­ing on Par­lia­ment Hill, a man was arrest­ed…

      57% of Canadians living in a Liberal held riding want their MP to call on Justin Trudeau to resign and not run again.

      57% of Canadians living in a Liberal held riding want their MP to call on Justin Trudeau to resign and not run again.

      From Octo­ber 17 to 22, 2024, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,500…

      Trudeau cabinet ministers voice confidence in PM day before key Liberal meeting

      Trudeau cabinet ministers voice confidence in PM day before key Liberal meeting

      Sev­er­al mem­bers of Justin Trudeau’s cab­i­net are voic­ing sup­port for the prime…

      Auditor general to investigate all government payments to ArriveCan contractor GC Strategies

      Auditor general to investigate all government payments to ArriveCan contractor GC Strategies

      Canada’s audi­tor gen­er­al will con­duct a full audit of all gov­ern­ment…

      Veteran Quebec TV exec Marie-Philippe Bouchard named new CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada

      Veteran Quebec TV exec Marie-Philippe Bouchard named new CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada

      A sea­soned Que­bec tele­vi­sion exec­u­tive has been appoint­ed as the next pres­i­dent…

      Bank of Canada in Position to Accelerate Rate Cuts: Decision Guide

      Bank of Canada in Position to Accelerate Rate Cuts: Decision Guide

      The Bank of Cana­da is like­ly to make a jum­bo cut to inter­est rates,…

      U.S. vote has Canadian business leaders worried about protectionist policies: KPMG

      U.S. vote has Canadian business leaders worried about protectionist policies: KPMG

      A new report says many Cana­di­an busi­ness lead­ers are wor­ried about eco­nom­ic…

      Federal officials provided intelligence about India to Washington Post, sources say

      Federal officials provided intelligence about India to Washington Post, sources say

      Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s nation­al secu­ri­ty advis­er and the deputy min­is­ter…

      10 years after shooting, the debate over securing Parliament Hill continues

      10 years after shooting, the debate over securing Parliament Hill continues

      Ten years after a gun­man died in a hail of bul­lets in Par­lia­men­t’s Cen­tre…

      ‘A moment of brief joy’: New Brunswick Liberal win may not alleviate Trudeau’s woes

      ‘A moment of brief joy’: New Brunswick Liberal win may not alleviate Trudeau’s woes

      A his­toric Lib­er­al vic­to­ry in Monday’s New Brunswick elec­tion may not be the boost…

      Former B.C. premier Christy Clark interested in replacing Trudeau if PM steps down

      Former B.C. premier Christy Clark interested in replacing Trudeau if PM steps down

      As Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau faces a rebel­lion from his own Lib­er­al MPs in…

      N.B. Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs loses riding

      N.B. Progressive Conservative Leader Blaine Higgs loses riding

      The Cana­di­an Press is pro­ject­ing that Blaine Hig­gs, leader of the Pro­gres­sive…

      Civilians who ran to help Nathan Cirillo during 2014 Ottawa attack should be officially recognized, current and former parliamentarians say

      Civilians who ran to help Nathan Cirillo during 2014 Ottawa attack should be officially recognized, current and former parliamentarians say

      A decade ago, Mar­tin Mag­nan was walk­ing in down­town Ottawa near the Nation­al War…

      New Brunswick Liberals win majority, Susan Holt first woman to lead province

      New Brunswick Liberals win majority, Susan Holt first woman to lead province

      New Brunswick vot­ers have elect­ed a Lib­er­al major­i­ty gov­ern­ment, toss­ing…

      Mark Carney says he plans to enter elected politics as Liberals begin to organize leadership bids

      Mark Carney says he plans to enter elected politics as Liberals begin to organize leadership bids

      Mark Car­ney, Justin Trudeau’s eco­nom­ic plat­form advis­er, says he plans to enter…

      CBC president refuses to rule out accepting bonuses for two most recent fiscal years

      CBC president refuses to rule out accepting bonuses for two most recent fiscal years

      CBC pres­i­dent and CEO Cather­ine Tait today refused to rule out accept­ing per­son­al…

      One Liberal MP says he's signed letter asking Trudeau to resign, others remain mum

      One Liberal MP says he's signed letter asking Trudeau to resign, others remain mum

      Lib­er­al MP Sean Casey is the first to pub­licly con­firm that he has signed…

      Liberal MPs seek ‘reflection and change’ with letter calling on Justin Trudeau to step down

      Liberal MPs seek ‘reflection and change’ with letter calling on Justin Trudeau to step down

      More than 20 and as many as 40 of the Lib­er­als’ 153 mem­bers of Par­lia­ment have…

      Here's what Liberal MPs are saying ahead of an expected push to oust Trudeau

      Here's what Liberal MPs are saying ahead of an expected push to oust Trudeau

      As rumours swirl around Par­lia­ment Hill about efforts with­in the Lib­er­al cau­cus to…

      Alleged assassination target calls expelled Indian high commissioner 'less of a diplomat and more of a hypocrite'

      Alleged assassination target calls expelled Indian high commissioner 'less of a diplomat and more of a hypocrite'

      Gur­pat­want Singh Pan­nun — a dual Cana­da-Unit­ed States cit­i­zen and the tar­get…

      US Poli

      Efforts by Russia, Iran and China to sway US voters may escalate, new Microsoft report says

      Efforts by Russia, Iran and China to sway US voters may escalate, new Microsoft report says

      NEW YORK (AP) — For­eign adver­saries have shown con­tin­ued deter­mi­na­tion to…

      Trump wanted generals like Hitler's and said Nazi leader 'did some good things,' John Kelly says

      Trump wanted generals like Hitler's and said Nazi leader 'did some good things,' John Kelly says

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump’s longest-serv­ing chief of staff is warn­ing that the…

      Biden says global leaders are terrified of Trump and quietly tell him, 'He can't win'

      Biden says global leaders are terrified of Trump and quietly tell him, 'He can't win'

      CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden tore into his pre­de­ces­sor on Tues­day,…

      Trump denigrates Harris as 'lazy,' invoking a racist trope against Black people

      Trump denigrates Harris as 'lazy,' invoking a racist trope against Black people

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee Don­ald Trump on Tues­day called…


      Supported by

      This section is sponsored by Canada's Motion Picture Industry.
      Britain's prime minister rejects a claim by the Trump campaign about election interference

      Britain's prime minister rejects a claim by the Trump campaign about election interference

      LONDON (AP) — British Prime Min­is­ter Keir Starmer has reject­ed a claim by Don­ald…

      FBI says it's investigating leak of secret documents on Israel's possible attack plans

      FBI says it's investigating leak of secret documents on Israel's possible attack plans

      WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI said Tues­day that it is inves­ti­gat­ing the unau­tho­rized…

      Biden is 'deeply concerned' about the release of secret documents on Israel's possible attack plans

      Biden is 'deeply concerned' about the release of secret documents on Israel's possible attack plans

      WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is ​“deeply con­cerned” about the unau­tho­rized…

      'You are not my king,' Indigenous Australian senator yells at visiting King Charles

      'You are not my king,' Indigenous Australian senator yells at visiting King Charles

      An Indige­nous sen­a­tor told King Charles III that Aus­tralia is not his land as the…

      Biden says Western allies must keep aiding Ukraine as he meets European partners before election

      Biden says Western allies must keep aiding Ukraine as he meets European partners before election

      BERLIN (AP) — U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden said it’s impor­tant for Ukraine’s West­ern…

      Think Tank

      Energy Security in Uncertain Times: How Canada and Taiwan Can Partner for Strategic Gain

      Energy Security in Uncertain Times: How Canada and Taiwan Can Partner for Strategic Gain

      Taiwan’s heavy reliance on import­ed ener­gy is a glar­ing nation­al secu­ri­ty…

      Indigenous Affairs Reinvented: A Tale of Three Provinces

      Indigenous Affairs Reinvented: A Tale of Three Provinces

      Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

      Southeast Asia, Cyber Threats, and Opportunities for Canadian Co-operation: The Cases of Singapore and the Philippines

      As the coun­tries com­pris­ing the Asso­ci­a­tion of South­east Asian Nations (ASEAN)…


      A collection of SubStack publishing within Canadian public affairs.

      An error-prone 'transparency'

      An error-prone 'transparency'

      The pro-active pub­li­ca­tion of inter­nal doc­u­ments by gov­ern­ments has long been…

      Delay is toxic for freedom of information

      Delay is toxic for freedom of information

      In pub­lic affairs jour­nal­ism, all infor­ma­tion has a best-before date.…

      Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

      Why Israelis and Palestinians both feel war is justified

      The prospect for peace in the Mid­dle East is far­ther away than ever, with both…


      Is this latest mutiny the end for Justin Trudeau?

        Is this latest mutiny the end for Justin Trudeau?

        Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: Lib­er­al MPs are voic­ing con­cerns about…

        A Big Punch Landed

          A Big Punch Landed

          David Her­le, Scott Reid, Jor­dan Leich­nitz and Kory Ten­ey­cke pro­vide insights on the…

          Why the AFN rejected a $47.8-billion child welfare deal

            Why the AFN rejected a $47.8-billion child welfare deal

            Last week, the Assem­bly of First Nations vot­ed to reject a $47.8‑billion child wel­fare…

            Canada’s traffic is brutal. Can it be fixed?

              Canada’s traffic is brutal. Can it be fixed?

              As you’re prob­a­bly well aware, traf­fic in cities across Cana­da is mind-numb­ing­ly…