The blaze in Jasper fueled a wider disinformation firestorm

The blaze in Jasper fueled a wider disinformation firestorm

As wild­fires scorch ever-larg­er parts of Cana­da and force thou­sands to evac­u­ate, they are fuel­ing the spread of right-wing dis­in­for­ma­tion and cli­mate con­spir­a­cy theories.

Climate Change: The "Per Capita" Measure is a Misleading Metric

Climate Change: The "Per Capita" Measure is a Misleading Metric

“Lies, damned lies, and sta­tis­tics” is a phrase often used to describe how…

What a Harris-led USA would mean for Canada and the climate

What a Harris-led USA would mean for Canada and the climate

For­mer Prime Min­is­ter Pierre Trudeau famous­ly com­pared Canada‑U.S. rela­tions to…

Ottawa unveils plan to phase out oil-fired furnaces and support heat pumps

Ottawa unveils plan to phase out oil-fired furnaces and support heat pumps

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment says it has a plan to start phas­ing out the use of…

Anti-Greenwashing measures become law with the passing of Bill C-59
A trade war with China over EVs could slow Canada's low-carbon transition, groups warn

A trade war with China over EVs could slow Canada's low-carbon transition, groups warn

Envi­ron­men­tal groups are call­ing on the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to avoid get­ting into…

Shell going ahead with Canadian carbon capture and storage projects

Shell going ahead with Canadian carbon capture and storage projects

Shell Cana­da is going ahead with its Polaris car­bon cap­ture project in Alber­ta. The…

Alberta oil and gas sector exceeded flaring limit in 2023, data shows

Alberta oil and gas sector exceeded flaring limit in 2023, data shows

For the first time, Alber­ta’s oil and gas indus­try has exceed­ed the province’s own…

A new law aims to crack down on environmental racism in Canada

A new law aims to crack down on environmental racism in Canada

For years, researchers, activists, com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers have shown how Indige­nous,…

Federal Liberals urgently need to shift terrain with bold ideas

Federal Liberals urgently need to shift terrain with bold ideas

As Lib­er­al MPs pre­pare to return to their home rid­ings for the sum­mer recess, they…

Europe is in the middle of a ‘greenlash.’ If Canada doesn’t put workers first in its green transition, we could be next

Europe is in the middle of a ‘greenlash.’ If Canada doesn’t put workers first in its green transition, we could be next

Sev­en in 10 Cana­di­ans say they’re wor­ried about cli­mate change, so you might think…

Canada’s EV strategy will cost $6B more than announced, watchdog says

Canada’s EV strategy will cost $6B more than announced, watchdog says

Canada’s EV-build­ing strat­e­gy will cost Ottawa and provinces about $6 bil­lion more…

Emissions cap not possible without oil, gas production cuts: Deloitte

Emissions cap not possible without oil, gas production cuts: Deloitte

Cana­di­an oil and gas com­pa­nies fac­ing a fed­er­al­ly imposed emis­sions cap…

Shift to land-based salmon farming in B.C. could be expensive and logistically challenging, critics say

Shift to land-based salmon farming in B.C. could be expensive and logistically challenging, critics say

The fed­er­al government’s report­ed plan to tran­si­tion B.C. salmon pro­duc­tion to…

Pierre Poilievre’s silence on industrial carbon pricing undermines investment, Canada’s competitiveness and our environment.

Pierre Poilievre’s silence on industrial carbon pricing undermines investment, Canada’s competitiveness and our environment.

Ear­li­er this spring, the Cana­di­an Cli­mate Insti­tute pro­duced a report…

Environment Canada says it can now rapidly link high-heat weather events to climate change

Environment Canada says it can now rapidly link high-heat weather events to climate change

Envi­ron­ment and Cli­mate Change Cana­da says it’s now able to pub­licly iden­ti­fy…

Following Conservative attacks, government releases internal data on the impact of carbon pricing

Following Conservative attacks, government releases internal data on the impact of carbon pricing

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has released its esti­mate of the impact of car­bon pric­ing…

Tech companies, heavy emitters drive a renewables boom in Alberta

Tech companies, heavy emitters drive a renewables boom in Alberta

From brew­eries and indus­tri­al-scale bak­eries to tech giants such as Microsoft and…

Weekly Writ for June 12: Will climate change be a ballot box issue?

Weekly Writ for June 12: Will climate change be a ballot box issue?

Cli­mate change and the envi­ron­ment have been impor­tant issues for sev­er­al fed­er­al…

Most Canadians are open or somewhat open to installing renewable energy generating devices in their home (Schneider Electric/Nanos)

Most Canadians are open or somewhat open to installing renewable energy generating devices in their home (Schneider Electric/Nanos)

Over eight in ten Cana­di­ans say they are open (58%) or some­what open (27%) to…

Ottawa abolishes green fund in response to scathing AG report

Ottawa abolishes green fund in response to scathing AG report

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is axing a $1 bil­lion green fund in response to a report…

Big Tobacco once made us sick and lied about it. Now we’re letting another industry get away with the same

Big Tobacco once made us sick and lied about it. Now we’re letting another industry get away with the same

If you are old enough to remem­ber when smok­ing was allowed in the­atres, air­planes and…

Carbon capture rollout lags as industry, Ottawa at odds over who shoulders risk

Carbon capture rollout lags as industry, Ottawa at odds over who shoulders risk

The ques­tion of who should bear the finan­cial risk for pricey car­bon cap­ture and…

Rich countries have finally hit their $100B US climate finance goal, Guilbeault says

Rich countries have finally hit their $100B US climate finance goal, Guilbeault says

Cana­da announced Wednes­day that wealthy coun­tries have final­ly reached their goal of…

This senator wants Canadian banks to fight climate change

This senator wants Canadian banks to fight climate change

Rosa Galvez has tak­en on a Her­culean task: force Cana­di­an finan­cial…

Survey finds producers see climate change having major effects on them

Gov­ern­ments must do more to help farm­ers cope with cli­mate change

New head of Alberta oilsands group wants clarity from Poilievre on industrial carbon pricing

New head of Alberta oilsands group wants clarity from Poilievre on industrial carbon pricing

‘We’ve talked for 40 years about cli­mate change … and we’ve done very, very lit­tle…

Plastic pollution is the new front in the culture war

Plastic pollution is the new front in the culture war

Last week, Lianne Rood decid­ed to take a stand. Appear­ing in a video…

Pierre Poilievre Voted Against Environment and Climate 400 Times, Records Show

Pierre Poilievre Voted Against Environment and Climate 400 Times, Records Show

Fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive leader Pierre Poilievre has vot­ed against the envi­ron­ment…

Fire threatening Fort McMurray could burn for weeks, maybe months

Fire threatening Fort McMurray could burn for weeks, maybe months

Cool­er tem­per­a­tures, calmer winds and rain have sub­dued the wild­fire threat­en­ing…

Extreme weather causing billions of dollars in damage, driving up insurance premiums: StatsCan

Extreme weather causing billions of dollars in damage, driving up insurance premiums: StatsCan

The increas­ing fre­quen­cy of extreme weath­er events across the coun­try has caused the…

Dwindling demand for Canadian crude will speed the clean energy transition ‘whether Alberta wants it or not’

Dwindling demand for Canadian crude will speed the clean energy transition ‘whether Alberta wants it or not’

Slid­ing glob­al demand for Canada’s oil and gas pro­duc­tion between 2025 and 2050 will…

Ottawa turns to civilian first responders as another dire wildfire season approaches

Ottawa turns to civilian first responders as another dire wildfire season approaches

Instead of send­ing in the troops to deal with what promis­es to be anoth­er dan­ger­ous…

Are Tim Hortons' new lids 'woke'? One Conservative MP thinks so

Are Tim Hortons' new lids 'woke'? One Conservative MP thinks so

Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Lianne Rood says she has no time for Tims after the fast food chain…

A bumpy road ahead: a critical assessment of Canada’s Electric Vehicle Availability Standard

A bumpy road ahead: a critical assessment of Canada’s Electric Vehicle Availability Standard

This paper exam­ines Canada’s plan to man­date that by 2035 100 per­cent of new vehi­cles…

Mark Carney says carbon tax served a purpose 'until now,' calls for credible alternative

Mark Carney says carbon tax served a purpose 'until now,' calls for credible alternative

But Car­ney told sen­a­tors that any new cli­mate pol­i­cy should not only be bet­ter and…

The unravelling of Danielle Smith's case for Alberta's renewables pause

The unravelling of Danielle Smith's case for Alberta's renewables pause

Inter­nal doc­u­ments con­tra­dict pre­mier’s claims; indus­try says it has big­ger…

Canadians are almost four times more likely to oppose rather than support a total ban on the use of gas-powered vehicles as of 2035

Canadians are almost four times more likely to oppose rather than support a total ban on the use of gas-powered vehicles as of 2035

Cana­di­ans are near­ly four times more like­ly to oppose (50%) rather than sup­port…

Green groups outraged after Ottawa changes the rules on environmental assessments

Green groups outraged after Ottawa changes the rules on environmental assessments

Major indus­tri­al resource projects under provin­cial juris­dic­tion that spew mas­sive…

Canada's greenhouse gas emissions climbed in 2022, after pandemic slowdown

Canada's greenhouse gas emissions climbed in 2022, after pandemic slowdown

Canada’s green­house gas emis­sions rose in 2022, as the econ­o­my rebound­ed from the…

‘What choice did I have?’ Guilbeault says Highway 413 deal meant to ‘protect’ key environmental law

‘What choice did I have?’ Guilbeault says Highway 413 deal meant to ‘protect’ key environmental law

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment had lit­tle choice but to cut a deal with Ontario over…

Majority of Canadians strongly agree or agree that ocean health is important to them

Majority of Canadians strongly agree or agree that ocean health is important to them

Near­ly nine in ten Cana­di­ans strong­ly agree (44%) or agree (45%) that ocean health is…