Politicians shouldn't scrap climate commitments to address cost of living crisis: Boris Johnson

Politicians shouldn't scrap climate commitments to address cost of living crisis: Boris Johnson

Politi­cians should not toss aside their cli­mate com­mit­ments in order to address the cost of liv­ing cri­sis, says for­mer U.K. prime min­is­ter Boris John­son. In an exclu­sive inter­view with CTV Ques­tion Peri­od host Vassy Kape­los, John­son…

Climate warrior Jane Goodall isn't sold on carbon taxes and electric vehicles

Climate warrior Jane Goodall isn't sold on carbon taxes and electric vehicles

World-renowned pri­ma­tol­o­gist and cli­mate activist Jane Goodall says car­bon pric­ing…

Increasing renewable energy to create more conflicts between environmental values

Increasing renewable energy to create more conflicts between environmental values

An Alber­ta envi­ron­men­tal group oppos­es a solar pow­er project over con­cerns it…

Canada at risk of another devastating wildfire season, federal government warns

Canada at risk of another devastating wildfire season, federal government warns

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment says Cana­da is at risk of anoth­er dev­as­tat­ing wild­fire…

Justin Trudeau’s government is $15 billion behind in climate change spending, report says

Justin Trudeau’s government is $15 billion behind in climate change spending, report says

he fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has failed to spend rough­ly $15 bil­lion that it com­mit­ted…

Fate of giant carbon capture project still uncertain, but Pathways Alliance hopeful for deal with feds

Fate of giant carbon capture project still uncertain, but Pathways Alliance hopeful for deal with…

Despite grow­ing frus­tra­tions and pro­longed nego­ti­a­tions with the fed­er­al…

The problem with the carbon tax is the carbon tax rebate

The problem with the carbon tax is the carbon tax rebate

“Con­ser­v­a­tive pre­miers across this coun­try are mis­lead­ing Cana­di­ans, are not…

Pierre Poilievre’s climate policy is a joke

Pierre Poilievre’s climate policy is a joke

There’s a grow­ing irony in the car­bon tax increase falling on April Fools’ Day…

The federal government promised to plant two billion trees. How’s that going?

The federal government promised to plant two billion trees. How’s that going?

Just off a coun­try road in rur­al Ontario, a short dri­ve from Bar­rie, Ker­ry…

Conservative premiers are lying about carbon pricing: Trudeau

Conservative premiers are lying about carbon pricing: Trudeau

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says con­ser­v­a­tive politi­cians across Cana­da,…

Big polluters shouldn't be punished financially -- they should just emit less: Moe

Big polluters shouldn't be punished financially -- they should just emit less: Moe

Saskatchewan Pre­mier Scott Moe says big pol­luters shouldn’t be forced to pay for their…

Trudeau challenges premiers opposed to carbon tax hike to suggest alternatives to federal levy

Trudeau challenges premiers opposed to carbon tax hike to suggest alternatives to federal levy

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is call­ing on pre­miers opposed to increas­ing the…

Economists defend Liberals' carbon price as political rhetoric heats up

Economists defend Liberals' carbon price as political rhetoric heats up

Dozens of Cana­di­an econ­o­mists are issu­ing an ardent defence of Canada’s price on…

Axing serious climate action with lies.

Axing serious climate action with lies.

Do you want to save the plan­et? Good. Me too. To do that, pol­luters should pay. It’s…

What's behind the carbon tax, and does it work?

What's behind the carbon tax, and does it work?

With the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment under pres­sure to freeze its planned increase to the…

Justin Trudeau's consumer carbon levy less impactful than other climate change actions, report says

Justin Trudeau's consumer carbon levy less impactful than other climate change actions, report says

It’s the cli­mate pol­i­cy at the heart of the polit­i­cal storm around car­bon pric­ing.…

Carbon pricing has become our national dumpster fire

Carbon pricing has become our national dumpster fire

dump­ster fire. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, that fire might end up scorch­ing Cana­di­ans. But…

Industrial carbon price more effective to reduce greenhouse gases than consumer policy, report says

Industrial carbon price more effective to reduce greenhouse gases than consumer policy, report says

Canada’s car­bon pric­ing sys­tem for heavy indus­tri­al emit­ters is by far the…

The EV movement hits a roadblock in Quebec

The EV movement hits a roadblock in Quebec

The good news, EV own­ers would-be and oth­er­wise, is that you can ignore the haters.…

The carbon tax is dead. Climate policy doesn’t have to be

The carbon tax is dead. Climate policy doesn’t have to be

How did the Trudeau government’s sig­na­ture cli­mate pol­i­cy turn into…

The carbon tax has its critics — do any of them have better ideas?

The carbon tax has its critics — do any of them have better ideas?

What would Cana­da be doing to reduce its car­bon emis­sions if Pierre Poilievre and the…

The climate capitalists

The climate capitalists

“We’ll go down in his­to­ry as the first soci­ety that wouldn’t save itself because it…

Canadians are going to pay for climate change with or without a carbon tax

Canadians are going to pay for climate change with or without a carbon tax

The con­sumer car­bon tax is dying in Cana­da – and with it dies a rare and…

Koch Industries’ US$30M carbon pricing lawsuit against Canada dismissed by international court

Koch Industries’ US$30M carbon pricing lawsuit against Canada dismissed by international court

An inter­na­tion­al court has dis­missed a case filed by Koch Indus­tries…

Alberta renewables report contradicts government proposals for industry, critics say

Alberta renewables report contradicts government proposals for industry, critics say

Crit­ics are ask­ing why the Alber­ta government’s pro­posed reg­u­la­tions on renew­able…

Is the carbon tax suffering from a failure to communicate?

Is the carbon tax suffering from a failure to communicate?

Attacks on the car­bon tax are both easy and coun­ter­in­tu­itive. The fed­er­al price on…

Federal disaster aid for Fraser Valley floods, landslides taking too long: B.C. MP

Federal disaster aid for Fraser Valley floods, landslides taking too long: B.C. MP

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment esti­mates it will need to pay almost $3.4 bil­lion for its…

Oilsands companies want Pierre Poilievre to save them

Oilsands companies want Pierre Poilievre to save them

It’s been near­ly two years since the Path­ways Alliance, a con­sor­tium of Canada’s…

Canadians support investing in clean energy and broadband connection to Nunavut

Canadians support investing in clean energy and broadband connection to Nunavut

In spark*insights research, con­duct­ed on behalf of Nukik Cor­po­ra­tion, we gave…

Canadians support investing in clean energy and broadband connection to Nunavut

Canadians support investing in clean energy and broadband connection to Nunavut

In spark*insights research, con­duct­ed on behalf of Nukik Cor­po­ra­tion, we gave…

Zero Carbon: Hope, fear or farce?

Zero Carbon: Hope, fear or farce?

You hear a lot of debate among cli­mate advo­cates about the roles of fear and hope.…

Alberta's $200 electric vehicle registration tax is sparking debate among owners

Alberta's $200 electric vehicle registration tax is sparking debate among owners

Bas­sam Mah­foud bought a Tes­la last Decem­ber, fol­low­ing oth­er Cana­di­ans who…

One premier is threatening to kill Justin Trudeau's controversial carbon levy. What happens if he succeeds?

One premier is threatening to kill Justin Trudeau's controversial carbon levy. What happens if he…

It has been a sea­son of polit­i­cal dis­con­tent for Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Alberta gives cold shoulder to wind and solar industry, as the rest of the world is clamouring for more

Alberta gives cold shoulder to wind and solar industry, as the rest of the world is clamouring for…

The Alber­ta gov­ern­men­t’s sev­en-month ban on new large-scale wind and solar pow­er…

Zero Carbon - Zombie fires and smouldering desire

Zero Carbon - Zombie fires and smouldering desire

The fires of pub­lic opin­ion might be smoul­der­ing like the zom­bie fires seething…

Renewable energy innovation isn’t just good for the climate — it’s also good for the economy

Renewable energy innovation isn’t just good for the climate — it’s also good for the economy

As the cli­mate cri­sis esca­lates, there are urgent and dif­fi­cult choic­es that need…

Truth, lies and emissions caps

Truth, lies and emissions caps

He might be trail­ing in the polls and on his way to an epic elec­toral defeat, but…

Some sectors of oil industry 'dragging their heels' on climate in favour of profit: Trudeau

Some sectors of oil industry 'dragging their heels' on climate in favour of profit: Trudeau

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith found them­selves at…

Climate Change Isn’t an Election Issue, It’s an Era

Climate Change Isn’t an Election Issue, It’s an Era

“Every elec­tion is a cli­mate elec­tion.” Far from being just a slo­gan, this…

Zero Carbon: The heat beneath our feet

Zero Carbon: The heat beneath our feet

Moth­er Nature’s Ice­landic lava show has been an impres­sive reminder that we are…

The road to climate hell is paved with muddled messaging

The road to climate hell is paved with muddled messaging

Last week wasn’t a great one on the cli­mate change front. If, like me, you know…

Federal government scales back carbon price rebates for small businesses

Federal government scales back carbon price rebates for small businesses

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is cut­ting the amount of mon­ey small− and medium−sized…

MPs want Guilbeault to explain road funding remarks. Will it happen?

MPs want Guilbeault to explain road funding remarks. Will it happen?

Con­ser­v­a­tive, Bloc Québé­cois and NDP MPs on the House of Com­mons’ trans­port…