From ‘sunny ways’ to cloudy days: Canadians have tired of Justin Trudeau

From ‘sunny ways’ to cloudy days: Canadians have tired of Justin Trudeau

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau rose to pow­er in 2015 — and res­cued the Lib­er­al Par­ty from irrel­e­vance — on promis­es to bring ​“real change” and infuse Cana­di­an pol­i­tics with ​“sun­ny ways.” Near­ly nine years lat­er, the fore­cast for…

Are we supposed to just sit and wait for Canada’s inevitable constitutional crisis?

Are we supposed to just sit and wait for Canada’s inevitable constitutional crisis?

One way or anoth­er, we are head­ed for a con­sti­tu­tion­al cri­sis: the only…

The opioid crisis is hard to solve. Partisan politics isn't making it easier

The opioid crisis is hard to solve. Partisan politics isn't making it easier

The epi­dem­ic of opi­oid addic­tion is a real prob­lem. And there is a real…

J.D. Vance, Pierre Poilievre, and how they slice their economic pie

J.D. Vance, Pierre Poilievre, and how they slice their economic pie

Last week, main­stream media colum­nist-turned-Sub­stack­er Paul Wells decid­ed to write…

Doug Ford is correct to commit advertising dollars to local media but he’s wrong to use tax dollars to promote his party

Doug Ford is correct to commit advertising dollars to local media but he’s wrong to use tax dollars to promote his party

The Ontario government’s recent deci­sion to direct its four largest agen­cies to spend…

Canadians should resist the temptation of idealizing Kamala Harris. She’s just as protectionist as Biden

Canadians should resist the temptation of idealizing Kamala Harris. She’s just as protectionist as Biden

Don­ald Trump is right about one thing: ​“Kamala Har­ris is Joe Biden 2.0.″ Don’t wor­ry:…

The bankers' revolt against Canada's tidal wave of immigration

The bankers' revolt against Canada's tidal wave of immigration

I con­tin­ue to be weird­ed out by the unfa­mil­iar, almost uncan­ny nature of what…

Journalists Are Becoming Cogs in the Outrage Machine

Journalists Are Becoming Cogs in the Outrage Machine

IN THE EARLY HOURS of July 14, just hours after an attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of for­mer…

It’s going to take more than a return to office to revitalize Downtown Ottawa
We don’t seem interested in finding common ground anymore

We don’t seem interested in finding common ground anymore

“Rather than engage in per­son­al attacks, we should be debat­ing and dis­cussing issues…

The Liberal ship is adrift. If the captain will not change course, will the crew?

The Liberal ship is adrift. If the captain will not change course, will the crew?

One begins to long for the deci­sive­ness and effi­cien­cy of the Amer­i­can polit­i­cal…

Kamala Harris has entered the chat

Kamala Harris has entered the chat

Any­one else exhaust­ed from liv­ing in unprece­dent­ed times? On July 21, Unit­ed States…

Why is this Woman Laughing? Kamala Harris, Seriously Happy Warrior

Why is this Woman Laughing? Kamala Harris, Seriously Happy Warrior

As a noto­ri­ous fan of Venn dia­grams, Kamala Har­ris has sure­ly con­tem­plat­ed…

Liberal comms are an increasingly desperate cry for help

Liberal comms are an increasingly desperate cry for help

“The CEO of Elec­tions Cana­da has indi­cat­ed his oppo­si­tion to it, and let me just…

In 48 hours, Kamala Harris became an unprecedented political lightning bolt. Is there a lesson for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals?

In 48 hours, Kamala Harris became an unprecedented political lightning bolt. Is there a lesson for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals?

It is rare that one event can upend an entire polit­i­cal land­scape overnight. But it…

China aims to keep Mélanie Joly in line — is she even aware?

China aims to keep Mélanie Joly in line — is she even aware?

When­ev­er a Cana­di­an politi­cian trav­els abroad, it’s always use­ful to see how…

How Scott Moe Moved Saskatchewan—and Canada—Further Right

How Scott Moe Moved Saskatchewan—and Canada—Further Right

ONE EVENING IN Jan­u­ary 2018, Scott Moe, a for­mer Saskatchewan envi­ron­ment…

Whether it’s President Harris or President Trump, Canada will have an uphill battle after the U.S. election

Whether it’s President Harris or President Trump, Canada will have an uphill battle after the U.S. election

Let’s rec­og­nize that U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden per­formed the rarest of polit­i­cal…

What do you get when Big Tech mixes things up with populism? Let's keep an eye on JD Vance
Does Joe Biden’s departure change things for ‘Team Canada’? Justin Trudeau has a plan, and he’s standing his ground

Does Joe Biden’s departure change things for ‘Team Canada’? Justin Trudeau has a plan, and he’s standing his ground

Justin Trudeau kept it sim­ple with his state­ment on Joe Biden’s deci­sion to bow out of…

Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

Fear ringed by anger defines the new GOP

Pol­i­tics has always had its share of self-inter­est­ed fak­ers mas­querad­ing as…

Why Canada Should Worry about Trump’s Second Coming

Why Canada Should Worry about Trump’s Second Coming

LATE IN APRIL 2023, prime-time broad­cast­er Tuck­er Carl­son was set to air, on Fox…

Kamala Harris is better for Canada – and the world – than another Trump White House

Kamala Harris is better for Canada – and the world – than another Trump White House

There are good rea­sons to believe that a Kamala Har­ris admin­is­tra­tion would be…

Nothing reflects better on Joe Biden’s long career than his decision to leave the presidential race. But it was still a political execution

Nothing reflects better on Joe Biden’s long career than his decision to leave the presidential race. But it was still a political execution

“Noth­ing in his life,” Shake­speare wrote in ​“Mac­beth” of a noble­man who faced…

Biden’s Parting Gift to Democrats: The Chance to Prove They’re the Sane Alternative

Biden’s Parting Gift to Democrats: The Chance to Prove They’re the Sane Alternative

The momen­tous­ness of Joe Biden’s deci­sion Sun­day to with­draw from the 2024…

I launched the Loblaw boycott. Here’s why the new Grocery Code of Conduct gives me hope

I launched the Loblaw boycott. Here’s why the new Grocery Code of Conduct gives me hope

For Cana­di­ans strug­gling with the cost of liv­ing cri­sis, some hope came this week:…

Trump’s denunciation of green energy ‘scams’ a major headache for Trudeau

Trump’s denunciation of green energy ‘scams’ a major headache for Trudeau

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s cli­mate change poli­cies could be thrown into chaos if…

The equalization system may be headed for a reckoning

The equalization system may be headed for a reckoning

In a coun­try where Saskatchewan refus­es to col­lect car­bon tax­es for home…

Fearmongering about ‘drug dens’ is making Canada’s crisis worse

Fearmongering about ‘drug dens’ is making Canada’s crisis worse

In an ide­al world, drug pol­i­cy would be decid­ed by pub­lic health experts rather than…

Instead of calling an early election, maybe it’s time for Doug Ford to think about retiring

Instead of calling an early election, maybe it’s time for Doug Ford to think about retiring

Maybe he should go. No, I am not talk­ing about Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden.…

Netanyahu adds to the anguish of October 7 by refusing a state inquiry

Netanyahu adds to the anguish of October 7 by refusing a state inquiry

Daniel­la Gilboa is a beau­ti­ful 20-year-old Israeli woman and the spit­ting image…

Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

No, it is not going to be okay. With a sec­ond Don­ald Trump pres­i­den­cy seem­ing…

We had good reasons to worry about our political culture even before the Trump shooting

We had good reasons to worry about our political culture even before the Trump shooting

The attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of Don­ald Trump has led, inevitably and jus­ti­fi­ably,…

Donald Trump’s rambling disaster of a speech did something no one could have predicted: Give Democrats hope

Donald Trump’s rambling disaster of a speech did something no one could have predicted: Give Democrats hope

There was only one thing Don­ald Trump could do Thurs­day night to tru­ly shock the…

There’s a troubling amount of churn at the top of Canada’s public service

There’s a troubling amount of churn at the top of Canada’s public service

Is Canada’s pub­lic ser­vice qui­et­ly prepar­ing for the change in gov­ern­ment that…

Bad policies, not poor messaging, will sink the Liberals

Bad policies, not poor messaging, will sink the Liberals

Last week, colum­nist Kim­ber­ley Strassel wrote in the Wall Street Jour­nal that the…

Trudeau’s signature pot legalization is failing on all fronts

Trudeau’s signature pot legalization is failing on all fronts

Ottawa’s attempts to out­flank the illic­it mar­ket has been under­mined by the clum­sy…

Hold the hypocrisy: Canadian leaders not practicing what they preach on political rhetoric

Hold the hypocrisy: Canadian leaders not practicing what they preach on political rhetoric

The after­math of the assas­si­na­tion attempt on for­mer Unit­ed States pres­i­dent…

Danielle Smith wants a gentler politics. She’s welcome to start

Danielle Smith wants a gentler politics. She’s welcome to start

It didn’t take long for the Amer­i­can and Cana­di­an right to weaponize the…

The quiet caucus

The quiet caucus

By the mea­sure of his­to­ry, this muf­fled inac­tion is either a remark­able show…

Canada’s plan to meet its NATO targets is better late than never. Or is it?

Canada’s plan to meet its NATO targets is better late than never. Or is it?

Cana­da at NATO: A farce in three acts. Act One: As NATO lead­ers con­vened at last…

Vulnerable people are caught between hyperbole and dismissed concerns

Vulnerable people are caught between hyperbole and dismissed concerns

Pierre Poilievre’s polar­iz­ing rhetoric will do noth­ing to improve cohab­i­ta­tion with…

Broadcasting reform in Canada is going as expected – which is to say, badly

Broadcasting reform in Canada is going as expected – which is to say, badly

So far, the mod­ern­iza­tion of Canada’s broad­cast­ing sys­tem is going almost exact­ly…