Andrew Coyne

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Andrew Coyne.

Tax capital gains like other income, yes – but tax all kinds of income less

Tax capital gains like other income, yes – but tax all kinds of income less

There is a good argu­ment for increas­ing the tax on cap­i­tal gains, and it goes…

What might a serious growth agenda look like? More labour, more capital, and more incentive to use both wisely

What might a serious growth agenda look like? More labour, more capital, and more incentive to use…

The good news about the recent bud­get is that it at least talks about per capi­ta GDP,…

The foreign interference inquiry features a parade of senior Liberals protesting too much

The foreign interference inquiry features a parade of senior Liberals protesting too much

We are part­way through the man­date of the Pub­lic Inquiry into For­eign Inter­fer­ence…

A government with no priorities, no anchors, and when it comes to growth, no clue

A government with no priorities, no anchors, and when it comes to growth, no clue

“The Cana­di­an econ­o­my,” boasts the Trudeau government’s lat­est bud­get, ​“is doing…

Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians?

Why should Indigenous Canadians not be entitled to the same rights as other Canadians?

“Every­one has the fol­low­ing fun­da­men­tal free­doms,” the Cana­di­an Char­ter of…

Goodbye to budget secrecy, and good riddance

Goodbye to budget secrecy, and good riddance

Day after day the Prime Min­is­ter appears bear­ing promis­es of cash and favours.…

On foreign interference, Canada has been a sitting duck

On foreign interference, Canada has been a sitting duck

The open­ing day of the sec­ond round of pub­lic hear­ings of the For­eign Inter­fer­ence…

Provincial finances are a future crisis in the making. It’s time to start work on a solution

Provincial finances are a future crisis in the making. It’s time to start work on a solution

A decade or so ago Europe was in the throes of a polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic cri­sis…

On the carbon tax, the Opposition’s cynicism neatly coincides with the public’s

On the carbon tax, the Opposition’s cynicism neatly coincides with the public’s

As the car­bon-tax death march stag­gers for­ward – the Lib­er­als under Justin Trudeau…

Expectations, discovery and shame: the news model that Donald Trump cracked

Expectations, discovery and shame: the news model that Donald Trump cracked

A por­trait of Don­ald Trump’s week. A for­mer chief of staff con­firms…

Will anyone ever be held to account for China’s infiltration of the Winnipeg microbiology lab? Don’t make me laugh

Will anyone ever be held to account for China’s infiltration of the Winnipeg microbiology lab?…

One begins to see what the Trudeau gov­ern­ment was so scared of – why it went to such…

When governments got things done: Mulroney, Chrétien and a lost age of capacity

When governments got things done: Mulroney, Chrétien and a lost age of capacity

We are in mourn­ing at present for Bri­an Mul­roney, a flawed man with…

Canada is no longer one of the richest nations on Earth. Country after country is passing us by

Canada is no longer one of the richest nations on Earth. Country after country is passing us by

The growth cri­sis deep­ens. The lat­est fig­ures from Sta­tis­tics Cana­da con­firm that…

One cheer for the new Online Harms Act

One cheer for the new Online Harms Act

The advance word on Bill C‑63, the gov­ern­ment of Canada’s lat­est attempt to reg­u­late…

The government’s ‘national security’ claim for withholding documents from Parliament is exposed as a sham

The government’s ‘national security’ claim for withholding documents from Parliament is exposed as…

Why did the gov­ern­ment call an elec­tion in August, 2021, in the mid­dle of…

Guilbeault’s right: The feds should get out of the road-building business

Guilbeault’s right: The feds should get out of the road-building business

The nerve of that Lib­er­al Envi­ron­ment Min­is­ter, propos­ing that we dig up all the…

First, Trump tried to overthrow American democracy. Now he is attempting to overthrow the rule of law

First, Trump tried to overthrow American democracy. Now he is attempting to overthrow the rule of…

There has nev­er been a can­di­date for pres­i­dent like Don­ald Trump, and there…

Conservatives discover the Charter can work for them, too

Conservatives discover the Charter can work for them, too

No doubt there were a lot of heads nod­ding dur­ing Supreme Court Jus­tice Mal­colm…

Canada’s huge bet on the EV battery industry demands a jolt of reality

Canada’s huge bet on the EV battery industry demands a jolt of reality

When it comes to the green tran­si­tion, let no one say the Trudeau gov­ern­ment is…

The Federal Court’s Emergencies Act ruling isn’t what some Canadians think it is

The Federal Court’s Emergencies Act ruling isn’t what some Canadians think it is

When Jus­tice Paul Rouleau found, after months of hear­ings before the Pub­lic Order…

Liberals are reaching in tying Poilievre to Trump. But it’s worth hearing how he responds

Liberals are reaching in tying Poilievre to Trump. But it’s worth hearing how he responds

That was quite a suc­cess­ful retreat the Lib­er­als held in Mon­tréal over the last…

There’s an alternative to sky-high municipal property taxes. It’s a municipal sales tax

There’s an alternative to sky-high municipal property taxes. It’s a municipal sales tax

We can’t say we weren’t warned. We can say, how­ev­er, we weren’t ful­ly warned.…

Surrendering to the provinces doesn’t bring peace to the federation. It only emboldens them

Surrendering to the provinces doesn’t bring peace to the federation. It only emboldens them

The dev­il made them do it. That cur­rent wave of law­less behav­iour among the…

Big Tech really is stealing our content, only it’s not who you think

Big Tech really is stealing our content, only it’s not who you think

For the past sev­er­al years, the Cana­di­an news media has been work­ing hard to…

The Moe government’s open defiance of the law brings us closer to the brink

The Moe government’s open defiance of the law brings us closer to the brink

There was a time when Scott Moe was quite keen on the rule of law. Four years ago,…

Don’t kid yourself – the threat of a Trump dictatorship is real

Don’t kid yourself – the threat of a Trump dictatorship is real

Has Godwin’s law been repealed? In nor­mal times, the famous max­im – that the longer any…

Do the Liberals even understand what a conflict of interest is? Does a fish know it’s wet?

Do the Liberals even understand what a conflict of interest is? Does a fish know it’s wet?

Do Lib­er­als under­stand the con­cept of con­flict of inter­est? Do they have any…

Did China and India meddle in the Conservative leadership race?

Did China and India meddle in the Conservative leadership race?

Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty offi­cials could hard­ly con­tain their excite­ment. It was the…

As security threats mount, the holes in Canada’s defences can no longer be ignored

As security threats mount, the holes in Canada’s defences can no longer be ignored

For most of our his­to­ry Canada’s defence pol­i­cy could be described as: oceans, cold…

With Google’s agreement to pay off the Canadian media, the shakedown in C-18 is made explicit

With Google’s agreement to pay off the Canadian media, the shakedown in C-18 is made explicit

On CTV News Chan­nel the oth­er day, the big sto­ry was Google’s agree­ment to fork over…

Alberta’s sovereignty act looks increasingly like a sham

Alberta’s sovereignty act looks increasingly like a sham

It’s all fun and games until some­one los­es a coun­try. Ever since Danielle Smith…

The Liberals’ new definition of restraint: overspending by less than they had previously

The Liberals’ new definition of restraint: overspending by less than they had previously

This year’s fall eco­nom­ic state­ment, I read in the news, was all about…

The country is falling apart. Why is the federal government so hesitant to act?

The country is falling apart. Why is the federal government so hesitant to act?

A friend wrote to me in some despair a few weeks ago. ​“More than any time in my…

If it’s easy to override the Charter, then what’s protecting Canadians’ rights?

If it’s easy to override the Charter, then what’s protecting Canadians’ rights?

The leg­is­la­ture of Saskatchewan sat Tues­day, two weeks before it was orig­i­nal­ly…

The government dug a deep hole for itself with Bills C-11 and C-18. And it’s only digging deeper

The government dug a deep hole for itself with Bills C-11 and C-18. And it’s only digging deeper

So let’s just review the bid­ding. Bill C‑18, the Online News Act, is not even in effect…

Parliament’s problem isn’t a lack of decorum. It’s the House’s lack of power

Parliament’s problem isn’t a lack of decorum. It’s the House’s lack of power

In the brief cam­paign before the elec­tion of a new Speak­er of the House of…