Federal Liberals score highest on Nanos Party Power Index

  • National Newswatch

The latest Nanos Party Power Index has the federal Liberals at 58 points out of 100, followed by the Conservatives with 50 points, the NDP with 50 points, the Green Party with 34 points and the BQ with 28 points. In the diffusion scale out of 100, party index scores over 50 suggest a positive draw. The Liberals are near their 12 month high while both the Conservatives and the NDP are nearer their own 12 month average on the index.When asked independent questions for each federal party and whether they would consider or not consider voting for that party, the Liberals had the highest comparative vote potential. Fifty-three percent of Canadians would consider voting Liberal while 42 percent would consider voting NDP, 38 percent would consider voting Conservative and 27 percent of Canadians would consider voting for the Green Party of Canada.On the preferred Prime Minister front, Trudeau has a marginal advantage over Harper. Thirty-two percent of Canadians said that Trudeau was their preferred choice for PM followed by Harper at 27 percent, Mulcair at 16 percent and May at six percent nationally. Both Harper's and Trudeau's scores for having the qualities of a good leader have been trending up over the past two weeks.Readers should note that with 12 months of weekly tracking, Nanos is now calculating highs, lows and averages for the key Nanos tracking variables in the public domain. This will allow our subscribers and clients to better contextualize the data.Read the full Nanos Research Report here...