
These are the 30 most read items on National Newswatch, from the last seven days.

Post-Interest Rate Cut, Conservatives lead by 20 and Liberal vote share drops to lowest level since 2015.

Post-Interest Rate Cut, Conservatives lead by 20 and Liberal vote share drops to lowest level since 2015.

From June 6 to 13, Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 1,550 Cana­di­an adults explor­ing sev­er­al top­ics relat­ed to Cana­di­an pol­i­tics and cur­rent events as part of our reg­u­lar nation­al omnibus sur­veys. In this…

Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report

Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says he has con­cerns with how con­clu­sions were…

“It’s bull——:” How Ottawa insiders really feel about Justin Trudeau’s handling of the foreign interference probe

“It’s bull——:” How Ottawa insiders really feel about Justin Trudeau’s handling of the foreign interference probe

Eighty years ago, cipher clerk Igor Gouzenko walked out of the Sovi­et embassy in Ottawa…

Judge finds no documentation to support Global News reporting on Han Dong allegations

Judge finds no documentation to support Global News reporting on Han Dong allegations

An Ontario Supe­ri­or Court judge has found no doc­u­ment­ed evi­dence to sup­port…

Five key takeaways from CBC's interview with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Five key takeaways from CBC's interview with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says the ongo­ing pub­lic inquiry into for­eign…

Toronto voters say federal byelection is a referendum on Justin Trudeau's future

Toronto voters say federal byelection is a referendum on Justin Trudeau's future

The upcom­ing Toron­to-St. Paul’s fed­er­al byelec­tion will be a crit­i­cal test…

Video online appears to show person spitting on MP Marco Mendicino in Ottawa

Video online appears to show person spitting on MP Marco Mendicino in Ottawa

A video cir­cu­lat­ing on Red­dit appears to show a per­son approach­ing Lib­er­al…

Liberal MP Housefather's appointment to role fighting antisemitism delayed by concerns about caucus divisions

Liberal MP Housefather's appointment to role fighting antisemitism delayed by concerns about caucus divisions

A pro­pos­al to appoint Lib­er­al MP Antho­ny House­fa­ther to a new role fight­ing…

With the polls stacked against him, here’s why Justin Trudeau still thinks he can win the next election

With the polls stacked against him, here’s why Justin Trudeau still thinks he can win the next election

Justin Trudeau is no doubt acute­ly aware of just how much Lib­er­als need a morale…

After nine election victories, a Toronto MP known for his straight talk and wit says he won’t run again

After nine election victories, a Toronto MP known for his straight talk and wit says he won’t run again

Inside the Lib­er­al cau­cus meet­ing on Wednes­day, John McK­ay was hav­ing a bit…

Conservatives have 14-point advantage over Liberals – Inflation top unprompted national issue of concern

Conservatives have 14-point advantage over Liberals – Inflation top unprompted national issue of concern

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

What’s there to fear about Pierre Poilievre?

What’s there to fear about Pierre Poilievre?

Cana­da has nev­er had a fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tive or Lib­er­al leader who fit the…

Can Justin Trudeau counter Pierre Poilievre’s claim that his time is up? Obama’s former adviser has some advice

Can Justin Trudeau counter Pierre Poilievre’s claim that his time is up? Obama’s former adviser has some advice

David Axel­rod, a top Amer­i­can Demo­c­ra­t­ic polit­i­cal strate­gist, wasn’t…

This isn’t just another byelection in Toronto — it might reveal the future for Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre. Here’s what’s at stake

This isn’t just another byelection in Toronto — it might reveal the future for Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre. Here’s what’s at stake

It’s a fas­ci­nat­ing polit­i­cal petri dish under the micro­scope by par­ties,…

Support for Trudeau nears ‘rock bottom’ as 68% want him to step down: Ipsos

Support for Trudeau nears ‘rock bottom’ as 68% want him to step down: Ipsos

As the House of Com­mons pre­pares to break for the sum­mer, a major­i­ty of…

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Pierre Poilievre as the pre­ferred choice for Prime Min­is­ter, with sig­nif­i­cant…

Public servants uneasy as government 'spy' robot prowls federal offices

Public servants uneasy as government 'spy' robot prowls federal offices

A device fed­er­al pub­lic ser­vants call ​“the lit­tle robot” began appear­ing in…

Poilievre unscripted: He reveals the 'secret sauce' of his appeal

Poilievre unscripted: He reveals the 'secret sauce' of his appeal

“I think that com­pas­sion is mea­sured in results,” the Con­ser­v­a­tive leader says. To…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points in vote intention; governing party tied with NDP

Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points in vote intention; governing party tied with NDP

When it comes to the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment, tax poli­cies aimed at woo­ing younger…

'Swimming into the tide': Liberal MPs talk summer strategy as they prepare to hit the doors down in the polls

'Swimming into the tide': Liberal MPs talk summer strategy as they prepare to hit the doors down in the polls

Prepar­ing to head back to their rid­ings for the sum­mer, Lib­er­al MPs say that while…

Trudeau shouting 'slava Ukraini' during world leader photo op viewed hundreds of thousands of times online

Trudeau shouting 'slava Ukraini' during world leader photo op viewed hundreds of thousands of times online

A video of Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau shout­ing ​“sla­va Ukrai­ni” — which…

A few thoughts on political journalism

A few thoughts on political journalism

In Jan­u­ary 2023, as part of a larg­er edi­to­r­i­al and cor­po­rate exer­cise, the…

Halifax MP Fillmore to leave federal politics ahead of expected mayoral run

Halifax MP Fillmore to leave federal politics ahead of expected mayoral run

Lib­er­al MP Andy Fill­more says he won’t return to the House of Com­mons in the fall.…

It’s common practice for MPs. But amid foreign-interference claims, some say it’s time for it to be banned

It’s common practice for MPs. But amid foreign-interference claims, some say it’s time for it to be banned

Star analy­sis finds it has hap­pened more than 100 times since 2016, when for­eign…

Liberals expecting to win Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection despite poor polling for Trudeau

Liberals expecting to win Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection despite poor polling for Trudeau

Lib­er­als have held the rid­ing of Toron­to-St. Paul’s for three decades, but head­ing…

Olivia Chow’s greatest vulnerability? Her friends

Olivia Chow’s greatest vulnerability? Her friends

Imag­ine the con­fu­sion. Toronto’s most labour friend­ly may­or in recent mem­o­ry and…

Trudeau says Canadians should be 'wary' of leaders who say foreign interference hasn't touched their teams

Trudeau says Canadians should be 'wary' of leaders who say foreign interference hasn't touched their teams

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau says Cana­di­ans should be wary of polit­i­cal lead­ers…

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre have lots on the line in this Toronto byelection — but there’s one mistake voters might make

Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre have lots on the line in this Toronto byelection — but there’s one mistake voters might make

Perched beside a church, two peti­tion­ers pose two ques­tion for pass­ing…

Ten parliamentary committees forgo scrutiny of $25-billion in spending estimates

Ten parliamentary committees forgo scrutiny of $25-billion in spending estimates

Nine House com­mit­tees, plus a joint House and Sen­ate com­mit­tee, eschewed…

Foreign Affairs Minister insists there are no ‘traitors’ in Liberal caucus

Foreign Affairs Minister insists there are no ‘traitors’ in Liberal caucus

For­eign Affairs Min­is­ter Melanie Joly insists there are no ​“trai­tors” in the…