
These are the 30 most read items on National Newswatch, from the last seven days.

Decision to parachute Trudeau's choice into Montreal byelection shocks would-be candidates

Decision to parachute Trudeau's choice into Montreal byelection shocks would-be candidates

A deci­sion by Cana­di­an Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau to pre­vent Lib­er­al Par­ty mem­bers from choos­ing their own can­di­date in a byelec­tion in the rid­ing of LaSalle — Émard — Ver­dun by para­chut­ing in his own choice is not going…

While Liberals chase Carney, Conservatives crow about a blue-collar candidate

While Liberals chase Carney, Conservatives crow about a blue-collar candidate

The Trudeau Lib­er­als and for­mer Bank of Cana­da gov­er­nor Mark Car­ney have been…

Pierre Poilievre was 20 when he wrote about what he would do as prime minister. Here’s what he said then — and what he says now

Pierre Poilievre was 20 when he wrote about what he would do as prime minister. Here’s what he said then — and what he says now

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre might be just over a year away from…

Trudeau expected to shuffle his cabinet before retreat, say Liberal sources

Trudeau expected to shuffle his cabinet before retreat, say Liberal sources

With MPs demand­ing a change in the front bench, Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is…

Company halts construction of $2.7B battery project in eastern Ontario

    Company halts construction of $2.7B battery project in eastern Ontario

    After break­ing ground in 2023, the com­pa­ny build­ing a plant to pro­duce bat­tery…

    Canada's envoy to NYC called to testify about $9M condo purchase on 'Billionaires' Row'

    Canada's envoy to NYC called to testify about $9M condo purchase on 'Billionaires' Row'

    Canada’s Con­sul Gen­er­al in New York will have to explain the gov­ern­men­t’s deci­sion…

    Montreal city councillor to represent Liberals in byelection

    Montreal city councillor to represent Liberals in byelection

    Mon­tréal munic­i­pal politi­cian Lau­ra Pales­ti­ni will rep­re­sent the incum­bent…

    Federal Liberals launch website lambasting Poilievre's achievements as a Conservative MP

      Federal Liberals launch website lambasting Poilievre's achievements as a Conservative MP

      Say­ing it want­ed to mark the 20th anniver­sary of Offi­cial Oppo­si­tion Leader Pierre…

      MP alleges Boissonnault’s former business partner ‘in contempt’ of parliamentary order

      MP alleges Boissonnault’s former business partner ‘in contempt’ of parliamentary order

      A for­mer busi­ness part­ner of Lib­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ter Randy Bois­son­nault…

      BQ shows agitation as Poilievre's Conservatives drive a wedge into Quebec's politics

      BQ shows agitation as Poilievre's Conservatives drive a wedge into Quebec's politics

      Yves-François Blanchet’s recent rav­ing about his par­ty’s poll num­bers is unusu­al in…

      With no sign of Justin Trudeau leaving, some Liberal MPs want major changes in his cabinet: ‘Clearly, what’s happening is not working’

      With no sign of Justin Trudeau leaving, some Liberal MPs want major changes in his cabinet: ‘Clearly, what’s happening is not working’

      Last week’s tiny cab­i­net change did noth­ing to appease those in Prime Min­is­ter…

      Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

      Do not remain calm. A second Trump presidency really will be that bad

      No, it is not going to be okay. With a sec­ond Don­ald Trump pres­i­den­cy seem­ing…

      Premiers send letter to feds demanding bail reform after homicide

        Premiers send letter to feds demanding bail reform after homicide

        Canada’s pre­miers have sent a let­ter to the prime min­is­ter demand­ing…

        10 mansions that ‘common man’ Pierre Poilievre has fundraised in

        10 mansions that ‘common man’ Pierre Poilievre has fundraised in

        What do you get when a West­on, a Bronf­man, and a Stronach walk into…

        Trudeau and family head to British Columbia for vacation in unnamed location

        Trudeau and family head to British Columbia for vacation in unnamed location

        Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will head to British Colum­bia on Sun­day, where he will…

        Liberal House leader Steven MacKinnon sworn in as labour minister, replacing O'Regan

        Liberal House leader Steven MacKinnon sworn in as labour minister, replacing O'Regan

        Gov­ern­ment House leader Steven MacK­in­non has been sworn in as the fed­er­al…

        Ethics commissioner flags conflict at Sustainable Development and Technology Canada

        Ethics commissioner flags conflict at Sustainable Development and Technology Canada

        The ethics com­mis­sion­er says the for­mer chair of a foun­da­tion respon­si­ble…

        Face supplant: minister recognition neither ‘net positive nor negative’ for Liberal election, leadership hopes, say politicos

        Face supplant: minister recognition neither ‘net positive nor negative’ for Liberal election, leadership hopes, say politicos

        The depar­ture of Sea­mus O’Regan from the Lib­er­als’ front bench will only fur­ther…

        Poilievre says Ontario teenager's killing shows Liberal, NDP policies have failed

        Poilievre says Ontario teenager's killing shows Liberal, NDP policies have failed

        Oppo­si­tion Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre blames a nation­al rise in…

        The federal NDP are stuck in neutral while its provincial parties find momentum

        The federal NDP are stuck in neutral while its provincial parties find momentum

        Nor­mal­ly the fed­er­al NDP gains sup­port when the Lib­er­als strug­gle, but that…

        Sale of envoy's NYC condo 'expected to exceed' $9M: government

        Sale of envoy's NYC condo 'expected to exceed' $9M: government

        The cur­rent offi­cial res­i­dence for Canada’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive in New York City is…

        'A caucus sleepwalking to its death': Liberals show little interest in following U.S. Democrats' upheaval

        'A caucus sleepwalking to its death': Liberals show little interest in following U.S. Democrats' upheaval

        While devel­op­ments in U.S. pres­i­den­tial pol­i­tics unfold with light­ing speed,…

        What happens next: Joe Biden wants to pass the baton to Kamala Harris. Here's how that might work

          What happens next: Joe Biden wants to pass the baton to Kamala Harris. Here's how that might work

          With Pres­i­dent Joe Biden end­ing his reelec­tion bid and endors­ing Vice Pres­i­dent…

          Liberal comms are an increasingly desperate cry for help

          Liberal comms are an increasingly desperate cry for help

          “The CEO of Elec­tions Cana­da has indi­cat­ed his oppo­si­tion to it, and let me just…

          Conservatives lead by 19 over the Liberals as party leader and government approval ratings hold steady.

          Conservatives lead by 19 over the Liberals as party leader and government approval ratings hold steady.

          From July 16 to 22, 2024 Aba­cus Data con­duct­ed a nation­al sur­vey of 2,000…

          The Liberal ship is adrift. If the captain will not change course, will the crew?

          The Liberal ship is adrift. If the captain will not change course, will the crew?

          One begins to long for the deci­sive­ness and effi­cien­cy of the Amer­i­can polit­i­cal…

          The bankers' revolt against Canada's tidal wave of immigration

          The bankers' revolt against Canada's tidal wave of immigration

          I con­tin­ue to be weird­ed out by the unfa­mil­iar, almost uncan­ny nature of what…

          Crown made a 'mockery' of treaty with 2 First Nations for 150 years, Supreme Court rules

          Crown made a 'mockery' of treaty with 2 First Nations for 150 years, Supreme Court rules

          For the past 150 years, the gov­ern­ments of Ontario and Cana­da have made a…

          Canada already in talks to avoid Trump tariffs

          Canada already in talks to avoid Trump tariffs

          Fear­ing dif­fi­cult nego­ti­a­tions, Cana­di­an offi­cial sends retal­ia­to­ry tar­iff…

          Ottawa Coun. Matthew Luloff charged with impaired driving

          Ottawa Coun. Matthew Luloff charged with impaired driving

          Ottawa Coun. Matthew Luloff is fac­ing a charge of impaired dri­ving, accord­ing to…