Let's all build a Wiser Democracy in Canada

  • National Newswatch

[Publisher's Note: Ann Miller, the author of this commentary, notes that her mini-book "Building Wiser Democracies – An International Active Citizenship Project" was written with Canada in mind.]

Canada has elected a new majority government, and now the real building work starts. We can enjoy the full advantage of a wise democracy only when we focus clearly on significant areas for action, where everyone can find common ground and work together for a win-win.The most successful democracies try to integrate ideas and interests to meet the needs of all of their people. That's why Norway, Switzerland and Sweden are first, second and third in the 2014 Global Democracy Rankings and the UK, Canada and the USA are thirteenth, fourteenth and sixteenth. Canada has a way to go to get back in the top three.Every Canadian understands the importance of creating a Canada we can all be proud of and how we do that is the challenge for all of us, not just the elected government.  The best democracies are all-inclusive: if you want to play your part in our democratic government, if you want to help achieve a democracy which leads the world we can all start by caring for people, building relationships and improving our infrastructure.In a wise democracy, power is shared and we advance by sharing success as widely as possible, but if political partisanship and back-biting prevail, we are going to be stuck in a deadlock where no progress is made. In a wise democracy, working together for the benefit of all trumps scoring points or getting your own way every time.  Success depends on the blending of interests - that is not easy, but it is impossible if every group protects their own interests at the expense of others. Every citizen needs a fair chance to succeed.With too wide a focus and too many competing factions, we reach stalemate, and we've been there for too long.  It's surely worth a try to work for Canada with all your heart and soul, through the local machinery of your province and community, taking care of people, building relationships and improving infrastructure. A wise democracy must gather our many loyalties and find how we can make them one.  We all have a part to play in that.So begin today, then keep working together for a Canada to be proud of. We advance democracy by sharing success as widely as possible, and we will succeed by coming together and finding common ground.About the writer: Ann Miller is a Scottish-Canadian Education and Training Consultant, Lifelong Learning Specialist and writer. Her consultancy company, Creative Learning Solutions, offers affordable E-learning resources for personal, social and professional development, and active citizenship, through The Creative Learning Series.  (Interested readers can find her more in-depth thoughts on this subject on Amazon: "Building Wiser Democracies: An International Active Citizenship Project".  The New Democracy Trifecta which focuses on People, Relationships and Infrastructure provides a framework for Priority Action Planning which citizens can contribute to, by coming together, working together, and involving their Member of Parliament.)