Mulcair is little more than a sideshow, but he's still the best the NDP has to offer

  • National Newswatch

The tumultuous race for the White House finally spilled over into Canada when NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair called on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to abjure Donald Trump for being a “fascist.” This was odd, for a number of reasons.First, if the word “fascist” still has any real meaning — it has been so often used by those on the left to lambaste anyone they dislike, it has become functionally inert — it is unclear whether it could be properly applied to Trump. Even with all the publicity he has been getting, the Republican presidential hopeful is still in the larval stage of his political career — who can speak to what may emerge from that strange cocoon? Indeed, trying to figure out what he would actually do if he were placed in the Oval Office is a fruitless endeavour, as logic is not his friend and coherence is an acquaintance he's yet to make.