Trudeau retains leadership advantage Mulcair slips in Nanos tracking

  • National Newswatch

Preferred Prime Minister - More than one of two Canadians (52.6%) prefer Trudeau as prime Minister, followed by Ambrose at 15.8 per cent, Mulcair at eight per cent, and May at five per cent (17.2% were unsure). Of note, Mulcair has hit a new low on this measure.Qualities of a Good Political Leader - Asked a series of independent questions for each party leader almost seven in ten Canadians (68.3%) say Trudeau has the qualities of a good political leader. One of two (49.3%) thought similarly of Mulcair while 39.6 per cent and 35.8 percent respectively thought May and Ambrose had the qualities of a good political leader.The full Nanos Research report is available here...