Show some compassion for veteran and war hero Petter Blindheim, Mr. Trudeau

  • National Newswatch

Here we are, almost midway between June 6, the anniversary of the invasion of Normandy during the Second World War, and July 1, Canada Day and the anniversary of the First World War battles of Somme and Beaumont-Hamel. It is, if you will, the season to honour and pay tribute to our veterans. Only Nov. 11 itself offers a more concentrated moment of recall and respect.How strange it is, then, that our our new, open, caring and sensitive to a fault prime minister, a prime minister who sees himself and the government he leads as the very embodiment of Canadian values, can act so callously toward 94-year-old Petter Blindheim, a hero of the Allied cause, by refusing him ready and available hospital care in his last days on this planet.