Open Letter to PM Trudeau - from the 6 largest Canadian business associations

  • National Newswatch

Dear Prime Minister:Your government's swift policy response to the economic consequences of COVID-19 spared millions of Canadians from significant hardship. Measures such as the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and the Canada Emergency Business Account have provided urgently needed assistance to Canadian workers and businesses, clearly demonstrating the value of public-private collaboration.These programs succeeded thanks to the government's conscious decision to act quickly, pursue bold policies and take risks.As provinces and territories begin to reopen, Canada must prepare to transition to economic stimulus and getting Canadians back into the workforce while ensuring their health and safety. The goal should be to encourage investment and business activities that will generate federal and provincial/territorial revenue, thereby helping to offset the extraordinarily high levels of public spending required during the health emergency.This will be no easy task. Over the coming months and years, countries around the world will be fixated on attracting investment and creating jobs. For Canada's recovery plan to succeed, policy makers will need a growth mindset, a singular focus on economic fundamentals and evidenced-based approaches to stimulating economic activity. The federal government must be as agile and determined in its pursuit of economic growth as it has been in responding to the coronavirus.It is our hope that the government will collaborate closely with the business community in developing a roadmap for economic recovery that meets the needs of all businesses. An iterative, growth-focused plan based on broad consultation will unlock economic capacity, fuel job creation and promote new business investment. By working together, we can forge a path to recovery that is inclusive, environmentally responsible and innovative.Thank you again for your efforts to support Canadian business during this challenging period. Should you require additional information about this request, please do not hesitate to let us know.Sincerely,Hon. Perrin Beatty, P.C., O.C.President & CEOCanadian Chamber of CommerceGoldy HyderPresident & CEOBusiness Council of CanadaDan KellyPresident & CEOCanadian Federation of Independent BusinessTabatha BullPresident & CEOCanadian Council for Aboriginal BusinessDiane BriseboisPresident & CEORetail Council of CanadaDennis A. Darby, P.Eng., ICD.DPresident & CEOCanadian Manufacturers & Exporters