Strengthening our healthcare system is key to growing our economy

  • National Newswatch

The COVID-19 pandemic has shone a spotlight on the inextricable link between our economy and our healthcare system. And after years of expert health innovation panel recommendations sitting on virtual shelves with no decisive action taken, the pandemic has also shown us how quickly we can implement new processes, purchasing, and funding models when we have the collective will to make change happen. Within a few short weeks of making its way to Canada, the COVID-19 pandemic brought our country, our economy, and parts of our healthcare system to a grinding halt. Most elective (less urgent) procedures were postponed or cancelled while hospitals focused on building capacity to handle possible surges of COVID-19 patients. Government purchasing focused mostly on personal protective equipment, testing kits, and ventilators. And funding was directed at virtual healthcare and research into a possible vaccine. Most of these solutions – while effective – are temporary, and the high cost is not sustainable. As we continue to make progress to flatten the curve of infection, policy makers across the country need to figure out how we can build the immunity of our healthcare system and the economy to a possible second wave or a future pandemic. To do this, Canada must re-examine how it approaches innovation in the healthcare system and the health sector. We should learn from our dynamic response to COVID-19 – which saw the rapid adoption and implementation of new technologies and processes at unprecedented rates – and evolve our thinking to sustain this momentum. The reality is that before theCOVID-19 pandemic hit, it was exceptionally challenging to adopt innovative processes, care models, and technologies. They would often get stuck in a pilot and never have the funding or reimbursement models required to be spread at scale. This issue is so pervasive in Canada we have a chronic condition named after it: pilot-itis. It is often a death sentence for domestic small and medium enterprises in Canada's health sector and serves as a disincentive for international companies to launch in the Canadian market. A lack of innovation adoption can have many severe side effects.  In some cases, patients don't have access to a process that is more convenient, or a surgery that could deliver better outcomes. Doctors are at risk of falling behind because they haven't had as much exposure to new technologies or systems. And health systems can suffer from so much negative inertia that even when adopting an innovation seems like a no- brainer, there are too many barriers to adoption. With the onset of the pandemic, we finally laid the groundwork for our healthcare system to quickly jump into the 21st century – moving from fax machines to virtual care solutions in a matter of weeks. The innovative processes implemented across the country have been nothing short of awe inspiring: from virtual pre-screening prior to surgery at Fraser Health in BC to a drive-through clinic for cardiac device check-ups at Vitalité in New Brunswick. So why did it take a global pandemic to spur change? Because the status quo was easier than implementing paradigm-shifting change, and seemingly less expensive.  It's easier to buy more fax machines than to transition to paperless solutions. The status quo innovation policies focus on the supply of innovation in Canada: talent, research, and invention. Prior to COVID-19, there had been almost no focus on policies that address the demand for innovations. Demand-side innovation policies recognize the value of asking for solutions and usinginnovation, not just creating it. Demand-side policies focus on making it easier to buy and adopt local and global innovative solutions that governments need to help to solve big problems – like addressing the growing necessity for costly healthcare services or keeping the healthcare system running effectively during a pandemic. To their credit, governments across Canada have quickly shifted from health innovation policies that are often too rigid, to policies during COVID-19 that are dynamic and allow for the rapid development and adoption of healthcare solutions. We have made more progress recently when it comes to the utilization of innovation such as virtual care, app-based patient monitoring and other solutions than we have in decades. But we cannot revert to our old ways if we want to continue to be leaders in healthcare while building up our health system and growing our economy. We have a wealth of expertise, knowledge and technical skills. We have a government that recognizes healthier Canadians translate to a healthier Canada. With effective leadership, collaboration, and commitment to a new way of looking at innovation, Canada can take from our experiences of responding to COVID-19 and reshape our healthcare system for the benefit of patients and our economy. We can no longer afford not to. Neil D. Fraser is Past-Chair of Medtech Canada, President of Medtronic Canada, a Member of the federal Health and Biosciences Economic Strategy Table, and a former member of the federal Advisory Panel on Healthcare Innovation.