COVID-19's Second Wave is attacking our mental wellness

  • National Newswatch

The health concerns surrounding COVID-19 as well as the resulting social isolation and economic stress on households have understandably affected the mental wellbeing of people across Canada. In April and May, Statistics Canada investigated the impact of COVID-19 on Canadians, finding that 88 per cent of participants reported at least one symptom of anxiety.1 Yet many obstacles continue to stand in the way of getting help. Why is it that the people who need it most still aren't getting the help they need? Can anything be done about it? Experts tell us yes, and there are free, scientifically proven and evidence-based tools available. The onus is on governments to heed medical advice and focus on funding these tools to increase their accessibility for those in need.Many people face barriers to accessing mental wellness therapy safely and in a timely way. Some might have personal reasons for not wanting to access therapy. Maybe they tried it and had a bad experience. Or maybe, they hope that what they are experiencing is just a phase that will naturally correct itself over time. Other times, people simply might not know where to start. When we are practicing distancing and often find ourselves in isolation, access to therapy and support often feels out of reach.And even if people are ready to access therapy, they still have to overcome a long list of external barriers. Therapy can be expensive. Anxiety is further compounded by personal financial stress. For instance, people who reported that COVID-19 significantly impacted their ability to meet financial obligations were more likely to report symptoms of anxiety and depression.1 In the same Statistics Canada survey on the impacts of COVID-19, 43 per cent of participants who reported significant impacts on their ability to meet financial obligations reported symptoms that were consistent with moderate or severe anxiety. It is hard enough to pay for basic living expenses. The prospect of spending a lot of money on even just a single session can seem inaccessible.If you are part of a family or culture that stigmatizes therapy and associates it with weakness, you might be more inclined to just keep quiet instead of risking difficult conversations. And when someone perceives the mental health system as a complex and unintuitive web with frequently contradictory opinions, the easiest thing to do is often nothing at all.Faced with an unfortunate combination of personal, social, cultural and financial barriers, anxious people cope in different ways. Some might cope in healthy ways; maybe they find the right combination of social supports and healthy habits that are right for them. Or, they will cope in less healthy ways, the possibilities of which are seemingly endless, ranging from substance use, reliance on toxic relationships, to overworking.For those who continue to struggle with anxiety and their loved ones seeking help, where can they go? Oftentimes, they reach out to mental health organizations, like Anxiety Canada, for access to resources. They might download MindShift CBT, a free app for anxiety management packed with interactive activities based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a proven, evidence-based treatment for anxiety. Or, if they are looking to dig even deeper, they can create their own anxiety management plan in the My Anxiety Plan (MAP) online courses, created by clinical psychologists. Indeed, people do turn to these resources. To give a sense of order of magnitude, the MindShift CBT app has 367,000 account users worldwide, with 81,000 monthly active users. MAPs currently has 28,000 subscribers. These statistics alone call for more action and a mental health strategy for Canada.But why do so many people turn to resources like these? To put it simply, the resources are designed to be low-barrier and normalize proven information about anxiety.  When you're alone, whether physically or mentally, these tools can be a lifeline. Resources like MindShift CBT and the MAP online courses allow people to learn clinical concepts in a more digestible and flexible way. This is especially important for those who previously dismissed the idea of therapy or were unable to access it. Through increased control over their learning and gradual exposure to evidence-based materials, those individuals can naturally grow into treatment access, rather than continuing to be overwhelmed and put off by it.While online resources and apps are critical lifelines, the combination of virtual treatment and in-person therapy with genuine human connection makes a mental health program that much stronger. As a society, there are ways we can offer support to one another during these challenging times. Continue to reach out to stay connected, especially to people living alone. Offering help to others also provides the added benefit of boosting our own sense of positivity and optimism. Creative technology-based solutions, especially in the form of apps and resources like MindShift CBT, that are designed to address the real barriers people face will help society meet increasing demands for mental health support.This is a time, more than ever, for all levels of government to expand access to digital mental health services, especially in rural and remote locations and to those most in need, such as youth. The second wave of COVID-19 is upon us and is attacking our mental health. The mental wellness of people living in Canada depends on government's ability to put more accessible resources in place to defend us from the tsunami.Judith Law is the Executive Director of Anxiety Canada. She has nearly two decades of experience in successfully developing, implementing, and evaluating public health programs and research initiatives in Canada, Asia, and Africa. Judith is passionate about mental health and universal education.