Open letter to PM Trudeau, Finance Minister Freeland and Industry Minister Bains

  • National Newswatch

Dear Prime Minister, Minister Freeland and Minister Bains:I write to you as President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC), together with regional aerospace associations, and the collective 235,000 employees and more than 700 aerospace businesses right across CanadaOur vital industry, which is active in every region of our great country, needs your attention.As you are aware, AIAC released our Vision 2025 document, outlining the urgent need for government action on six key recommendations, over a year ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has made the situation even more critical.Our industry, with its $28 billion annual GDP contribution, is suffering and requires action from your Government.Prime Minister, AIAC's COVID-19 aerospace industry committee has met with, and received positive responses, regarding our presentation and recommendations from your political staff, the Privy Council Office, and numerous other government officials and parliamentarians.  We appreciate that support deeply.In order to make our recommendations a reality, words of support must translate into concrete action. Focused political will is needed and your immediate attention is essential.We fully understand the challenges and competing priorities you're facing as you respond to the current pandemic and work to protect the health and safety of Canadians.Protecting an industry responsible for 235,000 jobs needs to become a priority.In fact, recent polling data AIAC commissioned from Pollara Strategic Insights shows overwhelming support from Canadians for a comprehensive aerospace strategy.While the results showed Canadians don't have a strong familiarity with the industry, they are overwhelmingly supportive of investments into the industry.  78% of Canadians agree that Canada needs a comprehensive aerospace strategy to ensure the industry's long-term future and protect its jobs and financial contributions.We are appealing to all of you, and indeed all our elected leadership to work with us to address our current challenges.Canada's aerospace industry stands ready as your partner to achieve our mutual goals.  Working together, aerospace can play a vital part in the rebuilding of Canada's economy, ensuring jobs and an industry to serve Canadians, and indeed the world.Sincerely,