On This Day in Canada's Political History: Birth of Lester Pearson

  • National Newswatch

As always at “Art's History,” we pause to mark the birthdays of our Prime Ministers and today it is Lester Bowles Pearson's turn. Canada's 14th Prime Minister was born on this date in 1897 in Newtonbrook, a small town that was later consumed by the outward expansion of Toronto.As the son of a Minister, Pearson spent some years of his childhood living in a Methodist manse in Toronto. He later excelled at a variety of sports while attending the University of Toronto and Oxford University, the latter on a scholarship. (His Oxford University hockey team won the Spengler Cup in 1923.)Seemingly accomplished at everything to which he set his mind, Pearson went on to become one of our country's greatest 20th century Prime Ministers. Though he served as prime minister for just five years (1963-68) — and only at the head of two successive minority governments — Pearson and his team had a very significant impact in shaping Canada's future.