Catherine McKenney: We can make Ottawa a world-class city

  • National Newswatch

My name is Catherine McKenney and I am running for Mayor to make Ottawa a world-class city.On Monday, Ottawa has a once in a generation opportunity with our mayoral race. We have an opportunity to break from the status quo, and build a city people can depend on.We've been through a lot together, with the convoy occupation, the pandemic, and significant issues with the LRT.I know how important it is to build a City Hall you can trust, and that's why I'm leading with transparency, starting by being the only major candidate for mayor to release my donors list, so voters can see who is contributing to my campaign.Now, it's time for ambition and transparency — two things that I will bring as Mayor.Because Ottawa has so much potential.As your Mayor, I will invest in affordable housing. We'll run reliable transit across the city — including the transit needed in suburban communities. We'll make our roads safe for everyone. And your kids 17 and under will ride transit for free.I have the experienced leadership our city needs. Because being Mayor is not an entry level job.I bring decades of experience in city operations and city finances. My platform is fully costed, and I commit to keeping the 3% threshold on property taxes. My vision for Ottawa has been endorsed by people from a wide range of backgrounds. My financial plan has been praised by the former Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney. And I have the support of everyday people from all wards of our city.  Many families can see how my platform will make their lives more affordable.It will take experienced leadership and investment in the city services you rely on, like transit, recreation, and emergency responders.It will also take a bold vision to tackle the climate crisis, affordable housing and chronic homelessness. Because Ottawa can be healthier, greener, and better connected — and more affordable for you. This is what I offer the people of Ottawa.I was first drawn to serving my community because I lived in poverty for years and know the difficult life of someone trying to work towards a better future.I witnessed how cuts and austerity measures were weakening Ottawa's public services, particularly OC Transpo where bus routes were reduced in 2011 and again, when the LRT launched in 2019.Did those cuts leave our city better? No.  It made it harder for people to catch a bus in their neighbourhood and get to work on time. Trips that were once 20 minutes turned into 45 minutes.In 2014, I decided to run for council to make sure people in Ottawa got the services they need. Over my eight years representing Somerset Ward as Councillor, I've fought to maintain services, while cuts were proposed in successive budgets that resulted in a further erosion of the services you depend on everyday.That's why I'm running for Mayor now.  Because the people that rely on our city services deserve so much better than cuts.We all deserve to live in a world-class city, and you deserve a Mayor that will work towards building that City.We deserve a city where we invest in creating safer and better roads for everyone. We deserve a city where your kids can bike to school or their friend's house without you fearing for their safety.And you deserve a Mayor that will invest in, and not cut, the city services that you rely on. We deserve a city where all libraries are open on Sundays.With my experienced leadership, I'm ready to be your Mayor, and hit the ground running on day one. As Election Day approaches tomorrow, I hope I can count on your vote on October 24th.Catherine McKenney has served as a two-term Councillor for Somerset Ward, and is now running to be Mayor of Ottawa.   Catherine has roots in both Ottawa's downtown and the suburbs, having lived in Kanata and worked for former Councillor Alex Munter. They also worked as a Strategic Advisor to the Deputy City Manager.  Catherine has fought for accountability, transparency and stronger democracy at City Hall.  Catherine is an avid community volunteer, and a runner who enjoys Ottawa's beautiful trails. They cycle year-round, walk and take the LRT to work, support local independent businesses, and have proudly adopted Humane Society animals.