Manitoba Tories are set to lay down rules for their upcoming leadership race

  • Canadian Press

WINNIPEG — Manitoba Progressive Conservatives are set to meet this afternoon to hammer out rules for the party’s upcoming leadership race.

Leader Heather Stefanson announced after losing the Oct. 3 election that she would step down, but has not yet set a date.

The Tories are looking to avoid a repeat of their last leadership race in 2021, when many people did not receive ballots in time to vote by mail.

Shelly Glover, who lost the race by a narrow margin, challenged the results in court, but a judge ruled Glover failed to show there were any irregularities that would have affected the outcome.

The party’s executive is recommending changes, including a move away from the traditional one−member−one−vote system.

The executive is recommending a formula that would cap the influence of constituencies with large membership numbers, but some party members are against the idea.

Stefanson is set to speak to today’s meeting of party delegates, which is closed to the media.

The Canadian Press
