Today in Canada's Political History - January 28, 1916: Women in Manitoba get the right to vote

  • National Newswatch

Manitobans proudly made history on this date in 1916 with the granting of the franchise to women in the province. The campaign on behalf of the province’s women was led by Nellie McClung, who appeared before a legislative committee in 1914. "Have we not the brains to think? Hands to work? Hearts to feel? And lives to live?" she famous asked MLAs. “Do we not bear our part in citizenship? Do we not help build the Empire? Give us our due!"

You can read more about the fight for women’s suffrage in Manitoba, courtesy of the Manitoba Historical Society Archives at this link..

Arthur Milnes is an accomplished public historian and award-winning journalist. He was research assistant on The Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney’s best-selling Memoirs and also served as a speechwriter to then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper and as a Fellow of the Queen’s Centre for the Study of Democracy under the leadership of Tom Axworthy. A resident of Kingston, Ontario, Milnes serves as the in-house historian at the 175 year-old Frontenac Club Hotel.

Arthur Milnes is an accomplished public historian and award-winning journalist. He was research assistant on The Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney’s best-selling Memoirs and also served as a speechwriter to then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper and as a Fellow of the Queen’s Centre for the Study of Democracy under the leadership of Tom Axworthy. A resident of Kingston, Ontario, Milnes serves as the in-house historian at the 175 year-old Frontenac Club Hotel.