Today in Canada's Political History - January 31, 1893: Maiden Senate address of Sir Mackenzie Bowell

  • National Newswatch

It was only a month ago that we celebrated the bicentennial of the birth of Canada’s fifth Prime Minister, Sir Mackenzie Bowell, on Art’s History. Today, it is time for another anniversary to mark in the life and career of the fifth Prime Minister. It was on January 31, 1893 that the pride of Belleville, who had served in the Commons continuously from 1867, took his seat for the first time in the Red Chamber.

In making his maiden address, Bowell took time to offer his thoughts and best wishes to Sir John Abbott, the past Prime Minister, who had resigned as PM due to ill-health only weeks before. Abbott then left for Britain seeking medical advice.

“I do hope that he may return to Canada with renewed vigour and better health; and that we may have the pleasure of seeing him in this House taking a prominent part in public affairs,” Bowell said.

Sadly, Abbott would pass into history later that year.

You can read Senator Bowell’s entire maiden address at this link....

Arthur Milnes is an accomplished public historian and award-winning journalist. He was research assistant on The Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney’s best-selling Memoirs and also served as a speechwriter to then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper and as a Fellow of the Queen’s Centre for the Study of Democracy under the leadership of Tom Axworthy. A resident of Kingston, Ontario, Milnes serves as the in-house historian at the 175 year-old Frontenac Club Hotel.

Arthur Milnes is an accomplished public historian and award-winning journalist. He was research assistant on The Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney’s best-selling Memoirs and also served as a speechwriter to then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper and as a Fellow of the Queen’s Centre for the Study of Democracy under the leadership of Tom Axworthy. A resident of Kingston, Ontario, Milnes serves as the in-house historian at the 175 year-old Frontenac Club Hotel.