New Brunswick long-term care unprepared for next generation of aging seniors

  • Canadian Press

FREDERICTON — New Brunswick’s seniors advocate says the province will need to rethink its long−term care offerings to respond to the needs of an increasingly diverse population.

Kelly Lamrock says the government should engage First Nations and other groups, including the LGBTQ community, to make sure they feel welcome in the province’s care homes.

He recommends, in a report released today, that the provincial Social Development Department partner with the New Brunswick Multicultural Association to draw up a profile of future long−term care users, looking at cultural attitudes and the needs of growing immigrant communities.

The 198−page report says the province’s long−term care system needs urgent action if New Brunswickers are going to feel safe relying on it.

Lamrock says residents in long−term care homes lack independence and can be forgotten because of an overwhelmed system.

He says the long−term care sector "desperately" needs more inspectors, spot inspections and better training on all levels.

 This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 13, 2024.

The Canadian Press
