Clearing up Misinformation on the Canada Carbon Rebate.

  • National Newswatch

The Canada Carbon Rebate goes out today, July 15th via direct deposit, or a cheque depending on how you receive your benefits from the federal government. It is Canada’s pollution pricing program, and it is the most effective way to reduce our emissions while also making life more affordable for Canadians.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation being spread, by Pierre Poilievre and his Conservatives in particular. So, let's clear things up. 

Carbon pricing is working. Canada’s emissions are down by nearly 7% since introducing this program, and they will continue to go down because of our price on pollution. By 2035, carbon pricing is projected to account for account for 30% of Canada’s emissions reductions. Not only is a price on carbon working, but it's the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions. 

Since the biggest polluters tend to buy the most fossil fuels, they pay the most, and the vast majority of Canadians receive more money back into their pockets than they pay – it’s a very effective incentive, or a “market based instrument” as the economists say. In Ontario, 8 out of 10 families receive more through the rebate than they pay. In my riding, Milton, an average family will pay about $860 in the price on pollution annually, while the rebate returns more than $1100 a year, leaving them better by over $250.

This rebate promotes affordability, and Canadians benefit through their quarterly rebate payments, 4 times a year. Seniors and students tend to receive more back on average, since they tend to drive less – which are two age cohorts that could always use a little extra help financially!

The Conservative math just isn't adding up. You'll never hear the Conservatives talk about the Carbon Rebate, despite receiving it, just like us. This is because their “plan” will do less to fight climate change, while leaving Canadians worse off financially and the environment even more vulnerable. Andrew Scheer actually campaigned on raising our emissions, because he thinks they’re superior to emissions from other nations. The Conservatives always want to let the biggest polluters off the hook – and since climate change tends to impact vulnerable people more significantly, its obvious once again, that Pierre, Scheer and their Conservatives don’t care about vulnerable Canadians as much as they care about their wealthy oil and gas CEO donors.

Canada is a small country on a population scale – just 0.5% of the global population. But collectively, we are the 10th largest emitting country in the world. Look, I love when Canada is in the top 10 – but for quality of life, our economy, life expectancy, literacy and in sports. A top ten worst polluters list is one that I want Canada to get off of, for good. We should lead the way so that other large emitting countries see that we can build a green, clean economy, get off of dirty fossil fuels and thrive as a country in every way.

The facts are clear, carbon pricing is working, and Canadians are benefiting. But it's not just us saying it, over 300 top Canadian economists have chimed in to debunk Pierre Poilievre’s campaign of misinformation. In an open letter, these experts debunked 5 false claims that the Conservatives have persistently raised. 

  • First, carbon pricing does indeed reduce carbon emissions – that is a fact. 
  • Second, carbon pricing does not meaningfully impact inflation. 
  • Third, carbon pricing encourages industries to adopt lower-carbon options. 
  • Fourth, carbon pricing does not harm our business competitiveness. 
  • Finally, they reiterated that a price on carbon is the most cost-effective way to reduce our emissions. 

On the fourth point in particular – big companies are actually choosing to invest here in Canada because our electricity grids are green, and getting greener, and because we are actively lowering emissions, and because we are pricing pollution. Being a leader in the fight against climate change is a huge advantage across industries. Consumers like doing business with companies who genuinely do what’s right, and the business world is catching on. Green is in. The Conservatives want to scrap that green advantage, and ignore all the momentum that sustainability has been producing.

When a system works, it should be acknowledged and celebrated – other nations will follow our lead! It’s clear that our emissions are going down, and Canadians are receiving more than the pay through the Canada Carbon Rebate. Through this program we will leave a healthier planet for our kids, and grandkids, all while making life more affordable for Canadians. 

So check your bank accounts today, the Canada Carbon Rebate has arrived!

Adam van Koeverden is the Member of Parliament for Milton