Initiative launched to boost trust in food system

  • National Newswatch

More participants needed to support the initiative.

Ottawa-A public awareness initiative to improve the public’s perception and confidence in how food is produced and delivered across Canada is being developed jointly by the Canadian Centre for Food Integrity (CCFI) and Farm Credit Canada.

The two organizations undertook the initiative because the perception of Canadian agriculture and food production has remained stagnant during the last decade, with key trust indicators showing little to no improvement and perceptions of transparency dipping among core stakeholders.

Other food sector groups are being invited to join, CCFI said. “We are actively seeking to collaborate with partners from across the entire value chain. Their partnership brings tremendous value by helping to amplify our message and ensure the success of this initiative.”

It aims to develop “a cohesive, clear national campaign that effectively communicates the value of the food system, using engaging narratives and transparent information to build trust.”

The campaign will engage consumers with accurate and compelling information to foster trust and confidence, countering misinformation and knowledge gaps and build strong relationships among value chain participants to support and amplify the initiative’s goals, “creating a unified front to communicate the benefits and importance of a robust food system.”

The initiative is based on insights gained from various research sources and case studies of successful public trust campaigns in other industries.

Financial support is essential to making the initiative work through a comprehensive and impactful public awareness campaign that elevates Canada’s food system and builds a stronger, more trusted industry.

So far Canadian Food Focus, Farm & Food Care Ontario and Agriculture in the Classroom are backing the initiative. “Their involvement underscores the collective commitment to elevating and promoting trust in Canada’s food system. These organizations bring invaluable expertise and reach, ensuring accurate and positive messages about Canadian agriculture and food production are effectively communicated to diverse audiences, including future generations.”

Consumer confidence is crucial for the success of the entire food industry, both domestically and globally, CCFI said. “This initiative aims to amplify efforts across the sector and have a long-term positive impact on the Canadian food system. It will also elevate the organizations and brands participating.”

Currently public support for the domestic food system is challenged by an opaque information landscape and ineffective messaging, insufficient resources and lack of strategic investment and alignment and misinformation driving negative perceptions.

In response, the initiative aims to drive meaningful change by unifying and amplifying messages across the value chain and engaging consumers with compelling, accurate information.

The goal is to re-establish the food system and agriculture as a core societal value “where it once was, comparable to health care and education.” The initiative wants to reverse indifference and enhance trust to ensure the food system remains a prominent concern for consumers and stakeholders alike.” It wants to broaden the definition of sustainability to include aspects of innovation, employment, economic impact, and ongoing consumer engagement.

This news item prepared for National Newswatch