Today in Canada's Political History - October 26, 1908: Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his Liberals win Canada’s 11th general election

  • National Newswatch

The great Sir Wilfrid Laurier received his fourth consecutive majority mandate from Canadians on this date in 1908. It was a remarkable show of confidence in the Laurier government, and no Prime Minister that has followed Laurier has been able to emulate him by winning four elections in a row.

Laurier would receive 51 percent of the popular vote, with Robert Borden and his Tories trailing with 46 percent. In the seat count, the Liberals were victorious in 133 ridings, while the Tories won 75.

Arthur Milnes is an accomplished public historian and award-winning journalist. He was research assistant on The Rt. Hon. Brian Mulroney’s best-selling Memoirs and also served as a speechwriter to then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper and as a Fellow of the Queen’s Centre for the Study of Democracy under the leadership of Tom Axworthy. A resident of Kingston, Ontario, Milnes serves as the in-house historian at the 175 year-old Frontenac Club Hotel.