Today in Canada's Political History - February 5, 1993: President Clinton meets with PM Brian Mulroney at the White House

  • National Newswatch

Canada’s veteran Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney, then in his ninth year in Canada’s highest political office, brought his charm and experience to the White House on this date in 1993. He was there to meet the rookie American President, Bill Clinton, who had been sworn-in as America’s Chief Executive only three weeks before.

“In Mulroney, you will find one of Canada’s preeminent political survivors,” a briefing note prepared ahead of the meeting for the President by Clinton’s National Security Advisor, Anthony Lake, read. “Mulroney (then in his ninth year as Prime Minister) shows no signs of quitting; indeed, his boundless optimism is based on tentative signs the recession – the worst in the post-war period – may be coming to an end.”

The note also informed Clinton that Mulroney’s Liberal opponent, Jean Chrétien was perceived by many Canadians to be “ineffectual and stale,” despite the fact that he was leading in the polls. The note also informed the President that more Canadians believed that Elvis was alive than now supported Mulroney!

Lake was wrong with his predictions as Canada’s 18th PM would announce his resignation plans by the time the month was true and that Chretien, within the year, would be elected Prime Minister and serve for a decade and prove himself far from stale.

You can read the briefing note for Clinton in full at this link:

You can also listen to the press conference held by the two leaders after their private meeting at this link: