

Showing 8 results for the term(s): Don Lenihan

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

A friend recent­ly tried Chat­G­PT for the first time. She asked it a cou­ple of…

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

How AI is Changing Us as Political Writers and Analysts

A friend recent­ly tried Chat­G­PT for the first time. She asked it a cou­ple of…

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Is an AI Cold War immi­nent? Tik­Tok could be an ear­ly warn­ing sig­nal. Crit­ics say it…

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Can the West Avert an AI Cold War with China?

Publisher’s Note: This col­umn is the lat­est in a series by Don Leni­han explor­ing…

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and  Here’s What You Need to Know

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and Here’s What You Need to Know

Microsoft and Ope­nAI have announced plans to build a $100 bil­lion super­com­put­er…

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and Here’s What You Need to Know

Stargate: AI’s $100 Billion Portal is Coming and Here’s What You Need to Know

Microsoft and Ope­nAI have announced plans to build a $100 bil­lion super­com­put­er to…

AI and the Battle for Truth: Between the Peril and the Promise

AI and the Battle for Truth: Between the Peril and the Promise

The bat­tle against ​“fake news” has shak­en the foun­da­tions of democ­ra­cy, but with…

AI and the Battle for Truth: Between the Peril and the Promise

AI and the Battle for Truth: Between the Peril and the Promise

The bat­tle against ​“fake news” has shak­en the foun­da­tions of democ­ra­cy, but with…