Alex Ballingall Ottawa Bureau

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MPs set to elect new Speaker today after Nazi controversy

MPs set to elect new Speaker today after Nazi controversy

MPs will vote Tues­day morn­ing to replace Antho­ny Rota, who resigned last week after he…

Rude, disrespectful and unruly: MPs say the House of Commons has turned into a circus -- and someone needs to tame it

Rude, disrespectful and unruly: MPs say the House of Commons has turned into a circus -- and someone needs to tame it

The inter­na­tion­al humil­i­a­tion of last week’s Nazi con­tro­ver­sy means mem­bers of…

Justin Trudeau apologizes on behalf of Canada for 'horrendous' Nazi controversy

Justin Trudeau apologizes on behalf of Canada for 'horrendous' Nazi controversy

The prime min­is­ter apol­o­gized Wednes­day for applause in the House of Com­mons…

Here's how a man who fought for the Nazis got honoured in the House of Commons

Here's how a man who fought for the Nazis got honoured in the House of Commons

Antho­ny Rota has been unequiv­o­cal that the blame for the spec­ta­cle of a packed…

House of Commons speaker defies calls to resign after honouring man who fought for Nazis

House of Commons speaker defies calls to resign after honouring man who fought for Nazis

Antho­ny Rota insist­ed Mon­day that the blame belongs to him alone for direct­ing those…