Andrew MacDougall

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Andrew MacDougall.

Canada's weak defence spending is losing us friends globally

Canada's weak defence spending is losing us friends globally

We all have a friend like Cana­da. You know, the friend who insists on going out to…

Don’t be fooled by U.K. Labour victory: the construction of a ‘political sandcastle’ is a warning for Canada

Don’t be fooled by U.K. Labour victory: the construction of a ‘political sandcastle’ is a warning for Canada

On the sur­face, Britain’s elec­tion result looks like democ­ra­cy func­tion­ing as it…

Justin Trudeau’s political career is over. He can walk away with dignity now or stick around to get creamed by a man he loathes

Justin Trudeau’s political career is over. He can walk away with dignity now or stick around to get creamed by a man he loathes

If Justin Trudeau’s life were a coun­try music song, now would be the point in the…

The UK is heading toward the wrong kind of coronation

The UK is heading toward the wrong kind of coronation

If an elec­tion is ​“no time to dis­cuss seri­ous issues,” to quote for­mer Prime…

With attacks on Poilievre fizzling, Liberals must fix Canada's problems

With attacks on Poilievre fizzling, Liberals must fix Canada's problems

We’re now a few weeks past the fed­er­al bud­get and the lat­est Lib­er­al offer to…

Stop targeting Jews in Canada for Israel's actions in Gaza

What do Jews in Cana­da have to answer for with respect to what’s hap­pen­ing in Gaza? If…

Stop targeting Jews in Canada for Israel's actions in Gaza

Stop targeting Jews in Canada for Israel's actions in Gaza

What do Jews in Cana­da have to answer for with respect to what’s hap­pen­ing in Gaza? If…

Conservatives are cruising, but what would Poilievre really do as PM?

Conservatives are cruising, but what would Poilievre really do as PM?

In terms of writ­ing on the wall, this week’s fed­er­al byelec­tion result in Ontario was…

Basic survival is the challenge facing Canada’s political leaders

Basic survival is the challenge facing Canada’s political leaders

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A dead man walk­ing, a cocky upstart…

Trudeau is acting on the wrong problem with media legislation

Trudeau is acting on the wrong problem with media legislation

Giv­en the pound­ing Justin Trudeau is tak­ing, he shouldn’t be in the mar­ket for more…