Andrew Phillips

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Andrew Phillips.

Nothing reflects better on Joe Biden’s long career than his decision to leave the presidential race. But it was still a political execution

Nothing reflects better on Joe Biden’s long career than his decision to leave the presidential race. But it was still a political execution

“Noth­ing in his life,” Shake­speare wrote in ​“Mac­beth” of a noble­man who faced…

Will someone please tell us already how exactly our democracy is being undermined?

Will someone please tell us already how exactly our democracy is being undermined?

If you ever stud­ied phi­los­o­phy you’ll be famil­iar with Plato’s alle­go­ry of the…

Canadian politicians stand accused of colluding with hostile foreign governments. We deserve to know which ones

Canadian politicians stand accused of colluding with hostile foreign governments. We deserve to know which ones

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau believes deeply in the impor­tance of main­tain­ing…

How did Justin Trudeau screw up so badly? Maybe the answer was hiding in plain sight

How did Justin Trudeau screw up so badly? Maybe the answer was hiding in plain sight

The ques­tion I have these days about Justin Trudeau is not ​“will he run again?”…

Despite best efforts, Justin Trudeau can’t direct attention away from the carbon tax

Despite best efforts, Justin Trudeau can’t direct attention away from the carbon tax

Gov­ern­ments often use bud­gets to change the chan­nel from what their oppo­nents want…

It’s no wonder a national security official felt compelled to leak information to the media

It’s no wonder a national security official felt compelled to leak information to the media

When infor­ma­tion about China’s inter­fer­ence in Cana­di­an pol­i­tics was leaked to…

Why do so many ignore facts, like the carbon tax works? Because we’re hard-wired to follow the pack

Why do so many ignore facts, like the carbon tax works? Because we’re hard-wired to follow the pack

I’ve been think­ing a lot about think­ing — about how we come to believe what we…

Miserable young Canadians threaten to make Justin Trudeau feel their pain

Miserable young Canadians threaten to make Justin Trudeau feel their pain

Aver­ages can be ter­ri­bly mis­lead­ing. If you’ve got your feet in the freez­er and…

Liberals divided, NDP embarrassed, nothing accomplished: the sad story of a meaningless debate over Palestinian statehood

Liberals divided, NDP embarrassed, nothing accomplished: the sad story of a meaningless debate over Palestinian statehood

What a weird way to make for­eign pol­i­cy — or what­ev­er it was that mem­bers of…

Canadians are going to pay for climate change with or without a carbon tax

Canadians are going to pay for climate change with or without a carbon tax

The con­sumer car­bon tax is dying in Cana­da – and with it dies a rare and…

Predictable, legitimate protesting should not have led to Justin Trudeau-Giorgia Meloni dinner cancellation

Predictable, legitimate protesting should not have led to Justin Trudeau-Giorgia Meloni dinner cancellation

Toron­to police say they’re ​“review­ing” what hap­pened dur­ing a protest on…

It's hard not to think that the Liberals have given up

It's hard not to think that the Liberals have given up

There’s a heart­break­ing scene near the end of the First World War movie…

Wab Kinew’s Manitoba election a victory for unity and redemption

Wab Kinew’s Manitoba election a victory for unity and redemption

Wab Kinew’s vic­to­ry in Man­i­to­ba this week is the most hope­ful sign in Cana­di­an…