Angus Reid

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Angus Reid.

Trumped Again?: 66% of Canadians say a second GOP presidential term would be ‘bad’ or ‘terrible’ for Canada

Trumped Again?: 66% of Canadians say a second GOP presidential term would be ‘bad’ or ‘terrible’ for Canada

The U.S. pres­i­den­tial race was turned on its head by the Sun­day news that cur­rent…

Play nice or talk tough? Canadians prefer provinces stand up for themselves over avoiding conflict with Ottawa

Play nice or talk tough? Canadians prefer provinces stand up for themselves over avoiding conflict with Ottawa

From slam­ming the Trudeau gov­ern­ment for alleged­ly encroach­ing too far into mat­ters…

Fuel tax ‘holiday’ a hit with more than half of Canadians, opposed by those least financial stressed

Fuel tax ‘holiday’ a hit with more than half of Canadians, opposed by those least financial stressed

When sum­mer comes in Cana­da, two things are guar­an­teed to rise – the tem­per­a­ture…

World Cup red card? By a three-to-one ratio, B.C. residents say cost for games in Vancouver ‘not worth it’

World Cup red card? By a three-to-one ratio, B.C. residents say cost for games in Vancouver ‘not worth it’

Cana­di­an soc­cer fans are in heav­en this week, as Cana­da pre­pares to take on…

Canadian Dream? High housing costs has two-in-five recent immigrants saying they may leave their province (or Canada)

Canadian Dream? High housing costs has two-in-five recent immigrants saying they may leave their province (or Canada)

Canada’s immi­gra­tion lev­els have reached record highs in recent years, but as more…

Premiers’ Performance: Kinew on top as honeymoon continues; Eby slides as B.C. election approaches

Premiers’ Performance: Kinew on top as honeymoon continues; Eby slides as B.C. election approaches

As the country’s provin­cial leg­is­la­tures break for sum­mer, there appears to be an…

Premiers’ Performance: Kinew on top as honeymoon continues; Eby slides as B.C. election approaches

Premiers’ Performance: Kinew on top as honeymoon continues; Eby slides as B.C. election approaches

As the country’s provin­cial leg­is­la­tures break for sum­mer, there appears to be an…

Must Trudeau go? Amid chatter of his ouster, potential Liberal replacements offer little room for party to recover

Must Trudeau go? Amid chatter of his ouster, potential Liberal replacements offer little room for party to recover

Poten­tial Lib­er­al vot­ers say lack of progress on key issues hold­ing them back more…

Must Trudeau go? Amid chatter of his ouster, potential Liberal replacements offer little room for party to recover

Must Trudeau go? Amid chatter of his ouster, potential Liberal replacements offer little room for party to recover

As the bal­lots are count­ed from the byelec­tion in Toron­to-St. Paul’s –…

Foreign Interference: Two-thirds, including majority of CPC voters say all leaders should read NSICOP report

Foreign Interference: Two-thirds, including majority of CPC voters say all leaders should read NSICOP report

Majori­ties feel Poilievre, Trudeau, par­lia­ment, not tak­ing for­eign inter­fer­ence…

Foreign Interference: Two-thirds, including majority of CPC voters say all leaders should read NSICOP report

Foreign Interference: Two-thirds, including majority of CPC voters say all leaders should read NSICOP report

The House of Com­mons rose for sum­mer break this week. It is a rit­u­al that sends…

Capital Gains Tax: One-in-five say increasing inclusion rate will cost them more over next five years

Capital Gains Tax: One-in-five say increasing inclusion rate will cost them more over next five years

When it comes to the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment, tax poli­cies aimed at woo­ing younger…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points in vote intention; governing party tied with NDP

Conservatives lead Liberals by 20 points in vote intention; governing party tied with NDP

When it comes to the Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment, tax poli­cies aimed at woo­ing younger…

Is BC the place to be? Amid affordability woes, one-in-three residents “seriously” consider leaving the province

Is BC the place to be? Amid affordability woes, one-in-three residents “seriously” consider leaving the province

British Colum­bia is a famous­ly beau­ti­ful place to live, but a ris­ing cost…

Israel-Gaza Ceasefire: In both Canada and US, majority say hostilities should end immediately

Israel-Gaza Ceasefire: In both Canada and US, majority say hostilities should end immediately

U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden made his strongest state­ment against the Israeli mil­i­tary…

BC NDP maintains double-digit lead ahead of expected campaign; Rustad & Falcon lack appeal, trust on top issues

BC NDP maintains double-digit lead ahead of expected campaign; Rustad & Falcon lack appeal, trust on top issues

In the lat­est iter­a­tive devel­op­ments from the annals of…

Canada’s national party leaders have never been less popular, and 50 years of data demonstrates that

Canada’s national party leaders have never been less popular, and 50 years of data demonstrates that

Many pun­dits and observers have spec­u­lat­ed that pol­i­tics has ​“nev­er been this…

Protest Persuasion? Most Canadians say demonstrations raise awareness, but don’t change policy or minds

Protest Persuasion? Most Canadians say demonstrations raise awareness, but don’t change policy or minds

Cana­di­ans and Amer­i­cans alike have been fol­low­ing head­lines and sto­ries of…

Protest Positions: Canadians say universities are fair game for demonstrations; hospitals, schools less so

Protest Positions: Canadians say universities are fair game for demonstrations; hospitals, schools less so

While demon­stra­tions are far from new phe­nom­e­na in Cana­da, the last sev­er­al…

‘Generational fairness’?: Seven-in-ten Gen Z, Millennials say Trudeau’s government not working in their interest

‘Generational fairness’?: Seven-in-ten Gen Z, Millennials say Trudeau’s government not working in their interest

As the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment looks to address ​“gen­er­a­tion fair­ness” in its most…

No Bounce: Liberals’ hoped-for support surge in wake of under-40 targeted spending blitz has yet to materialize

No Bounce: Liberals’ hoped-for support surge in wake of under-40 targeted spending blitz has yet to materialize

A month-long polit­i­cal sales job by Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau, his cab­i­net and…

Budget 2024: Majority of Canadians concerned about deficit, say federal government is spending ‘too much’

Budget 2024: Majority of Canadians concerned about deficit, say federal government is spending ‘too much’

Days ahead of a fed­er­al bud­get that’s had most of the mys­tery tak­en out of it…

Canada Disability Benefit: Nine-in-ten support benefit, but most doubt federal government will get it done

Canada Disability Benefit: Nine-in-ten support benefit, but most doubt federal government will get it done

As Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land pre­pares to deliv­er the fed­er­al…

Ontario Spotlight: Budget deficit adds to Ford government’s challenges, as criticism on top issues mounts from all sides

Ontario Spotlight: Budget deficit adds to Ford government’s challenges, as criticism on top issues mounts from all sides

As Ontario’s Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tive gov­ern­ment releas­es its 2024 bud­get, some…

B.C. Politics Deep Dive: How does current federal vote intention impact this fall’s provincial vote?

B.C. Politics Deep Dive: How does current federal vote intention impact this fall’s provincial vote?

As British Columbians look ahead to mark­ing their bal­lot in a provin­cial…

B.C. Spotlight: In the face of heavy criticism on key issues, BC NDP still top choice ahead of October election

B.C. Spotlight: In the face of heavy criticism on key issues, BC NDP still top choice ahead of October election

There are no short­age of sto­ry lines ahead of an expect­ed Octo­ber provin­cial…

Five-Year Decline: Canadians growing more critical of their provincial governments as unresolved issues linger

Five-Year Decline: Canadians growing more critical of their provincial governments as unresolved issues linger

New data from the non-prof­it Angus Reid Insti­tute finds Cana­di­ans in most provinces…

Premiers’ Performance: In election year, half approve of Moe and Eby, Higgs has steep hill to climb

Premiers’ Performance: In election year, half approve of Moe and Eby, Higgs has steep hill to climb

For three of Canada’s provin­cial lead­ers, cam­paign sea­son is not far off.…

Premiers’ Performance: In election year, half approve of Moe and Eby, Higgs has steep hill to climb

Premiers’ Performance: In election year, half approve of Moe and Eby, Higgs has steep hill to climb

For three of Canada’s provin­cial lead­ers, cam­paign sea­son is not far off.…

Federal Politics: On best PM, Canadians about as likely to choose Poilievre as ‘none of the above’

Federal Politics: On best PM, Canadians about as likely to choose Poilievre as ‘none of the above’

Polit­i­cal watch­ers might observe that it has been a win­ter of both attempt­ed…

As NATO calls on allies to increase defence spending, Canadians prioritise importance of military readiness

As NATO calls on allies to increase defence spending, Canadians prioritise importance of military readiness

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been on the defen­sive over Canada’s defence…

Parental opposition to childhood vaccination grows as Canadians worry about harms of anti-vax movement

Parental opposition to childhood vaccination grows as Canadians worry about harms of anti-vax movement

As some dis­eases such as measles and polio – thought to be wor­ries of the past – have…

State of the Nations: Canadians proud of country, but see ‘Trump-style politics’ as a risk

State of the Nations: Canadians proud of country, but see ‘Trump-style politics’ as a risk

The loom­ing Amer­i­can elec­tion has become a source of anx­i­ety on both sides of…

Ukraine Invasion: Canadian attention, and Conservative support, plummets two years into conflict

Ukraine Invasion: Canadian attention, and Conservative support, plummets two years into conflict

Feb­ru­ary 24 will mark two years of bloody and dev­as­tat­ing war ini­ti­at­ed by…

State of the Nations: Is there room for political compromise in Canada? Even on this, Canadians are evenly split

State of the Nations: Is there room for political compromise in Canada? Even on this, Canadians are evenly split

A fed­er­al court rul­ing on Canada’s first-ever use of the Emer­gen­cies Act call­ing it…

Cost and Effect: Heightened economic anxiety pushes many 2021 Liberal voters to look elsewhere for relief

Cost and Effect: Heightened economic anxiety pushes many 2021 Liberal voters to look elsewhere for relief

The mid­dle class, eco­nom­ic poli­cies, and afford­abil­i­ty chal­lenges were…

Head vs. Heart: 2-in-3 Liberal voters are more motivated to block the CPC than back a party they’re passionate about

Head vs. Heart: 2-in-3 Liberal voters are more motivated to block the CPC than back a party they’re passionate about

A new year is reveal­ing a mas­sive gap in enthu­si­asm between the two par­ties…

State of the Nations: Just one-in-three Americans say they’ll accept the results of the 2024 election regardless of outcome

State of the Nations: Just one-in-three Americans say they’ll accept the results of the 2024 election regardless of outcome

After a dom­i­nant show­ing in the Iowa cau­cus on Mon­day night, the road to the…

State of the Nations: Canadians fear for the impacts of another Trump term as U.S. Election 2024 looms

State of the Nations: Canadians fear for the impacts of another Trump term as U.S. Election 2024 looms

The 2024 Amer­i­can Pres­i­den­tial elec­tion looks stark­ly famil­iar to the 2020…

Blast radius: Satisfaction with provincial governments crashes after years of COVID-19, cost of living crisis

Blast radius: Satisfaction with provincial governments crashes after years of COVID-19, cost of living crisis

One of the ben­e­fits his­to­ry offers is per­spec­tive. In Cana­da, that his­to­ry is…

The year ahead: Challenges from 2023 linger, but Canadians enter 2024 more optimistic

The year ahead: Challenges from 2023 linger, but Canadians enter 2024 more optimistic

The prob­lems of 2023 – infla­tion, inter­na­tion­al con­flict, glob­al warm­ing – may…

How was it for you? Canadians weigh in on 2023, reflecting gratitude, exhaustion & less happiness than past years

How was it for you? Canadians weigh in on 2023, reflecting gratitude, exhaustion & less happiness than past years

As Cana­di­ans load their plates with post-Christ­mas left­overs and reflect on…

In Canada, vast majority agree both anti-Semitism & anti-Muslim views are problems; less consensus over severity

In Canada, vast majority agree both anti-Semitism & anti-Muslim views are problems; less consensus over severity

As has been the case in coun­tries around the world, the war in Gaza between Israel and…

B.C. Spotlight: One-in-three would give province say on housing, but plurality prefer housing decisions stay local

B.C. Spotlight: One-in-three would give province say on housing, but plurality prefer housing decisions stay local

As 2023 clos­es, British Columbians find them­selves in a sim­i­lar place as they…

Swing voter behaviour could inflate CPC’s percentage of popular vote to 54%, or shrink it to 27%

Swing voter behaviour could inflate CPC’s percentage of popular vote to 54%, or shrink it to 27%

It has objec­tive­ly been a good year for Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty and oppo­si­tion…

The Swing Factors: Understanding the campaign promises that could grow, or shrink, the CPC’s blue tent

The Swing Factors: Understanding the campaign promises that could grow, or shrink, the CPC’s blue tent

Swing vot­er behav­iour could inflate CPC’s per­cent­age of pop­u­lar vote to 54%, or…

CPP Showdown: Little desire for creation of new provincial pension plans across the country – including in Alberta

CPP Showdown: Little desire for creation of new provincial pension plans across the country – including in Alberta

Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith had the rest of the country’s atten­tion in ear­ly…

CPP Showdown: Little desire for creation of new provincial pension plans across the country – including in Alberta

CPP Showdown: Little desire for creation of new provincial pension plans across the country – including in Alberta

Alber­tans more like­ly to feel they would lose out rather than gain if province leaves…

Saskatchewan: Majority support government’s gender & pronoun policy but half also say exceptions needed

Saskatchewan: Majority support government’s gender & pronoun policy but half also say exceptions needed

Res­i­dents con­tin­ue to be crit­i­cal of provin­cial gov­ern­ment per­for­mance on cost…

Premiers’ Performance: Legault ends year at all-time low, Kinew enjoys post-election honeymoon

Premiers’ Performance: Legault ends year at all-time low, Kinew enjoys post-election honeymoon

Moe, Kinew approved by a major­i­ty; Furey, Hous­ton, Smith and Eby by approach­ing…

Premiers’ Performance: Legault ends year at all-time low, Kinew enjoys post-election honeymoon

Premiers’ Performance: Legault ends year at all-time low, Kinew enjoys post-election honeymoon

As provin­cial leg­is­la­tures wind down for the year, the hol­i­day sea­son offers…

No Appeal: Most say government should accept Federal Court ruling on plastics as reusable bags preferred

No Appeal: Most say government should accept Federal Court ruling on plastics as reusable bags preferred

Major­i­ty who feel the gov­ern­ment should aban­don legal fight also pre­fer cloth bags…

Carbon Tax: Perceptions of insufficient rebates, cost of living concern & questions over efficacy send support plummeting

Carbon Tax: Perceptions of insufficient rebates, cost of living concern & questions over efficacy send support plummeting

The Trudeau gov­ern­ment, once laud­ed for its savvy com­mu­ni­ca­tions style is fac­ing…

Pointless Parliament? Disenchanted Canadians describe debates in House of Commons as ‘posturing’, ‘useless’

Pointless Parliament? Disenchanted Canadians describe debates in House of Commons as ‘posturing’, ‘useless’

As new speak­er of the House of Com­mons Greg Fer­gus attempts to reset the tone of…

Pointless Parliament? Disenchanted Canadians describe debates in House of Commons as ‘posturing’, ‘useless’

Pointless Parliament? Disenchanted Canadians describe debates in House of Commons as ‘posturing’, ‘useless’

As new speak­er of the House of Com­mons Greg Fer­gus attempts to reset the tone of…

Mortgage woes grow: Number of Canadians saying their mortgage is ‘very difficult’ to pay has doubled since March

Mortgage woes grow: Number of Canadians saying their mortgage is ‘very difficult’ to pay has doubled since March

It’s spooky sea­son in Cana­da with Hal­loween around the cor­ner, but for many…

Majority — including two-in-five past Liberal voters — say Trudeau should step down

Majority — including two-in-five past Liberal voters — say Trudeau should step down

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has made clear his inten­tion to lead the par­ty into the…

Majority — including two-in-five past Liberal voters — say Trudeau should step down

Majority — including two-in-five past Liberal voters — say Trudeau should step down

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has made clear his inten­tion to lead the par­ty into the…