Anja Karadeglija

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Anja Karadeglija.

Creators urge Ottawa to force disclosure of 'black box' AI system training

Creators urge Ottawa to force disclosure of 'black box' AI system training

OTTAWA — Cana­di­an cre­ators and pub­lish­ers want the gov­ern­ment to do some­thing…

Canada is a force in AI research. So why can't we commercialize it?

Canada is a force in AI research. So why can't we commercialize it?

It has impres­sive research bench strength. It has bil­lions of fed­er­al dol­lars for…

Canada is a force in AI research. So why can't we commercialize it?

Canada is a force in AI research. So why can't we commercialize it?

OTTAWA — It has impres­sive research bench strength. It has bil­lions of fed­er­al…

Canada sending 2,000 decommissioned CRV7 rocket motors to Ukraine

Canada sending 2,000 decommissioned CRV7 rocket motors to Ukraine

OTTAWA — The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment says it will start ship­ping decom­mis­sioned CRV7…

A CBSA strike could soon snarl border traffic. Here's what you need to know

A CBSA strike could soon snarl border traffic. Here's what you need to know

Just as the sum­mer trav­el sea­son gets into gear, Cana­di­ans and vis­i­tors could find…

A CBSA strike could soon snarl border traffic. Here's what you need to know

A CBSA strike could soon snarl border traffic. Here's what you need to know

OTTAWA — Just as the sum­mer trav­el sea­son gets into gear, Cana­di­ans and vis­i­tors…

Deputy Speaker says he had no involvement in Conservative party ad

Deputy Speaker says he had no involvement in Conservative party ad

OTTAWA — Deputy Speak­er Chris d’En­tremont says he did not approve an adver­tise­ment…

Experts seeing 'more and more' hate content created by artificial intelligence

Experts seeing 'more and more' hate content created by artificial intelligence

The clip is of a real his­tor­i­cal event — a speech giv­en by Nazi dic­ta­tor…

Experts seeing 'more and more' hate content created by artificial intelligence

Experts seeing 'more and more' hate content created by artificial intelligence

OTTAWA — The clip is of a real his­tor­i­cal event — a speech giv­en by Nazi…

Unclear how Canadian copyright law applies to generative AI: government document

Unclear how Canadian copyright law applies to generative AI: government document

The emer­gence of gen­er­a­tive AI has led gov­ern­ments around the world to launch…

Google says Liberals' compromise regulations won't alter its plans to pull news in Canada

Google says Liberals' compromise regulations won't alter its plans to pull news in Canada

Reg­u­la­tions the gov­ern­ment had been hop­ing would con­vince Google to recon­sid­er…

Social media, streaming services must register with the CRTC by November

Social media, streaming services must register with the CRTC by November

The deci­sion is part of the CRTC’s imple­men­ta­tion of the Online Stream­ing Act, which…

Liberals won't provide text of amendments to privacy, AI legislation to MPs studying bill after all

Liberals won't provide text of amendments to privacy, AI legislation to MPs studying bill after all

Oppo­si­tion MPs had object­ed to plans to pro­vide the text only after a House of…