CBC News

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from CBC News.

Montreal city councillor to represent Liberals in byelection

Montreal city councillor to represent Liberals in byelection

Mon­tréal munic­i­pal politi­cian Lau­ra Pales­ti­ni will rep­re­sent the incum­bent…

Airlines, banks, health care have operations disrupted in global IT outage

Airlines, banks, health care have operations disrupted in global IT outage

A glob­al tech out­age hit ser­vices and com­pa­nies in mul­ti­ple indus­tries around the…

Canada Day celebrations kick off across country

Canada Day celebrations kick off across country

Cana­di­ans will gath­er across the coun­try today to mark Cana­da Day,…

Canada sanctions 'extremist' Israeli settlers

Canada sanctions 'extremist' Israeli settlers

Cana­da is impos­ing sanc­tions on ​“extrem­ist” Israeli set­tlers in the West Bank,…

Jim Peterson, retired Toronto MP and former Liberal trade minister, dead at 82

Jim Peterson, retired Toronto MP and former Liberal trade minister, dead at 82

Jim Peter­son, a retired Toron­to MP and for­mer Lib­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ter, has…

State actor attempted to breach B.C. government systems in cyberattack

State actor attempted to breach B.C. government systems in cyberattack

The head of B.C.‘s pub­lic ser­vice has announced that there is a high degree of…

N.S. Justice Minister Brad Johns resigns from cabinet

N.S. Justice Minister Brad Johns resigns from cabinet

Nova Sco­tia Jus­tice Min­is­ter Brad Johns has resigned from cab­i­net. Pre­mier Tim…

Federal budget will include tax hike for wealthy Canadians, sources say

Federal budget will include tax hike for wealthy Canadians, sources say

Tues­day’s fed­er­al bud­get will include a tax increase on the rich­est…

Manitoba government intends to ask Ottawa to get rid of carbon tax in province

Manitoba government intends to ask Ottawa to get rid of carbon tax in province

The Man­i­to­ba gov­ern­ment has con­firmed it intends to ask Ottawa to remove the…

Doug Ford calls on federal workers in Ottawa to return to office

Doug Ford calls on federal workers in Ottawa to return to office

Ontar­i­o’s pre­mier called on the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to require pub­lic ser­vants to…

Ontario school boards sue social media giants for $4.5B

Ontario school boards sue social media giants for $4.5B

Four major Ontario school boards are tak­ing some of the largest social media com­pa­nies…

N.S. shooting tragedy 'happened for absolutely nothing' if RCMP doesn't learn: commissioner

N.S. shooting tragedy 'happened for absolutely nothing' if RCMP doesn't learn: commissioner

The com­mis­sion­er of the RCMP says the police ser­vice he over­sees is dif­fer­ent from…

Opposition parties call for the day school settlement agreement to be reopened

Opposition parties call for the day school settlement agreement to be reopened

The fed­er­al NDP and the Green Par­ty are urg­ing Ottawa to reopen the…

6 dead including 4 children in Ottawa mass killing

6 dead including 4 children in Ottawa mass killing

Six peo­ple includ­ing a moth­er, her four young chil­dren and a fam­i­ly…

Ottawa says it will bypass Quebec's immigration cap to speed up family reunification

Ottawa says it will bypass Quebec's immigration cap to speed up family reunification

After sev­er­al months of ask­ing the Que­bec gov­ern­ment in vain to increase its…

Gatineau Mayor France Bélisle steps down, citing hostile political climate

Gatineau Mayor France Bélisle steps down, citing hostile political climate

The may­or of Gatineau, Que., says she’s step­ping down effec­tive imme­di­ate­ly. France…

Justice Mary Moreau officially welcomed as the Supreme Court's newest member

Justice Mary Moreau officially welcomed as the Supreme Court's newest member

Mary More­au has offi­cial­ly been wel­comed to her seat on the Supreme Court of Cana­da…

Doug Ford, Justin Trudeau to sign $3.1B health-care funding deal

Doug Ford, Justin Trudeau to sign $3.1B health-care funding deal

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford will sign an agree­ment on…

Edmonton MLA Rakhi Pancholi launches NDP leadership bid

Edmonton MLA Rakhi Pancholi launches NDP leadership bid

Edmon­ton-White­mud MLA Rakhi Pan­choli has entered to the race to replace Rachel Not­ley…

Political strategist says Ken McDonald's about-face on Trudeau doesn't undo damage done

Political strategist says Ken McDonald's about-face on Trudeau doesn't undo damage done

Polit­i­cal strate­gist Tim Pow­ers says Ken McDon­ald may have helped his future…

Ontario PCs' Parm Gill resigns from cabinet to run for Poilievre's Conservatives

Ontario PCs' Parm Gill resigns from cabinet to run for Poilievre's Conservatives

Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tive MPP Parm Gill resigned from his seat and Ontario Pre­mier…

NL Liberal MHA and cabinet minister Derrick Bragg dead at 59

NL Liberal MHA and cabinet minister Derrick Bragg dead at 59

Sev­en months after announc­ing he had been diag­nosed with tongue can­cer, Der­rick…

Ed Broadbent, former NDP leader, dead at 87

Ed Broadbent, former NDP leader, dead at 87

Long­time New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty leader Ed Broad­bent has died at 87. The Broad­bent…

Federal government launches consultations on a national plastics registry

Federal government launches consultations on a national plastics registry

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is look­ing into cre­at­ing a nation­al plas­tics…

Ottawa minor charged as RCMP allege connection to possible terrorist activity against Jewish people

Ottawa minor charged as RCMP allege connection to possible terrorist activity against Jewish people

A youth in Ottawa has been charged with ter­ror­ist-relat­ed offences that alleged­ly…

Hundreds of protesters swarm Trudeau event in Vancouver to call for end to military support for Israel

Hundreds of protesters swarm Trudeau event in Vancouver to call for end to military support for Israel

Hun­dreds of pro-Pales­tin­ian demon­stra­tors gath­ered out­side the down­town…

Mushroom farmer takes centre stage in Trudeau-Poilievre carbon tax exchange

Mushroom farmer takes centre stage in Trudeau-Poilievre carbon tax exchange

A heat­ed exchange in the House of Com­mons thrust one south Ottawa mush­room farm into…

Plan to let Canadians and other foreigners leave Gaza at Rafah crossing is cancelled

Plan to let Canadians and other foreigners leave Gaza at Rafah crossing is cancelled

Cana­di­ans and oth­er for­eign nation­als who were aim­ing to leave Gaza via an…