Christopher Nardi

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Christopher Nardi.

Rideau Hall employees were 'very unhappy' and 'suffered a lot' during Julie Payette years: chief justice

Rideau Hall employees were 'very unhappy' and 'suffered a lot' during Julie Payette years: chief justice

Chief Jus­tice Richard Wag­n­er says Rideau Hall’s employ­ees were ​“very unhap­py”…

Irwin Cotler suggested Anthony Housefather resign from Liberal caucus

Irwin Cotler suggested Anthony Housefather resign from Liberal caucus

Irwin Cotler, the for­mer Lib­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ter and for­mer MP for Mount Roy­al,…

Even NDP voters aren't crazy about Jagmeet Singh propping up Trudeau: poll

Even NDP voters aren't crazy about Jagmeet Singh propping up Trudeau: poll

32% of respon­dents say their opin­ion of Singh and the NDP is worse since 2022 when the…

More baleful byelections are brewing for the Trudeau Liberals after the fall of St. Paul's

More baleful byelections are brewing for the Trudeau Liberals after the fall of St. Paul's

The Lib­er­als’ stun­ning defeat in the Toron­to — St-Paul’s byelec­tion this week could…

Government disputes 'misleading' claim it blocked 1,000-plus documents from foreign interference reviewers

Government disputes 'misleading' claim it blocked 1,000-plus documents from foreign interference reviewers

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment called ​“mis­lead­ing” an intel­li­gence over­sight…

Judge dismisses request by two federal officials to block ArriveCan probe into alleged misconduct

Judge dismisses request by two federal officials to block ArriveCan probe into alleged misconduct

A judge reject­ed a request by two fed­er­al offi­cials to block an inter­nal…

Davie Shipyard suing Ottawa to prevent any disclosure of shipbuilding strategy deal

Davie Shipyard suing Ottawa to prevent any disclosure of shipbuilding strategy deal

Que­bec-based Davie ship­yard is suing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to pre­vent it from…