Craig Lord

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Craig Lord.

Inflation cools to 2.7% in June, but grocery prices heating up again

Inflation cools to 2.7% in June, but grocery prices heating up again

Sta­tis­tics Cana­da says the annu­al rate of infla­tion slowed in June, but renewed…

The results are in: June’s rate cut didn’t revive Canada’s housing market

The results are in: June’s rate cut didn’t revive Canada’s housing market

Fresh home sales data has final­ly answered the ques­tion for real estate watch­ers: The…

Inflation ticks up to 2.9% in May as Canadians paid more for services

Inflation ticks up to 2.9% in May as Canadians paid more for services

Infla­tion accel­er­at­ed in May as the costs of ser­vices ticked up, Sta­tis­tics…

Budget 2024 failed to spark ‘political reboot’ for Liberals, polling suggests

Budget 2024 failed to spark ‘political reboot’ for Liberals, polling suggests

The 2024 fed­er­al bud­get failed to spark a much-need­ed rebound in the polls for…

Budget 2024 tries to sell youth a more affordable life with billions in spending

Budget 2024 tries to sell youth a more affordable life with billions in spending

The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment deliv­ered a fed­er­al bud­get on Tues­day geared towards…

Canada’s unemployment rate jumps to 6.1% in March

Canada’s unemployment rate jumps to 6.1% in March

The Cana­di­an unem­ploy­ment rate jumped up to 6.1 per cent in March amid rapid growth…

Budget 2024: Here’s what Canadians want from Ottawa

Budget 2024: Here’s what Canadians want from Ottawa

Cana­di­ans are most­ly look­ing for help pay­ing their bills in the 2024 fed­er­al…

Inflation dropped to 2.8% in February amid relief at grocery store

Inflation dropped to 2.8% in February amid relief at grocery store

The annu­al rate of infla­tion ticked down in Feb­ru­ary amid relief at the gro­cery…

Ottawa making financing cheaper for more builders to spur rental construction

Ottawa making financing cheaper for more builders to spur rental construction

The effort to offer cheap­er mort­gage rates to more builders comes as con­struc­tion…