Dale Smith

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Dale Smith.

Canadian politicians are modelling the LGBTQ+ scapegoating of Eastern Europe

Canadian politicians are modelling the LGBTQ+ scapegoating of Eastern Europe

Anew report by Over Zero, a research and train­ing group found­ed in response to the…

Concerns raised about immigration detention provisions in federal budget bill

Concerns raised about immigration detention provisions in federal budget bill

The fed­er­al government’s bud­get imple­men­ta­tion bill con­tains con­tro­ver­sial…

Can the federal government ban the 'Big Lie' in elections?

Can the federal government ban the 'Big Lie' in elections?

Giv­en the pre­pon­der­ance of ​“Big Lie” claims in the Unit­ed States that spread…

The dangerous potential of Poilievre’s promise to use Notwithstanding Clause

The dangerous potential of Poilievre’s promise to use Notwithstanding Clause

After weeks of rid­ing high in the polls, Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty of Cana­da leader…

What’s in Budget 2024 for the justice system?

What’s in Budget 2024 for the justice system?

The 2024 fed­er­al bud­get con­tains sev­er­al mea­sures for the legal sys­tem, most of…

Canada must be a leader in response to Ugandan anti-LGBTQ+ laws

Canada must be a leader in response to Ugandan anti-LGBTQ+ laws

Last week, near­ly a year to the day since Ugan­da passed its lat­est dra­con­ian…

More municipalities likely to follow Alberta town’s lead with crosswalk ban

More municipalities likely to follow Alberta town’s lead with crosswalk ban

There were nation­al head­lines made last week when the cit­i­zens of the town of…

Canada's digital safety balancing act

Canada's digital safety balancing act

Bill C‑63 is a sig­nif­i­cant depar­ture from an ear­li­er effort to pass online…

Age-verification bill relies on magical thinking about technology

Age-verification bill relies on magical thinking about technology

Could the gov­ern­ment be one step clos­er to mon­i­tor­ing Cana­di­ans’ porn habits?…

How long of a delay?

How long of a delay?

For now, it appears Cana­di­ans will have to wait, at least until after the next…

BC reaches settlement on legal aid for people suffering domestic violence

BC reaches settlement on legal aid for people suffering domestic violence

The BC gov­ern­ment has reached a set­tle­ment agree­ment in a Char­ter…

Can the federal government stop Danielle Smith’s trans policies?

Can the federal government stop Danielle Smith’s trans policies?

In the wake of Danielle Smith’s announced pol­i­cy about lim­it­ing gen­der-affirm­ing…

Danielle Smith is pandering to her reactionary base

Danielle Smith is pandering to her reactionary base

Alber­ta pre­mier Danielle Smith appear­ing as a fea­tured guest at a Cal­gary…

Standard of proof - SCC to examine whether provinces can mandate that inmate discipline hearings operate on a balance of probabilities.

Standard of proof - SCC to examine whether provinces can mandate that inmate discipline hearings operate on a balance of probabilities.

What stan­dard of proof should dis­ci­pli­nary hear­ings in provin­cial jails rely on?…

Poilievre’s concern over press freedom is just dystopian world-building

Poilievre’s concern over press freedom is just dystopian world-building

Last week, there was a major hul­la­baloo made of Rebel Media per­son­al­i­ty David…

Parliament's winter sitting

Parliament's winter sitting

The House of Com­mons wit­nessed its fair share of chaos dur­ing last year’s fall…

New Brunswick premier doubling down on anti-trans policies to win next election

New Brunswick premier doubling down on anti-trans policies to win next election

New Brunswick pre­mier Blaine Hig­gs has declared that he’s not going to back down from…

Court rules that ‘groomer’ is a slur, not protected speech

Court rules that ‘groomer’ is a slur, not protected speech

An Ontario court has dis­missed an attempt­ed defence of a defama­tion suit launched…

How the moral panic around ‘parental rights’ in Canada defined 2023

How the moral panic around ‘parental rights’ in Canada defined 2023

In Cana­di­an pol­i­tics, 2023 was the year that the moral pan­ic around ​“parental…

Canadian Conservative ties to Hungary and Orbán are cause for concern

Canadian Conservative ties to Hungary and Orbán are cause for concern

One par­tic­u­lar sto­ry has been lurk­ing under the sur­face for the past cou­ple of…