Darrell Bricker

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Darrell Bricker.

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Pierre Poilievre as the pre­ferred choice for Prime Min­is­ter, with sig­nif­i­cant…

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada

Pierre Poilievre as the pre­ferred choice for Prime Min­is­ter, with sig­nif­i­cant…

NDP Falters but Liberals Can't Capitalize as Conservatives Maintain 19-point Lead

NDP Falters but Liberals Can't Capitalize as Conservatives Maintain 19-point Lead

Canada’s NDP, the junior part­ner in the con­fi­dence-and-sup­ply agree­ment, has…

Tories (43%) Hold a Steady 19-Point Lead over Liberals (24%), as a Third of Canadians Say They Would Never Vote Liberal in the Next Election

Tories (43%) Hold a Steady 19-Point Lead over Liberals (24%), as a Third of Canadians Say They Would Never Vote Liberal in the Next Election

When asked which par­ty they would nev­er con­sid­er vot­ing for in the next elec­tion,…

Tories (41%) Open 18-Point Lead Over Liberals (23%), Lead in Every Region Except Quebec

Tories (41%) Open 18-Point Lead Over Liberals (23%), Lead in Every Region Except Quebec

The Con­ser­v­a­tives have opened an 18-point lead over the Lib­er­als, who still appear…

Growing Proportion Of Canadians Want Trudeau To Step Down

Growing Proportion Of Canadians Want Trudeau To Step Down

ith Lib­er­al polling num­bers in free fall, it appears that Cana­di­ans increas­ing­ly…