Darren Major

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Darren Major.

Trudeau says he considered stepping down during marriage difficulties

Trudeau says he considered stepping down during marriage difficulties

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau said in a recent pod­cast that he con­sid­ered…

CRA reversed $246M in pandemic benefit debts after thousands contested eligibility status

CRA reversed $246M in pandemic benefit debts after thousands contested eligibility status

The gov­ern­ment has had to can­cel at least $246 mil­lion in debts for thou­sands of…

Singh says NDP still hasn't decided whether to support Liberals' new budget

Singh says NDP still hasn't decided whether to support Liberals' new budget

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh said Mon­day his par­ty still has­n’t decid­ed whether it will…

RCMP conduct search of GC Strategies' office as partner prepares to appear before House

RCMP conduct search of GC Strategies' office as partner prepares to appear before House

The RCMP says it has searched the office of a con­trac­tor who worked on the…

PM tells foreign interference probe government's hands are tied on intelligence leaks to media

PM tells foreign interference probe government's hands are tied on intelligence leaks to media

Trudeau said gov­ern­ment can’t ​‘cor­rect the record’ with­out giv­ing adver­saries…

MP Anthony Housefather to stay on with Liberals after period of 'serious reflection'

MP Anthony Housefather to stay on with Liberals after period of 'serious reflection'

MP Antho­ny House­fa­ther will remain in the Lib­er­al cau­cus despite his con­cerns over…

ArriveCan contractor rejects auditor general report, blames government's poor record-keeping

ArriveCan contractor rejects auditor general report, blames government's poor record-keeping

One of the part­ners at GC Strate­gies is rebut­ting an audi­tor gen­er­al’s report that…

GC Strategies was awarded 3 other border agency contracts while working on ArriveCan

GC Strategies was awarded 3 other border agency contracts while working on ArriveCan

GC Strate­gies was hired to work on three oth­er Cana­da Bor­der Ser­vices Agency…

Company linked to ArriveCan controversy got $107 million in federal contracts, official says

Company linked to ArriveCan controversy got $107 million in federal contracts, official says

The com­pa­ny at the cen­tre of the Arrive­Can con­tro­ver­sy has received more than $100…

Brian Mulroney remembered as a 'giant' and trailblazer in driving free trade

Brian Mulroney remembered as a 'giant' and trailblazer in driving free trade

Kim Camp­bell, who served as Canada’s prime min­is­ter in 1993, remem­bers her…

Public servant's company received more than $200M in government contracts since 2015

Public servant's company received more than $200M in government contracts since 2015

An IT firm run by a defence depart­ment employ­ee has been award­ed mil­lions of…

Canada to start airdropping aid into Gaza within days: source

Canada to start airdropping aid into Gaza within days: source

The Cana­di­an gov­ern­ment will begin air­drop­ping aid into Gaza with­in the next week,…

Canada bringing back visa requirements for Mexican nationals to curb asylum seekers

Canada bringing back visa requirements for Mexican nationals to curb asylum seekers

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is reim­pos­ing some visa require­ments on Mex­i­can…

Quebec mother bringing government to court over decision not to repatriate her from Syria

Quebec mother bringing government to court over decision not to repatriate her from Syria

A Que­bec moth­er of six who is being held in Syr­ia is bring­ing the gov­ern­ment to…

Businesses fear they'll have to borrow more to repay government-backed pandemic loans

Businesses fear they'll have to borrow more to repay government-backed pandemic loans

Some small busi­ness­es say they might have to refi­nance their gov­ern­ment-backed…

Indian diplomat has left Canada in wake of allegations surrounding Sikh activist's death

Indian diplomat has left Canada in wake of allegations surrounding Sikh activist's death

A diplo­mat who was ordered out of Cana­da in the wake of alle­ga­tions about the killing…