Dave Collins, The Associated Press

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Dave Collins, The Associated Press.

Convicted drug dealer whose sentence was commuted by Trump charged with domestic violence

A New York man whose 10-year prison sen­tence for deal­ing thou­sands of kilo­grams of…

Rudy Giuliani agrees to deal to end his bankruptcy case, pay creditors' financial adviser $400k

Rudy Giu­liani has agreed to a last-minute deal to end his per­son­al bank­rupt­cy…

Rudy Giuliani agrees to deal to end his bankruptcy case, pay creditors' accounting firm $400,000

Rudy Giu­liani has agreed to a last-minute deal to end his per­son­al bank­rupt­cy…

NYC mayor issues emergency order suspending parts of new solitary confinement law

NYC mayor issues emergency order suspending parts of new solitary confinement law

New York City’s may­or issued an emer­gency order Sat­ur­day sus­pend­ing parts of…

Georgia election workers who won $148M judgment against Giuliani want his bankruptcy case thrown out

Georgia election workers who won $148M judgment against Giuliani want his bankruptcy case thrown out

Rudy Giu­lian­i’s cred­i­tors, includ­ing two for­mer Geor­gia elec­tion work­ers who won…

Connecticut's top public defender fired for misconduct alleged by oversight commission

Connecticut's top public defender fired for misconduct alleged by oversight commission

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — An over­sight com­mis­sion fired Con­necti­cut’s top pub­lic…

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