David Fraser

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from David Fraser.

Freedom Convoy's Pat King out on bail under strict conditions

Freedom Convoy's Pat King out on bail under strict conditions

Pat King danced out of the Ottawa cour­t­house Fri­day after being giv­en bail with…

Freedom Convoy's Pat King banned from festival he promoted

Freedom Convoy's Pat King banned from festival he promoted

Free­dom Con­voy orga­niz­er Pat King has been banned from a music fes­ti­val in…

Convoy leader Pat King to be re-arrested over alleged bail breach

Convoy leader Pat King to be re-arrested over alleged bail breach

Pat King’s tri­al may have end­ed last week, but the promi­nent fig­ure in the 2022…

Key figure in Freedom Convoy argues police, city failed residents at trial

Key figure in Freedom Convoy argues police, city failed residents at trial

An Ottawa police offi­cer respon­si­ble for engag­ing with pro­test­ers attend­ing what…

Crown lays out arguments as Pat King goes to trial on conduct during 2022 convoy protest

Crown lays out arguments as Pat King goes to trial on conduct during 2022 convoy protest

Crown attor­neys are argu­ing a key fig­ure in what became known as the Free­dom…

2 years later, 'Freedom Movement' plans return to Parliament Hill

2 years later, 'Freedom Movement' plans return to Parliament Hill

Two years after police moved in to end the protest move­ment that became known as the…

Convoy leader texted with ex-premier Brad Wall, current Sask. MLA, docs show

Convoy leader texted with ex-premier Brad Wall, current Sask. MLA, docs show

Text mes­sages sub­mit­ted as evi­dence in Chris Bar­ber’s crim­i­nal tri­al. Text…