Dean Beeby

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Dean Beeby.

An error-prone 'transparency'

An error-prone 'transparency'

The pro-active pub­li­ca­tion of inter­nal doc­u­ments by gov­ern­ments has long been…

Delay is toxic for freedom of information

Delay is toxic for freedom of information

In pub­lic affairs jour­nal­ism, all infor­ma­tion has a best-before date.…

Poverty on the rise: memo for Trudeau

An inter­nal memo for Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau acknowl­edges that pover­ty is on…

The disaster at Canada's disaster bunker

The disaster at Canada's disaster bunker

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment in 2004 cre­at­ed a kind of dis­as­ter bunker, where…

RCMP loses handgun - twice

RCMP loses handgun - twice

The RCMP has lost one of its hand­guns — the sec­ond time the elu­sive weapon has…

RCMP burns 7,000 lbs of uniforms & kit

RCMP burns 7,000 lbs of uniforms & kit

RCMP in Nova Sco­tia ordered a mass incin­er­a­tion of dis­card­ed Moun­tie…

Ottawa creates virtual news agency

Ottawa creates virtual news agency

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment estab­lished a short-lived news agency last fall,…

Language czar probes CBC's posting of unilingual documents

Language czar probes CBC's posting of unilingual documents

Canada’s offi­cial lan­guages com­mis­sion­er has launched an inves­ti­ga­tion into…

A small step forward for transparency

A small step forward for transparency

In Canada’s doom-laden realm of free­dom of infor­ma­tion, where bad news is endem­ic,…

Hubris and survival in the news industry

Hubris and survival in the news industry

A new oral his­to­ry of the Vil­lage Voice, the week­ly rag that goosed Amer­i­can…

Canada's access-to-info gamble

Canada's access-to-info gamble

Cana­di­ans are not whin­ers by nature, but some­times frus­tra­tion about bad ser­vice…

Shackleton's last ship was a dud for polar exploration

Shackleton's last ship was a dud for polar exploration

Sir Ernest Shackleton’s last expe­di­tion ship, which was locat­ed on the seafloor off…

Traffic jam on RCMP car lots

Traffic jam on RCMP car lots

A three-year freeze on the sale of used RCMP vehi­cles has cre­at­ed such huge stor­age…

Anand's misleading plan to combat misinformation

Anand's misleading plan to combat misinformation

A recent media release from a pow­er­ful min­is­ter pro­claimed the Lib­er­al…

RCMP lax in tracking clothing: internal review

RCMP lax in tracking clothing: internal review

An inter­nal review of the RCMP’s con­trol poli­cies for its uni­forms, launched after…

A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

A tribute to Canada's first information commissioner

Inger Hansen (1929−2013), Canada’s first infor­ma­tion com­mis­sion­er, knew some­thing…

The access to information dumpster

The access to information dumpster

Good jour­nal­ists fre­quent­ly have barbed encoun­ters with flaks for gov­ern­ment…

Trouble in the ring at the RCMP's Musical Ride

Trouble in the ring at the RCMP's Musical Ride

There’s trou­ble in the ring at the RCMP’s icon­ic Musi­cal Ride, where the hors­es are…

Abandon hope ye who file FOI requests here

Abandon hope ye who file FOI requests here

The first line of this cen­tu­ry-old stan­za is often quot­ed as a proverb to…

RCMP hobbled by century-old policing model: minister's briefing

RCMP hobbled by century-old policing model: minister's briefing

The RCMP receives ​“insuf­fi­cient fed­er­al invest­ment” to car­ry out its increased…

Lincoln Alexander's link to freedom of information

Lincoln Alexander's link to freedom of information

Lin­coln Alexander’s lega­cy of fac­ing down racism in Cana­da is being cel­e­brat­ed…

Canada needs a morgue for freedom-of-info documents

Canada needs a morgue for freedom-of-info documents

In their hey­day, news­pa­pers main­tained ​‘morgues,’ musty places where clip­pings were…

Cabinet secrecy gets a boost

Cabinet secrecy gets a boost

Canada’s top court last week round­ly affirmed the con­fi­den­tial­i­ty of cab­i­net…

British Columbia's wacky FOI follies

British Columbia's wacky FOI follies

Reporters have been bail­ing on free­dom-of-infor­ma­tion requests every­where you look…

Even journalists have privacy rights

Even journalists have privacy rights

Jour­nal­ists are some­times in the busi­ness of keep­ing secrets. They have a duty…

Knowing where to look for news

Knowing where to look for news

A lot of great scoops about gov­ern­ment are hid­ing in plain sight. Open-source…

Ontario journalists quitting freedom-of-info

Ontario journalists quitting freedom-of-info

Jour­nal­ists in Cana­da have long been minor users of free­dom-of-infor­ma­tion laws,…

Finding Ed Broadbent

Finding Ed Broadbent

Ed Broad­bent (1936−2024), who died this week at age 87, was a decent and…

Mangled and mutilated: Ottawa's banknote rescue service

Mangled and mutilated: Ottawa's banknote rescue service

Mil­lions of dol­lars arrive each year at the Bank of Cana­da in the form of bank notes…

Ged Baldwin's 50-year-old crusade for freedom of information legislation in Canada

Ged Baldwin's 50-year-old crusade for freedom of information legislation in Canada

This year is a mile­stone for gov­ern­ment trans­paren­cy in Cana­da, mark­ing…

RCMP misses key deadline for response to Nova Scotia's mass casualty of 2020

RCMP misses key deadline for response to Nova Scotia's mass casualty of 2020

The RCMP has blown past a dead­line for respond­ing to a scathing pub­lic…

History’s lessons on reforming the Access to Information Act in Canada

History’s lessons on reforming the Access to Information Act in Canada

The great Charles Dick­ens in his 1857 nov­el Lit­tle Dor­rit sat­i­rized how…