Don Braid

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Don Braid.

As Trudeau Liberals near-death experience deepens, they race around in vain hunt for allies

As Trudeau Liberals near-death experience deepens, they race around in vain hunt for allies

Chick­ens with their heads cut off run around in cir­cles. In pol­i­tics, the fed­er­al…

Naheed Nenshi expected to announce Alberta NDP leadership run soon, but faces a maze of rules

Naheed Nenshi expected to announce Alberta NDP leadership run soon, but faces a maze of rules

For­mer Cal­gary May­or Naheed Nen­shi is qui­et and elu­sive about a poten­tial run…

Premier Smith blasts David Parker of TBA for attacks on Poilievre and wife

Premier Smith blasts David Parker of TBA for attacks on Poilievre and wife

This is the first time Smith has uttered a word of crit­i­cism about Park­er Well,…

Now TBA's Parker insults Poilievre. Will Premier Smith ever disown him?

Now TBA's Parker insults Poilievre. Will Premier Smith ever disown him?

Bare­ly a day after beg­ging for­give­ness from his fol­low­ers, Park­er post­ed the…

The ugly Nenshi-Parker dust-up and the politics of personal insult

The ugly Nenshi-Parker dust-up and the politics of personal insult

A bat­tle of insults on social media shows how far we’ve descend­ed into per­son­al…

Trudeau has blown his term with focus on obsessions, even losing moderates

Trudeau has blown his term with focus on obsessions, even losing moderates

One of many effects is to dri­ve mod­er­ate pro­gres­sives into the arms of Pierre…