Eric Tucker, The Associated Press

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Prosecutors: Trump 'resorted to crimes' after losing 2020 election in failed bid to cling to power

Prosecutors: Trump 'resorted to crimes' after losing 2020 election in failed bid to cling to power

WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump ​“resort­ed to crimes” in a failed bid to cling to…

Iranian operatives charged in the US with hacking Donald Trump's presidential campaign

Iranian operatives charged in the US with hacking Donald Trump's presidential campaign

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Jus­tice Depart­ment unsealed crim­i­nal charges Fri­day against…

The FBI says Iran tried to send hacked files to Democrats. It's another sign of foreign meddling

The FBI says Iran tried to send hacked files to Democrats. It's another sign of foreign meddling

WASHINGTON (AP) — When the FBI said this week that Iran had tried to pro­vide Democ­rats…

The US is preparing criminal charges in Iran hack targeting Trump, AP sources say

The US is preparing criminal charges in Iran hack targeting Trump, AP sources say

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Jus­tice Depart­ment is prepar­ing crim­i­nal charges in…

AP sources: Justice Department, FBI preparing criminal charges in Iran hack targeting Trump campaign

AP sources: Justice Department, FBI preparing criminal charges in Iran hack targeting Trump campaign

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Jus­tice Depart­ment is prepar­ing crim­i­nal charges in…

Trump repeats false claims over 2020 election loss, deflects responsibility for Jan. 6

Trump repeats false claims over 2020 election loss, deflects responsibility for Jan. 6

WASHINGTON (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump per­sist­ed Tues­day in say­ing…

Trump team will seek dismissal of federal election subversion case as each side mulls the next steps

Trump team will seek dismissal of federal election subversion case as each side mulls the next steps

WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawyers for Don­ald Trump intend to urge a judge to dis­miss the…

Trump's lawyers to seek dismissal of federal election subversion case as two sides weigh next steps

Trump's lawyers to seek dismissal of federal election subversion case as two sides weigh next steps

WASHINGTON (AP) — Lawyers for Don­ald Trump intend to urge a judge to dis­miss the…

Gunman in Trump assassination attempt saw rally as 'target of opportunity,' FBI official says

Gunman in Trump assassination attempt saw rally as 'target of opportunity,' FBI official says

WASHINGTON (AP) — The gun­man in the assas­si­na­tion attempt of for­mer Pres­i­dent…

Special counsel urges appeals court to reinstate classified documents case against Trump

Special counsel urges appeals court to reinstate classified documents case against Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — Spe­cial coun­sel Jack Smith asked a fed­er­al appeals court…

US intelligence officials say Iran is to blame for hacks targeting Trump, Biden-Harris campaigns

US intelligence officials say Iran is to blame for hacks targeting Trump, Biden-Harris campaigns

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. intel­li­gence offi­cials said Mon­day they were con­fi­dent that…

US intelligence officials say Iran is to blame for hack of Trump's presidential campaign

US intelligence officials say Iran is to blame for hack of Trump's presidential campaign

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty said Mon­day that Iran is to blame…

Judge in Trump's federal election subversion case rejects defense effort to dismiss the prosecution

Judge in Trump's federal election subversion case rejects defense effort to dismiss the prosecution

WASHINGTON (AP) — The fed­er­al judge pre­sid­ing over the elec­tion sub­ver­sion case…

Justice Dept. says it's committed to sharing info about foreign election threats with tech companies

Justice Dept. says it's committed to sharing info about foreign election threats with tech companies

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Jus­tice Depart­ment remains com­mit­ted to shar­ing with social…

Trump election subversion case returned to trial judge following Supreme Court opinion

Trump election subversion case returned to trial judge following Supreme Court opinion

WASHINGTON (AP) — The crim­i­nal case charg­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump with…

Acting Secret Service boss says he 'cannot defend' why roof in Trump rally shooting was unsecured

Acting Secret Service boss says he 'cannot defend' why roof in Trump rally shooting was unsecured

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Secret Ser­vice’s act­ing direc­tor told law­mak­ers on Tues­day…

Acting Secret Service boss says he 'cannot defend' why roof in Trump rally shooting was not secured

Acting Secret Service boss says he 'cannot defend' why roof in Trump rally shooting was not secured

WASHINGTON (AP) — The act­ing direc­tor of the Secret Ser­vice says he ​“can­not defend”…

Secret Service and FBI officials will testify about Trump assassination attempt in latest hearing

Secret Service and FBI officials will testify about Trump assassination attempt in latest hearing

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen­ate law­mak­ers are expect­ed Tues­day to grill the act­ing…

Secret Service, FBI officials to testify about Trump assassination attempt in latest hearing

Secret Service, FBI officials to testify about Trump assassination attempt in latest hearing

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen­ate law­mak­ers are expect­ed Tues­day to grill the act­ing…

Trump agrees to be interviewed as part of an investigation into his assassination attempt, FBI says

Trump agrees to be interviewed as part of an investigation into his assassination attempt, FBI says

WASHINGTON (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has agreed to be inter­viewed by the…

Trump rally gunman looked online for information about Kennedy assassination, FBI director says

Trump rally gunman looked online for information about Kennedy assassination, FBI director says

WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Direc­tor Christo­pher Wray told law­mak­ers on Wednes­day that…

Trump rally gunman flew a drone 200 yards from the stage hours before the event, FBI chief testifies

Trump rally gunman flew a drone 200 yards from the stage hours before the event, FBI chief testifies

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just hours before open­ing fire, the gun­man in the attempt­ed…

The FBI will 'leave no stone unturned' investigating the Trump rally shooting, Wray tells Congress

The FBI will 'leave no stone unturned' investigating the Trump rally shooting, Wray tells Congress

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI will ​“leave no stone unturned” in its inves­ti­ga­tion of the…

FBI chief to face questions over Trump assassination attempt as he returns to Capitol Hill

FBI chief to face questions over Trump assassination attempt as he returns to Capitol Hill

WASHINGTON (AP) — FBI Direc­tor Christo­pher Wray is set to tes­ti­fy Wednes­day about…

Gunman in Trump rally attack flew drone over rally site in advance of event, official says

Gunman in Trump rally attack flew drone over rally site in advance of event, official says

WASHINGTON (AP) — The gun­man in the attempt­ed assas­si­na­tion of for­mer Pres­i­dent…

Special counsel to appeal judge's dismissal of classified documents case against Donald Trump

Special counsel to appeal judge's dismissal of classified documents case against Donald Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — Spe­cial coun­sel Jack Smith intends to appeal a judge’s…

Federal judge dismisses Trump classified documents case over concerns with prosecutor's appointment

Federal judge dismisses Trump classified documents case over concerns with prosecutor's appointment

WASHINGTON (AP) — The fed­er­al judge pre­sid­ing over the clas­si­fied doc­u­ments case…

US disrupts Russian government-backed disinformation campaign that relied on AI technology

US disrupts Russian government-backed disinformation campaign that relied on AI technology

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da cam­paign backed by the Krem­lin that…

Citing Supreme Court immunity ruling, Trump's lawyers seek to freeze the classified documents case

Citing Supreme Court immunity ruling, Trump's lawyers seek to freeze the classified documents case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump asked a fed­er­al judge Fri­day to freeze the…

Supreme Court opinion conferring broad immunity could embolden Trump as he seeks to return to power

Supreme Court opinion conferring broad immunity could embolden Trump as he seeks to return to power

WASHINGTON (AP) — In her dis­sent from a Supreme Court opin­ion that afford­ed…

Things to know about how Julian Assange and US prosecutors arrived at a plea deal to end his case

Things to know about how Julian Assange and US prosecutors arrived at a plea deal to end his case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Wik­iLeaks founder Julian Assange is back in Aus­tralia as a free…

The Saipan surprise: How delicate talks led to the unlikely end of Julian Assange's 12-year saga

The Saipan surprise: How delicate talks led to the unlikely end of Julian Assange's 12-year saga

WASHINGTON (AP) — About a year and a half ago, a lawyer for Julian Assange…

What to know about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the guilty plea that freed him

What to know about WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and the guilty plea that freed him

WASHINGTON (AP) — The guilty plea by Wik­iLeaks founder Julian Assange brings…

Trump lawyers in classified docs case ask judge to suppress evidence seized during Mar-a-Lago search

Trump lawyers in classified docs case ask judge to suppress evidence seized during Mar-a-Lago search

FORT PIERCE, Fla. (AP) — Lawyers for Don­ald Trump on Tues­day asked the judge…

Who is Julian Assange and why is the embattled WikiLeaks founder now on the verge of freedom?

Who is Julian Assange and why is the embattled WikiLeaks founder now on the verge of freedom?

WASHINGTON (AP) — A plea deal with Wik­iLeaks founder Julian Assange will bring…

Trump lawyers in classified documents case will ask the judge to suppress evidence from prosecutors

Trump lawyers in classified documents case will ask the judge to suppress evidence from prosecutors

FORT PIERCE, Fla. (AP) — Lawyers for Don­ald Trump on Tues­day will ask the judge…

A look at Julian Assange and how the long-jailed WikiLeaks founder is now on the verge of freedom

A look at Julian Assange and how the long-jailed WikiLeaks founder is now on the verge of freedom

WASHINGTON (AP) — News that the U.S. Jus­tice Depart­ment has reached a plea deal…

Judge strikes paragraph from Trump classified docs indictment but denies request to dismiss charges

Judge strikes paragraph from Trump classified docs indictment but denies request to dismiss charges

WASHINGTON (AP) — The fed­er­al judge pre­sid­ing over the clas­si­fied doc­u­ments case…

Judge denies bid to dismiss certain counts in Trump classified documents indictment

Judge denies bid to dismiss certain counts in Trump classified documents indictment

WASHINGTON (AP) — The fed­er­al judge pre­sid­ing over the clas­si­fied doc­u­ments case…

Trump's NY case was the first of four to go to trial. It could be the last one for a while

Trump's NY case was the first of four to go to trial. It could be the last one for a while

WASHINGTON (AP) — The hush mon­ey case that cul­mi­nat­ed in a con­vic­tion of…

Closing arguments, jury instructions and maybe a verdict? Major week looms in Trump hush money trial

Closing arguments, jury instructions and maybe a verdict? Major week looms in Trump hush money trial

WASHINGTON (AP) — The tes­ti­mo­ny in Don­ald Trump’s New York hush mon­ey tri­al is all…

Prosecutors seek to bar Trump from statements endangering law enforcement in classified records case

Prosecutors seek to bar Trump from statements endangering law enforcement in classified records case

WASHINGTON (AP) — Fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tors on Fri­day asked the judge over­see­ing the…

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