Erica Ifill

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Erica Ifill.

Campus crackdowns earning a failing grade

Campus crackdowns earning a failing grade

Take a deep breath. You smell that? It’s the scent of resis­tance affect­ing your…

Getting hosed on housing

Getting hosed on housing

Do the Lib­er­als have any con­cept of the effects of this afford­abil­i­ty cri­sis for…

Paying the price for a false promise of prosperity

Paying the price for a false promise of prosperity

In response to access-to-infor­ma­tion stonewalling by Canada’s defence estab­lish­ment,…

New bill pushes for accountability from platforms that won’t police themselves

New bill pushes for accountability from platforms that won’t police themselves

New leg­is­la­tion just dropped. The long-await­ed Bill-63, or the Online Harms Act, is…

Parental rights battle cry is turning private grievance into public policy

Parental rights battle cry is turning private grievance into public policy

Some may call Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith a nut, but to me, she’s as nut­ty as…

The Islamophobic silence is deafening

The Islamophobic silence is deafening

If one com­pares the empa­thy for Israelis and empa­thy for Pales­tini­ans, there is no…

Unseasoned Grits: the Liberals aren’t beating the charges of lacklustre governance

Unseasoned Grits: the Liberals aren’t beating the charges of lacklustre governance

Remem­ber when Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau was rid­ing high in April, only to be shot…

Selective acknowledgement of humanity a grim sign of the times

Selective acknowledgement of humanity a grim sign of the times

For the sec­ond time that I can remem­ber, I am deeply sad­dened. I am…